The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 618 Your lives are so boring!

Chapter 618 Your lives are so boring!

The fierce puppy Xue Zhiyan once again bit Jian Zelin's shoulder and bled.

Even though she liked what Jian Zelin said at the end, she couldn't help biting him. Who made him look at her in embarrassment for so long?
Every time I watch her bewildered with such interest, and finally give her a reassurance, what a joke!

Yes, bad taste!Xue Zhiyan nodded, making himself more sure of his thoughts.

Feng Ziyao looked at Xue Zhiyan who was suddenly in a daze, and her expression froze for a moment. She reached out and shook Xue Zhiyan's eyes, "Hey, come back to your senses!"

Xue Zhiyan blinked innocently, "What's wrong? What did you say?"

Feng Ziyao rolled his eyes, pointed to the red skirt on his body, "How is it?"

Looking at the skirt on her body, Xue Zhiyan always felt that something was wrong, so he was stunned again.

But this time, it was because of the red dress on Feng Ziyao, not because of Jian Zelin.

"Yaoyao..." Xue Zhiyan circled her around and sized her up from head to toe, but his brows became more and more wrinkled.

Xue Zhiyan finally realized what was wrong, because Feng Ziyao was wearing a skirt!
Feng Ziyao is wearing a skirt!
Feng Ziyao is a woman, there is nothing wrong with wearing a skirt, but the skirt Feng Ziyao bought now is not a skirt for the banquet venue!This is wrong!

In Xue Zhiyan's impression, Feng Ziyao didn't wear skirts in his daily life after graduating from junior high school.

Most of Feng Ziyao who wore skirts appeared at the banquet hall.There were even a few times when Feng Ziyao went to the banquet in smart trousers.

So, Feng Ziyao took the initiative to try on a skirt now, which is absolutely abnormal.

But Feng Ziyao himself didn't feel anything was wrong.

When she heard Xue Zhiyan call her, she didn't speak, and kept looking at herself, her brows also frowned.

"Well, what's the matter?" Feng Ziyao tilted his head, looking at Xue Zhiyan who was standing beside him in puzzlement.

Xue Zhiyan didn't speak, just stopped her, then quickly took out his mobile phone, and took a few photos of Feng Ziyao, front, back, left, and right.

Then, looking at the photo on the phone, he nodded in satisfaction and sent it directly to their chat group.

As soon as it was sent, Chi Qian and Liang Huan replied.

Feng Ziyao, are you okay? ——Liang Huan

I'll go... Yaoyao, are you getting closer to my brother? —— late shallow

Feng Ziyao's cell phone also rang twice, she took it out and looked, and her face was immediately darkened.

Can't I wear a skirt?Followed by a picture of a face full of black lines. ——Feng Ziyao
can! —— Chi Qian, Liang Huan.

Xue Zhiyan sat on the sofa beside him and laughed for a while, then nodded to Feng Ziyao who had a dark face, "Yaoyao, this skirt is so pretty, it makes your skin very fair."

Feng Ziyao pouted, "I wanted to surprise Chi Yuan, and you leaked the news ahead of time!"

Xue Zhiyan was even more astonished when he heard this.

When did Feng Ziyao become so romantic?Have you learned how to surprise Chi Yuan?

Feng Ziyao saw the unbelievable from her seriousness, and blinked at Feng Ziyao, "Silly girl, don't you know that there is a saying in our country that women are the ones who please themselves?"

The corner of Xue Zhiyan's mouth twitched unconsciously, Feng Ziyao had really changed his gender, and finally looked like a woman, not only knowing that he was going to surprise Chi Yuan, but also knowing that women are the ones who please him!
Xue Zhiyan nodded awkwardly, "I know."

Feng Ziyao hummed in satisfaction, and continued, "Like you and Jian Zelin, both of you understand everything thoroughly, and you don't have any passion at all!"

The corners of Xue Zhiyan's mouth and eyes twitched, what does this have to do with her and Jian Zelin!What a lie.

Especially Jian Zelin, he obviously prepares surprises for himself from time to time, okay?
Speaking of this, Feng Ziyao suddenly rushed to Xue Zhiyan's side as if thinking of something, and tightly hooked her neck.

Xue Zhiyan was obviously confused by Feng Ziyao's actions, and asked confusedly, "What's wrong?"

Feng Ziyao frowned, "In a few days, it will be a year!"

"What year?" Xue Zhiyan really didn't know what Feng Ziyao was talking about, so he blinked innocently.

"Oh! It's you and Jian Zelin meeting again!" Feng Ziyao squinted his eyes and thought for a while. It seemed that this time last year, Jian Guozheng called Xue Zhiyan over suddenly.

Xue Zhiyan was stunned for a moment, then she thought about it, it seemed that it was almost a year, this time is really like flowing water!
Xue Zhiyan turned his head to look at Feng Ziyao, and nodded, "It seems to be almost a year, what's wrong?"

Feng Ziyao looked at her with the eyes of a monster, "You didn't think of any celebration?"

Xue Zhiyan was speechless, what's there to celebrate?But she didn't say anything, just nodded honestly, "No."

Feng Ziyao was completely defeated, and lay on Xue Zhiyan's shoulder, "Can you stop being so honest?"

"Could it be that I'm obviously not ready, but I want to say, I'm ready?" Xue Zhiyan smiled, and pinched Feng Ziyao's nose, "Even if I want to prepare, I still need time!"

"You won't find a way to spare time, will you?" Feng Ziyao rolled her eyes helplessly. She found that after Xue Zhiyan and Jian Zelin were together, not to mention the obvious decline in IQ, even the ability to act was significantly weaker.

Obviously it's all because of Jian Zelin's habit!Because he couldn't bear to let Xue Zhiyan do it, and he had to do everything for her to be sure!

With such a man, I really don't know whether it is good or bad!

Xue Zhiyan frowned in embarrassment, "Are you going to lie to Jian Zelin? I can't do it."

Feng Ziyao reached out and poked her forehead, "You! What can I say about you!"

Xue Zhiyan twisted his fingers in confusion, and murmured, "Yaoyao, it's not that you don't know me. The most basic thing about my attitude towards feelings is to be honest."

Feng Ziyao sighed helplessly, she naturally knew what Xue Zhiyan said.

She walked to the mirror, holding a royal blue dress in her hand, comparing her figure, and glanced at Xue Zhiyan from time to time.

"Since there is no celebration, you can buy a new suit and surprise him!"

Xue Zhiyan blinked, feeling that what Feng Ziyao said was feasible.

Most of her own clothes were prepared by Jian Guozheng for her before, and those clothing stores would send out some new styles every month.

Even if it is hanging in the closet and has not been worn, Jian Zelin knows the general style.

And Xue Zhiyan is also a strange person, he wears only one style of clothes, as long as he is comfortable, so he seldom considers new colors and styles.

"Okay, okay!" Feng Ziyao came over and pulled Xue Zhiyan up, stuffed the royal blue dress into her arms, and pushed her into the fitting room, "Try this!"

(End of this chapter)

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