The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 611 I am aboveboard, afraid of being seen?

Chapter 611 I am aboveboard, afraid of being seen?
After Liang Huan and Chi Qian went abroad, Xue Zhiyan didn't wait any longer.

The person Jian Zelin found for her was an expert, and he could manage things well by himself. After Jian Zelin nodded in agreement, she hired two vacation student workers, so there was no problem with the management of things.

But what makes Jian Zelin depressed is that the Naming calendar has been extended from the original three hours a day to six hours a day waiting and waiting.

When Jian Zelin got the news, Xue Zhiyan was sleeping soundly in the lounge behind him.

Jian Zelin put down his phone, pinched the bridge of his nose, and looked up at the cross-stitch on the sofa.

That was the picture of eight horses he gave Xue Zhiyan. Now Xue Zhiyan has completed six and a half horses. It has to be said that Xue Zhiyan's work efficiency is extremely high.

It's only been a few days, and I've embroidered six and a half horses.

What frustrates him the most is that she actually bought some new cross-stitch pieces. He glanced at the package and knew what these cross-stitch pieces were for.

The three pictures are of the groom and the bride, with different styles, but the theme of the pattern is the same, which is mainly about marriage.

No need to think about it, this must be Feng Ziyao, Liang Huan and Chi Qian each.

Jian Zelin frowned, this silly girl embroidered for them, why didn't she embroider one for herself?Doesn't she know that she is also getting married?

Thinking that he was going to marry Xue Zhiyan, Jian Zelin quickly walked back to the desk, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed Vic's number.

As soon as Jian Zelin hung up the phone, Xue Zhi opened the door of the lounge, and walked out before fully opening his eyes.

"Well——Jian Zelin——" Xue Zhiyan swayed to Jian Zelin's side, stretched out his hand to hook his neck, and sat on his lap.

Jian Zelin smiled and kissed Xue Zhiyan's forehead, helped her gather the hair that fell on her cheeks behind her ears, and let her act like a spoiled child in her arms, "What's wrong?"

"It's so boring!" Xue Zhiyan snorted, and rubbed against his arms again, "How long has it been since you walked slowly and slowly today?"

"Three days." Jian Zelin laughed twice, and the pleasant voice reached Xue Zhiyan's ears.

Xue Zhiyan rubbed against Jian Zelin's arms comfortably, "Did Yan Shaochen tell you when they will come back?"

Jian Zelin laughed, he lowered his head and bit Xue Zhiyan's little ear, "They've only been away for three days, including the flight time, they've only been there for a day and a half."

Xue Zhiyan stretched impatiently, "Ah?! Wouldn't it take a long time?"

"Hmm." Jian Zelin hummed, reached out to pick up a document, and said while looking at it, "Chen said that his mother likes Liang Huan very much, and it is estimated that he will stay longer than originally expected."

"Hey..." Xue Zhiyan scratched Jian Zelin's chest resolutely, "I'm so bored!"

Jian Zelin put down the document in his hand that he had only glanced at, lowered his head to find her lips, and kissed her directly without saying hello to her in advance.

He didn't care if he was in the office or not, and he didn't care if someone would suddenly push the door in, he just put his arms around Xue Zhiyan and kissed him.

Xue Zhiyan hummed and pushed Jian Zelin away, leaned against his arms panting, stretched out his hand and twisted his chest, "Someone will see it!"

Jian Zelin kissed her red and swollen lips again, "I kiss my own daughter-in-law, am I still afraid of people watching?"

Xue Zhiyan gouged him out angrily, "Look at your documents carefully, I'd better do cross-stitch work!"

As soon as she stood up, Jian Zelin pulled her back again and sat down on his lap.

"What's wrong?" She blinked, no longer sleepy.

"If you're really bored, why don't you tell Feng Ziyao to go shopping?" Jian Zelin pinched Xue Zhiyan's face, and finally she didn't lose any weight, but she didn't gain any flesh either.

Xue Zhiyan shook his head, "She is busy with designing, and I am busy with my cross-stitching, and I have studied a lot of handwork recently!"

"Don't make yourself too tired, just play when you want, don't force yourself if you don't want to, our family doesn't expect you to make money!" Jian Zelin smiled and pinched the tip of Xue Zhiyan's nose, still pampering.

Xue Zhiyan snorted twice in dissatisfaction, "I know you don't care about my handicrafts. In this case, thinking of knitting a woolen vest for you in winter, I think it's better to forget it!"

"Huh?" Jian Zelin frowned, and put more strength on the hands around Xue Zhiyan's waist, "How can I save what was given to me?"

"I mean just as long as you are happy, I don't want you to cut off my due gift!" Jian Zelin bit Xue Zhiyan's nose after speaking.

"Hmph!" Xue Zhiyan pushed Jian Zelin away, went to the sofa, picked up the cross stitch, and sat down.

She doesn't really do these handicrafts to generate income, she just wants to have something to do for herself.

Firstly, it can pass the time, secondly, it can be given as a gift, and thirdly, it can choose some simple and not tiring things, so that the children in Youanyuan can learn to do them, so that they can have an extra income.

Although You'an Academy has donations from many large companies and government stickers every year, and when Xue Zhiyan comes here, she has the help of Jane's Shengshi, Su's, Xue's and Hengyuan Bank, but she still hopes that You'an The hospital is capable of self-reliance.

After all, those foreign aids may be suspended for some reason at any time. Only when they have the ability to support themselves can those orphans live a better life.

Therefore, Xue Zhiyan has always believed that relying on others is worse than relying on oneself.

Therefore, Xue Zhiyan, who was still complaining about being boring just now, started to do cross-stitch with a smile on his lips.

It's not that she's really bored, it's just that she hasn't been separated from Liang Huan for such a long time, so she just complained.

As she said before, as long as Jian Zelin was around, no matter how boring she was, she would never feel bored.

So when Jian Zelin looked up and saw Xue Zhiyan with a smile on his lips, a smile appeared on his face.

Such Xue Zhiyan made him feel at ease.

Although she kept yelling about being bored and the restless factors in her heart were constantly jumping, she was still able to suppress all the restlessness in her heart and sat quietly beside him.

Jian Zelin picked up the mobile phone at hand, and lightly tapped the camera, Xue Zhiyan's peaceful profile appeared on Jian Zelin's mobile phone.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he pressed the camera button, and the phone made a clicking sound.

Hearing the voice, Xue Zhiyan turned around, and saw Jian Zelin smiling at the corner of his mouth, taking crazy pictures of her with his mobile phone.

Jian Zelin, who didn't react for a while, naturally took pictures of Xue Zhiyan's series of actions.

He smirked at Xue Zhiyan twice, then stopped taking pictures, looked at the photos on the phone with satisfaction, and swipe his fingers quickly.

Xue Zhiyan frowned, and said angrily, "Jian Zelin, I really can't pull you to browse Weibo together. How come you even learned how to take sneak shots?"

Jian Zelin held the phone tightly in his hand, fearing that Xue Zhiyan would come up to snatch the phone and delete the photos, raised his eyebrows, and said arrogantly, "I took pictures of my own daughter-in-law, how can it be considered a sneak shot?!"

(End of this chapter)

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