The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 60 Resolving Embarrassment Easily

Chapter 60 Resolving Embarrassment Easily
Xue Zhiyan used cold water to wash the mixture of wine juice and fruit juice on his body in the bathroom of the auditorium A, and changed into the royal blue evening dress he brought as a spare.

Xue Zhiyan smiled wryly and looked at himself in the mirror, like Cinderella who had been beaten back to her original shape.Her long hair hangs over her shoulders. Even though she has washed it with clean water, the music still has a strong smell of mango.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Su Lingxuan asked Feng Ziyao to bring it in for her just now. Thinking about it, I really want to laugh, take an anti-allergy medicine, and hide in the toilet.

Xue Zhiyan swallowed the pill and looked in the mirror, but his exposed skin did not show any reaction, maybe Su Lingxuan was too nervous.Xue Zhiyan's icy palms couldn't help but help his waist, which was still aching. Feng Ziyao, who just opened the door and came in to see her, noticed this movement.Xue Zhiyan saw Feng Ziyao's worried eyes in the mirror, and a painful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "What kind of expression do you have?"

Feng Ziyao didn't know why, seeing Xue Zhiyan like this, tears flowed down his face disobediently.Seeing her tears, Xue Zhiyan didn't care about his still aching waist, rushed to Feng Ziyao, and wiped her tears in a panic.

"Will it be very hard?" Feng Ziyao slapped Xue Zhiyan's hand wiping her tears away vigorously, and asked her angrily.

Xue Zhiyan wanted to smile and say it's okay, but seeing Feng Ziyao's cannibalistic expression, he had no choice but to put down his virginal smile and nodded, "It's been hard work, but nothing too serious happened!"

"Then..." Feng Ziyao bit his lower lip tightly, and the second half of the sentence was stuck in his throat, making him unable to speak.

"It doesn't matter, I chose the road myself, even if I kneel, I will finish it!" Xue Zhiyan said, learning to walk on his knees, and made a very firm expression for Feng Ziyao to see.

Seeing her funny look, Feng Ziyao laughed through his tears, and patted Xue Zhiyan's forehead vigorously with his hand, "Get out quickly! Principal Fat is about to be frozen into a fat man by the chill from those people outside! "

"Huh? Why?" Xue Zhiye looked at the envelope Ziyao with a puzzled expression.

"Isn't it because you were splashed with dirty water by that crazy woman just now!" Feng Ziyao gave Xue Zhiyan a blank look, "Now, the faces of Mr. Jian and Su Lingxuan's parents look like Changbai Mountain, even my mother, I don't even care if her daughter twisted or broke something, I just waited for you to change my clothes and go out with a worried look on my face!"

"Aren't Ling, Jian Zelin and Yan Shaochen's complexions even more stinky?" Xue Zhiyan guessed in horror when he heard Feng Ziyao's words.

"It's probably freezing outside now!" Feng Ziyao took Xue Zhiyan's hands and strode outside.At this time, Xue Zhiyan had also forgotten the pain in his waist, and he strode behind Feng Ziyao, holding up his skirt.

Seeing everyone standing together without saying a word, the atmosphere was extremely awkward, and the principal kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.Xue Zhiyan took a deep breath, put down the skirt in his hand, and walked gracefully between them.

Xue Zhiyan appeared in front of everyone in a blue dress. Although she was amazing, Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen didn't have the time to carefully evaluate her attire. They both stood there with serious faces, as if they were the ones who did the wrong thing. .

Jian Zelin, on the other hand, had an iceberg face, standing respectfully beside Jian Guozheng.Both Yan Wen and Su Jianxi had serious expressions on their faces, Xue Zhiyan suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Hearing some dull music and looking at the few people on the dance floor, Xue Zhiyan suddenly thought of something, turned and walked to the console, smiled and whispered to the operator for a while.

Xue Zhiyan trotted back to Su Lingxuan's side. Su Lingxuan held her waist, for fear that she would fall, and looked at the happily smiling woman in front of him with a puzzled expression.

Even Yan Shaochen didn't understand, everyone was so serious, how could she still be able to laugh, the woman just splashed a dangerous substance, she couldn't laugh now.

Xue Zhiyan suddenly took the hands of Su Lingxuan and Yan Shaochen and walked towards the dance floor. When he was about to arrive, he vigorously pushed the two of them towards the center of the dance floor.Just when the two were surprised and didn't know what Xue Zhiyan was going to do, the cheerful rabbit dance music started.

Xue Zhiyan left the two of them behind, and ran towards Jian Zelin with his skirts lifted. Jian Zelin looked at the woman standing in front of him, with beads of sweat hanging from the tip of her nose, looking at him expectantly.Xue Zhiyan saw that Jian Zelin was motionless like a piece of wood, without even thinking about it, he took his hand and walked towards the dance floor.

Feng Ziyao is smart, when he heard the cheerful rabbit dance music, he pushed Jian Guozheng, who was full of displeasure, towards the dance floor, and told Jian Guozheng that occasionally dancing would soothe the tendons and activate the blood. Although Jian Guozheng was dubious, he also walked Center of the dance floor.Of course, Su Jianxi, Yan Wen and his wife, Yao Xin were also dragged onto the dance floor.

Xue Zhiyan and Feng Ziyao stood at the front, following the melody of the music, dancing to the left and right in a cheerful rabbit dance.Driven by the two of them, these big figures who were still angry changed their tense faces, and with the rhythm of the music, they also put on happy smiles on their faces.

Feeling the cheerful atmosphere, more and more people danced to the music. The scene was comparable to the square dance of the aunt, but it really had more youthful vitality than the "square dance".

Xue Zhiyan left the dance floor that was gradually becoming more joyful, and walked out of the auditorium quietly alone.She walked to the side steps of the auditorium and sat down, took off her shoes, and stepped on the cold floor.

The wind in autumn night is cool, without the hustle and bustle of the day, it quietly blows over every inch of Xue Zhiyan's body.The dark night sky is brightly illuminated by the everlasting neon lights in the city, and the moon cannot be seen.

The orange streetlight shone on Xue Zhiyan, and mottled tree shadows cast sporadically on her body. Xue Zhiyan propped his hands on the ground, leaned back slightly, and looked up at the night sky.

The royal blue long dress and Xue Zhiyan's loose hair fluttered with the breeze. Jian Zelin, who followed her and stood not far away, looked at her quietly. His deep eyes made it impossible to guess his thoughts at the moment.

Jian Zelin didn't understand why Xue Zhiyan never cared about other people's harm to her, let alone bring it up on purpose.In the extremely cold situation just now, everyone was worried about her, but she acted like a normal person, pulling everyone to dance together, and easily resolved the embarrassment.

I don't know if it was because of the wind blowing, or because he was away from the lively crowd, Xue Zhiyan became more and more awake at night like this.But the more she was sober, the more she didn't know what to think, the things in her heart and mind were all in a ball, and she had no clue at all.

Jian Zelin, who had been watching her quietly behind her, saw her frowning slightly, took off his suit jacket, walked behind her, and gently draped it on her shoulders.

Xue Zhiyan grasped his collar lightly, raised his head to meet Jian Zelin's deep gaze, froze for a moment, and then thanked him.Jian Zelin walked to her side and sat beside her.

Jian Zelin imitated Xue Zhiyan's posture and looked up at the night sky.After looking for a long time, I saw nothing but the dark and boundless night sky.

"What are you looking at?" Jian Zelin finally couldn't help it, and blurted out, "Or, are you looking at the night sky and meditating?"

"Meditation?" Xue Zhiyan turned his head to look at Jian Zelin in surprise, "Looking at this pitch-black night sky will only make me sleepy!"

"Then why do you keep staring at the night sky like this?" Jian Zelin said and imitated Xue Zhiyan's posture just now.

 I went to see my godson today, and went for a stroll in the afternoon, so it was even later, I am really sorry to keep everyone waiting!Weiliang is now asking all kinds of things, asking for favorites, comments, and recommendations!But thank you all for your support!mwah!


(End of this chapter)

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