The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 627 You've Been So Strange Recently!

Chapter 627 You've Been So Strange Recently!

Xue Zhiyan didn't know how many times Jian Zelin pulled her to roll the bed sheet, anyway, when she came out of the room, it was already past lunch time.

She blushed and ran into the kitchen, but saw the food that had been warming in the pot.

She touched her stomach that had been flattened by hunger, lifted the lid of the pot, and like a child stealing food, she twisted a vegetable and threw it into her mouth.

Jian Zelin walked in from the outside with a smile, embraced Xue Zhiyan from behind, and whispered in her ear, "Be subtle, someone is watching!"

Xue Zhiyan ignored him, took a step sideways, and opened the casserole that was stewed with mung bean soup. As soon as the lid was lifted, she could smell the mellow mung bean smell.

"Young Mistress, let me serve you a bowl of mung bean soup, you can't eat it by twisting your hands..." A strange voice came into Xue Zhiyan's ear from the side.

Xue Zhiyan opened his eyes wide suddenly, turned his head and met a smiling face.

She stared back at Jian Zelin behind her in astonishment, and silently accused him of not telling her earlier that there was still a servant in the kitchen, which made her lose face!

Jian Zelin shrugged with a smile, held her wrist, put the lid of the casserole on the casserole again, and hugged her out of the kitchen.

Then throw a sentence to the people behind, "Bring all the food up."

Xue Zhiyan sat on Jian Zelin's lap, her special seat, watching the food being put on the table one by one, she swallowed.

"Eat slowly, it won't spoil you!" Jian Zelin said in a low voice, taking a spoonful of soup for her to drink first.

Xue Zhiyan glared at him angrily, ate all the food he fed her, and muttered, "The reason why I have been hungry for so long is because of who?"

Jian Zelin smiled and kissed the tip of her nose, and took a sip of the mung bean soup himself. It was too sweet, so he put the bowl aside and let Xue Zhiyan drink it all later.

Xue Zhiyan ate a piece of chicken, while chewing, he frowned at Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin felt uncomfortable being watched by her, and poked her frowning brow with his hand, "What's wrong?"

"Don't you think you've been weird recently?" Xue Zhiyan swallowed all the chicken in his mouth, and looked at Jian Zelin suspiciously.

"Huh?" Jian Zelin fed her a shrimp, waiting for her answer.

Xue Zhiyan covered his mouth with his hand, and replied while chewing the shrimp, "Look, you suddenly want to renovate our room, then take me to the children's room, and then tell me that you want a child, what the hell are you doing?" gone?"

Xue Zhiyan swallowed the shrimp into his stomach, reached out and touched Jian Zelin's forehead, "Are you not sick? Could it be that you were stimulated?"

Jian Zelin shook his head with a smile, and stuffed the soup bowl into Xue Zhiyan's hand, "Drink the soup by yourself."

Xue Zhiyan hummed, nodded and drank the soup spoon by spoon, his eyes fixed on Jian Zelin without blinking.

Jian Zelin said slowly, "I wasn't sick, nor was I stimulated, it was just that I said those words in that scene."

Xue Zhiyan snorted, although his expression didn't change much, there was an unconcealable sense of loss in his eyes.

Jian Zelin looked at the little disappointment in her eyes, and continued to explain, "The room will be changed sooner or later. It just so happened that the house was going to be thoroughly disinfected yesterday. If you want to tidy it up early and save it for later use, you should be anxious."

"I took you to the children's room to sleep, because although the guest room is very comfortable, it's not so interesting to live in."

"As for the child, I thought, if there is one, it will be there. If it is not now, we will have it in the future!"

Xue Zhiyan pouted and nodded, expressing that he had heard what he said, and continued to drink the soup spoonful by spoonful with his head down, and from time to time he would scoop up a spoonful and feed it into Jian Zelin's mouth.

Jian Zelin smiled and shook his head, "I don't like sweets, you should drink more. There is another very strange thing that I haven't told you yet!"

Xue Zhiyan immediately stopped all the movements in his hands, and looked straight at Jian Zelin, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing serious. It's just that when I was shopping with you yesterday, I suddenly heard your voice, and I thought of many things about us in the past."

Xue Zhiyan pursed his lips, "Did we have a lot of things in the past? There were a lot of things when we were young, but when we are adults, we only have about a year of common memories, okay?"

"It's just this year!" Jian Zelin scratched the tip of her nose helplessly, "In short, I just thought of a lot."

Xue Zhiyan nodded, and murmured, "This doesn't seem to be a good omen! How can anyone suddenly recall it? It's as if we are going to die!"

Jian Zelin opened his mouth and bit the tip of her nose as punishment.He narrowed his eyes, looked Xue Zhiyan up and down, and said in a deep voice, "Since when did you become a witch? Are you still in charge of budgeting for the future?"

Xue Zhiyan pouted, "I'm not a witch, I just said it casually, why are you taking it seriously!"

It was a soft and waxy voice again, with a bit of coquettish taste.

Jian Zelin really had nothing to do with Xue Zhiyan like this, so he had to give her a shrimp.

"Don't say those nonsense words in the future, I don't like it!" Jian Zelin said in a deep voice, with a trace of anger in his tone, "Especially about life and death, I will never see such words again."

Xue Zhiyan nodded, lowered his head and kissed Jian Zelin's lips, and said, "I just said it casually, don't take it seriously! Also, I'm full!"

Jian Zelin looked at a third of the rice left in the bowl, and frowned, "Just eat this little?"

Xue Zhiyan nodded, "Well, I'm full! If you don't believe me, if you touch my stomach, it's full!"

Jian Zelin stretched out his hand to touch Xue Zhiyan's stomach in doubt, it was really chubby.

He glanced at the empty mung bean soup bowl, and said in a deep voice, "Of course you've drank so much mung bean soup, your stomach will be so bloated!"

Xue Zhiyan chuckled, jumped off his lap, and sat on the chair next to him, "Anyway, I'm full!"

Seeing her like this, Jian Zelin still had nothing to do, Shi Shi sighed helplessly, "You eat so little, you don't gain weight, and you are so thin, pregnancy and childbirth will be very tiring!"

Xue Zhiyan... She gave Jian Zelin a blank look, and after thinking about it, she said, "What kind of child will you have? That will be after marriage. I don't want my child to be my flower girl!"

Jian Zelin frowned, why didn't he think about it?Make his and hers kids, but the two of them are the flower girls at the wedding.

A strange light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Xue Zhiyan with piercing eyes.If Xue Zhiyan hadn't said that, he really wouldn't have thought of this.

He really wanted to wrap his arms around Xue Zhiyan's neck, kiss her on the cheek, and then say thank you to her.

But he didn't, because if he did that, if he couldn't give a reason, Xue Zhiyan would definitely think that he was in a daze.

So Jian Zelin bowed his head to eat, he had to eat what Xue Zhiyan hadn't finished in the bowl.If it continues like this, I really don't know if he will gain weight.

Xue Zhiyan, who didn't know what was going on in his mind, saw that he stopped talking, thought he thought the same as hers, smiled and picked up another pair of chopsticks, and hurriedly put shrimp and fish into his bowl...

(End of this chapter)

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