The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 629 The First Meal of "New House"

Chapter 629 The First Meal of "New House"
Finally, the room was decorated.Before the day that Xue Zhiyan planned came, the two of them moved back to their own room upstairs.

Xue Zhiyan looked at the room redecorated by Jian Zelin, and couldn't help being so shocked that his jaw dropped.

If it wasn't for opening the door, there were guest rooms and Jian Zelin's study on the opposite side of the corridor, she would have thought she had walked into a new apartment.

The two rooms have been completely opened up, completely different from before.

The cloakroom and washroom, which were originally added in the middle, have also been completely changed.

It turns out that Jian Zelin's bedroom is still a bedroom, but the space is obviously much larger than before. The oversized double bed, the bedding on it is no longer black and white, but warm colors that Xue Zhiyan likes.

Originally, Jian Zelin's living room was changed into a cloakroom for two people, and it was still divided into two.

Jian Zelin's clothes took up half of the wall, Xue Zhiyan's clothes took up half of the wall, and their other accessories were all placed in the glass cabinet.

Of course, in the middle of the cloakroom, Xue Zhiyan's jewelry cabinet was visited, and there was also a special crystal cabinet for Jian Zelin's cufflinks and tie clips.

Xue Zhiyan was already amazed by all of this, but she was a little surprised by this knowledge.

She went straight to her original room.

The bathroom was still in the original location, but what bothered her was that the bathroom should not be too big at all, and what made her even more depressed was that in this bathroom, two of the four walls were designed with mirrors.

Xue Zhiyan blinked at the mirror, and saw himself blushing in the mirror.

There was also Jian Zelin who followed behind him with his arms folded and a smirk on his face.

Seeing his expression, even if she didn't ask him why he made two mirrors, she knew the reason.

So the shy Xue Zhiyan didn't continue to watch other transformations.

He ran straight back to the bedroom, blushed, and lay down on the bed, burying his tomato-like face in the middle of the soft bedding.

The rest of the space was transformed into a baby room by Jian Zelin. Inside, there were only snow-white walls and wooden floors. There was no other furniture, it was empty.

Next to the baby room is a room specially set up for Xue Zhiyan. Considering that Xue Zhiyan likes to step on the floor with bare feet, the floor is covered with plush carpets, she also likes to sit on the floor, and there are thick mats for sitting on. As for The cabinet was not very high, and Jian Zelin filled it with all kinds of handmade bags.

There is a chaise longue by the window, which is also prepared for Xue Zhiyan. When she is tired from manual work, she can rest on it for a while.

Of course, there is also a special cabinet in this room, filled with all kinds of handmade books.

The most important thing is that many of the handmade bags prepared by Jian Zelin are suitable for infants and young children...

Not only changed the baby room and handicraft room, Jian Zelin also cut a small kitchen in the development mode, and the remaining space outside the small kitchen was converted into a small dining room by Jian Zelin.

And this apartment-like space has only one main entrance, and opening the door is the living room after changing the layout.

Xue Zhiyan felt an obvious collapse on the other side of the bed, and was immediately enveloped by her familiar smell.

She turned over and stared at Jian Zelin for a moment, "You changed the baby room here, but you didn't prepare a room for the nursery teacher..."

Jian Zelin didn't realize what Xue Zhiyan meant for a while, and blinked his eyes in confusion.

Xue Zhiyan continued, "If you have a child in the future, you can't let the nursery teacher sleep in the guest room?"

"There's nothing wrong with that?" Jian Zelin frowned, "Anyway, she passed directly from her daily life, so it won't affect our rest!"

Xue Zhiyan was speechless. If he really gave birth to a child, is he the child's real father?
The baby room is next to it, but let the nursery take care of it, don't you want to disturb your rest?


Xue Zhiyan was still struggling, Jian Zelin moved his head closer, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, staring at Xue Zhiyan's face without blinking.

"What's wrong?" Xue Zhiyan felt uncomfortable being watched by him, and moved unnaturally.

"Just now you mentioned the baby room and the nursery teacher, do you want to give birth to me?" Jian Zelin smiled wickedly.

Xue Zhiyan gave him a blank look, and pushed him away, "I'm just expressing my personal opinion!"

Jian Zelin turned over with a smile, and held Xue Zhiyan in his arms, "I know, you are a conservative girl!"

Xue Zhiyan nodded in satisfaction, raised his head and kissed him on the chin.

Jian Zelin continued, "But right now there is a problem that you have to solve for me!"

Xue Zhiyan was in a good mood, because Jian Zelin didn't stubbornly insist on his idea this time, but thought about her.

She smiled and asked, "What's the question?"

"I'm hungry, and our small kitchen, can we open fire for the first time today?" Jian Zelin pouted pitifully, "I have asked the servant to fill up the refrigerator, can I ask my Chef Xue to Shall I make a nice dinner?"

Xue Zhiyan smiled and bit him, then pushed him away and got off the bed.

Jian Zelin watched her every move without answering, and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xue Zhiyan gave him an angry look, "Didn't you say you were hungry? I'll cook!"

"Then I'll help you?" Jian Zelin also got off the bed and followed her closely.

Xue Zhiyan turned his head while walking, and said with a slightly threatening look in his eyes, "Then you are not allowed to touch me!"

"Otherwise I'll give you salty pork knuckle soup tonight!" Xue Zhiyan made a gesture of chopping his hands after speaking.

Jian Zelin shamelessly stepped forward and hugged Xue Zhiyan's waist, and said shamelessly, "If drinking pork knuckle soup can make you gain weight, I'll chop it up for you!"

Xue Zhiyan smiled and hit him a few times, and the two of them really got busy in the kitchen.

It was the first time for the two of them to cook together in the kitchen.

This is really a new experience.

Originally, Xue Zhiyan was going to be the chef, but for some reason, the two of them were so busy that they became the chef Jian Zelin.

But Jian Zelin doesn't care, he can say that his favorite thing now, besides sleeping with Xue Zhiyan in his arms at night, is racking his brains to make food for Xue Zhiyan?
Of course, he can speak.

Even Xue Zhiyan had to say that she was so used to Jian Zelin now that she only thought about all the things that Jian Zelin could do, so she stopped doing it.

This is the state right now, Xue Zhiyan is helping with a smile, and Jian Zelin is working hard to cook for her.

Well, this is the first meal in their tiny kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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