The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 643 Let me sleep for a while, just for a while

Chapter 643 Let me sleep for a while, just for a while

"Chi Qian!" Xue Zhiyan screamed and opened his eyes suddenly.

What catches the eye is the snow-white roof.

Her breathing was a little short, and she closed her eyes again listening to the sound of the machine next to her ears and the rustling of the clothes rubbing against each other.

She suddenly wanted to be an ostrich, an ostrich who knew nothing but kept her head down.

Her hands were clenched tightly, and a tail ring lay in her palm.

The tail ring that had been warmed by her body temperature long ago, she wished she could embed it in her palm.

Xue Zhiyan didn't remember how she came to the hospital, she only knew that when she saw Chi Qian fall from the building that day, she screamed and lost all consciousness.

She hoped it was a dream.

In the dream, Chi Qian lay in a pool of blood, slowly closed her eyes, and stopped breathing.

And Chi Qian outside the dream is still alive and well, when she sees her waking up, she will rush over and hug her, and coquettishly say to her, ah Xue Zhiyan, you finally woke up!Finally, I don't have to look at Jian Zelin's stinky face anymore!
But not in reality.

She clearly knew that after Chiqian held her tightly, she dragged her back. Due to her inertia, Chiqian would naturally rush to the outside of the fence.

But she couldn't hold Chi Qian's hand at all.

She could only tear off the little ring she gave her from her little finger.

That was her Christmas present from her.

Xue Zhiyan bit his lower lip tightly, trying not to cry out.

She felt pain all over her body.

She just wanted to shed tears in pain.

And tears really flowed from her closed eyes.

It flowed down the hair and into the collar of her hospital gown.

The cold liquid slid over her skin, bringing her a real touch.

Chi Qian died.

Chi Qian took her place and fell from the four-story building.

Na Mingli just wanted to make Chi Qian hate him, but he didn't get what he wanted.

It's just that some people really hate him.It's just that the person who hates him is not his slow-mindedness, but her Xue Zhiyan.

Everyone didn't know that Namingli would suddenly attack Xue Zhiyan, even Xue Zhiyan didn't know that Namingli would really do something like this, which would make Chi Qian hate him for the rest of his life, and make him regret it for the rest of his life.

But obviously, Chi Qian didn't give him a chance.

Chi Qian didn't even give him a chance to hate him, so she just left this world.

Xue Zhiyan didn't believe it, she raised her hand with difficulty, and covered her face that was already wet with tears.

She could hear the sobbing sound beside her.

She knew the owner of that cry was Feng Ziyao.

But she didn't want to talk, and she didn't want to see all of them.

Especially Chi Yuan.

She didn't know how to face Chi Yuan.

She didn't blame all of them. No one would have such a sensitive reaction ability in that situation.

Even if it was Chi Qian who was closest to her, she knew that Chi Qian had put in all her strength to hold her hand and not let her fall from the stairs.

It's just that she doesn't blame them, but herself.

Blame myself for being unwarranted, blame myself for being too kind to Namingli.

She has known for a long time that being soft-hearted towards her enemies is tantamount to being cruel towards her own people.

It's just that she didn't expect that her indifference to Na Mingli directly killed Chi Qian.

So she blames no one but herself.

If she had listened to Jian Zelin a long time ago and had taken seriously the fact that Na Mingli always appeared in etc., Na Mingli would not have had the chance to approach her.

If after knowing that Chi Qian avoided Namingli on purpose, and ruthlessly kept Namingli from getting closer to Waiting, Namingli would not become a "regular customer" of Waiting.

If seeing Namingli's affectionate appearance, she hadn't softened for a moment and asked the waiting staff to provide him with tea, the waiting staff would not think that she has a good relationship with Namingli, Then he wouldn't lose his vigilance after seeing her leave with him.

Everything is because of her, Xue Zhiyan.

If it wasn't for her, Namingli wouldn't have had the chance to approach her and take her away.

If Namingli hadn't taken her away and used her to threaten to meet Chiqian, nothing would have happened to Chiqian.

Even though she was still avoiding Namingli, she was still living in this world, instead of turning into a cold corpse lying in an antiseptic crystal coffin.

Everything is her fault.

And Chi Qian died because of her.

She still remembered that Chi Qian said that she couldn't bear to see her haggard, so she came to pick her up.

But in the end?

She came back, but Chi Qian would never come back again.

For a moment, Xue Zhiyan only felt that there was an invisible hand tightly holding her heart, which made her breathing difficult.

It seems that, a long time ago, she had a similar experience...

That time, everyone was trying to protect her, but in the end she was the only one left.

She remembered that at that time, even though she was lying in a sea of ​​bright red, only she could make a weak sound.

That car accident, what happened at that moment, was like a replay of a movie, all the pictures appeared in front of Xue Zhiyan's eyes.

She suddenly opened her eyes, staring straight at the snow-white roof, her pupils dilated instantly.

Her breathing became more and more rapid, and the hand that was covering her face began to tug at the collar of the hospital gown indiscriminately.

She is in pain.

In that car accident, everyone was protecting the young girl.

Blocked the scattered glass shards for her, made a human pad for her, and blocked a lot of impact.

In the end, everyone gradually lost consciousness.

Only she was covered with donated blood, lying on the small world propped up by her parents and grandpa, sobbing softly.

She didn't know whether she was afraid at that time, or because the pain on her body was too painful.

She was crying softly like a kitten.

The feeling of not being able to work every day and not responding to the ground came to her again.

She was thrown out of the fence by Namingli, but was pulled back by Chiqian in time, but when she was unable to pull Chiqian back, she was also so helpless.

Her tears ran down her face, she opened her mouth, but she didn't make any sound.

Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan, who had been by the hospital bed all the time, were terrified by such Xue Zhiyan, and they sat tremblingly on the other hospital bed.

Jian Zelin held Xue Zhiyan's hand tightly, and hurriedly called her name over and over again.

Yan Shaochen didn't know why Xue Zhiyan had such a situation, and he was also very worried seeing her having difficulty breathing.

But she kept looking at the roof without saying a word, even if she was crying, it was silent crying.

The knuckles of her fingers had already turned white due to her excessive force, and her palm was cut by something, and bright red blood flowed out.

"Zhiyan, look at me! Look at me!" Jian Zelin kissed Xue Zhiyan's eyes while calling her in a low voice.

Xue Zhiyan's eyelashes moved, and tears fell from her eyes again.

Her lips moved slightly, and a hoarse, unrecognizable voice escaped from her mouth.

She said, "Jian Zelin, I'm so tired, I want to sleep, let me sleep for a while, okay, just for a while..."

With just this sentence, she closed her eyes again after she finished speaking.

But her breathing was still fast.

Yan Shaochen tried to make her let go of her hand so that it would be convenient for her to clean the wound on her palm.

But she refused.

After Yan Shaochen obtained Jian Zelin's consent, he administered a tranquilizer to Xue Zhiyan.

When they opened her fingers and saw the blood-stained ring in her palm, Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan burst into tears again.

Chi Yuan also had red eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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