The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 586 The result is good, just needs recuperation

Chapter 586 The result is good, just needs recuperation

Yan Shaochen was speechless, this is really someone who is looking for someone, the couple are so good at living, and they are very careful!Still charged by the second? !
However, Jian Zelin felt that Xue Zhiyan was too cute, so he put his arms around Xue Zhiyan's neck and kissed her on the face, regardless of whether Yan Shaochen was present.

"Well, it's up to you, all the money collected from Yan Shaochen will be given to you." Jian Zelin said and kissed Xue Zhiyan's forehead again.

For fear that Yan Shaochen didn't hear it, he added, "If he doesn't give it, you can find Qianqian and transfer it to you directly from his account!"

Hearing this, Xue Zhiyan frowned, and quickly took out his phone, looking at the time on the screen, "Then when should we start billing?"

As Xue Zhiyan spoke, he spread his fingers and began to count the time.

Yan Shaochen only felt that a crow was flying over his head, so he hurriedly stood up and walked to his desk.

When passing by Xue Zhiyan, he didn't forget to poke her forehead with his hand, and said angrily, "Money fan!"

Xue Zhiyan looked at Yan Shaochen's shriveled appearance, and laughed, exactly the same as Yan Shaochen's appearance just now.

Jian Zelin fondled Xue Zhiyan's hair, "Okay, stop laughing, I'll be tired later."

Yan Shaochen was completely speechless, this Jian Zelin was going crazy!At the beginning, her emotions were too agitated, which affected her body.

What a perfect husband!Yan Shaochen shook his head helplessly, and picked up the folder from the table, which was full of Xue Zhiyan's inspection reports.

"Generally speaking, apart from those old injuries, Xue Zhiyan has nothing to worry about. He is as strong as a cow." After Yan Shaochen finished speaking, he thought about his metaphor, and it seemed a bit inappropriate.

Jian Zelin also felt that Yan Shaochen's metaphor was inappropriate, so he frowned, "As strong as a cow?"

"Well, there's nothing wrong with her body." When Yan Shaochen said this, he frowned almost invisibly.

But who Jian Zelin was, he could still feel Yan Shaochen's little move.

"There's nothing wrong with getting thinner and thinner?" Jian Zelin frowned, as if dissatisfied with Yan Shaochen's conclusion.

Yan Shaochen rolled his eyes, he didn't know if it was Bai Jian Zelin or Bai Xue Zhiyan, "Her stomach is so fragile, take care of it, and it will get better gradually."

"Gradually? How long?" Jian Zelin seemed to be in a fight with Yan Shaochen today, and he would throw some cold water on whatever he said.

Yan Shaochen rolled his eyes again this time, and he was sure it was Bai Jianzelin's, "A month if it's fast, a lifetime if it's slow!"

Yan Shaochen was also annoyed, the matter of recuperating the body depends on whether the patient cooperates, and of course depends on the degree of cooperation of the family members.

Jian Zelin directly asked him about the deadline, and he really couldn't give an answer, otherwise when the deadline came, Xue Zhiyan's stomach was still not good, and Jian Zelin would definitely shake his fist at him.

This kind of affirmative answer with a clear time is a doctor, and no one with a long brain will give it, because there are many uncertain factors in the process of treatment and recuperation, and no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Jian Zelin frowned, and was very dissatisfied with Yan Shaochen's answer that he blurted out after being annoyed. He was very dissatisfied that such an ambiguous answer appeared on Xue Zhiyan.

This would make him very uncertain, and there was always a feeling that he would lose Xue Zhiyan at any time lingering in his heart.

Seeing the two brothers coming and going, Xue Zhiyan also sensed the weirdness of the atmosphere, pulled Jian Zelin's sleeve, and winked at him.

Yan Shaochen didn't look at the two of them, and flipped through the inspection reports on his own. In the huge office, the sound of several people's breathing was mixed with the sound of flipping papers.

Xue Zhiyan cleared his throat, and looked at Yan Shaochen with a smile, "Student Yan Shaochen, don't you already have a good recuperation plan in mind?"

Yan Shaochen raised his eyebrows, and paused for a while while flipping through the inspection report, but did not make a sound, pretending to continue looking at her inspection report.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xue Zhiyan deliberately pretended to be very disappointed, turned his head and looked at Jian Zelin pitifully, "Since he doesn't plan to care about me anymore, let's go?"

Jian Zelin frowned, wondering what Xue Zhiyan said about this matter, when did Yan Shaochen say that he didn't want to care about her anymore?

Xue Zhiyan pouted, and blinked pitifully, "I really want to recuperate my stomach, but he has no plan. Your desire to make me grow meat can't be realized for the time being. Let's find someone else What kind of doctor came to prescribe me a bunch of medicine?"

Jian Zelin glanced at Yan Shaochen tangled, and saw Yan Shaochen raised his head with a straight face, staring at Xue Zhiyan, with little flames jumping in his eyes.

"Anyway, he..." Before Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Shaochen.

"Who told you that you are going to take medicine? Just be careful when eating!" Yan Shaochen threw the things in his hand on the table and made a loud noise.

"Besides, Xue Zhiyan, you went to another doctor to prescribe you medicine. Are you slapping me in the face? I mean I don't know how long it will take to heal your stomach. I don't mean it's not good!"

After Yan Shaochen finished speaking, he gave Jian Zelin a hard look, neither of them escaped his burning eyes.

The burning little flame in his eyes clearly told the two people that Dr. Yan was very angry at this moment, and the consequences would be serious.

Xue Zhiyan didn't really want to leave at all, he just wanted to ease the weird atmosphere between him and Jian Zelin, now the goal has been achieved, but the result is a bit tragic.

Yan Shaochen's original anger towards Jian Zelin was successfully transferred to her by Xue Zhiyan, but she was a female patient, so Yan Shaochen would yell at her twice at most, and nothing happened after that.

Xue Zhiyan smiled embarrassingly, and looked at Yan Shaochen flatteringly, "Don't be angry! I don't really want to change doctors. After all, other doctors don't know the basics. Who knows if he will harm me?"

Xue Zhiyan had no choice but to use her persecution paranoia now, so it would be best to divert Yan Shaochen's attention.

"Then what were those words you just said?" Yan Shaochen raised his eyebrows, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, "Don't tell me I heard it wrong?"

Xue Zhiyan pouted, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart and face, "Who made you and Jian Zelin only focus on bickering, and don't even think about how I feel as a patient?"

The smile on Yan Shaochen's face froze, he looked at Jian Zelin, and Jian Zelin also looked at him with a frozen expression, only then did the two realize that they seemed to be trying to argue with each other just now.

Yan Shaochen broke out in a cold sweat, but luckily he didn't say anything else just now, otherwise Jian Zelin would really turn his back on him.

He took a long breath, picked up the file on the desktop again, read it again, and said this while reading.

"Your recuperation plan has been in place for a long time, and it's not like you don't know about it." Yan Shaochen raised his eyes and glanced at Xue Zhiyan as he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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