The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 646 It's Not Her, It's You and Me!

Chapter 646 It's Not Her, It's You and Me!
"Namingli, don't you think Chiqian shouldn't die?" Xue Zhiyan's voice was cold, "It's me, or you, who really deserves to die, right?"

Namingli turned around in astonishment, his eyes fixed on Xue Zhiyan for a moment.

In his impression, Xue Zhiyan was not that kind of plump woman, even if he really approached her with ill intentions, she had never been so sharp.

Even in the shopping mall he ran, she ran on him with bad words and prevented him from stepping down, but he didn't think she was a sharp woman.

Compared with Feng Ziyao and Chi Qian, he felt that Xue Zhiyan was that kind of gentle but strong-tempered woman.

So when he heard what Xue Zhiyan said, he was surprised and didn't know how to respond to him.

It's just that Xue Zhiyan didn't care about his response, and smiled coldly at him.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Xue Zhiyan sneered, and he didn't seem to have any emotion.

"You were able to push me down, but Chi Qian fell down and died. I was the one who should have died, wasn't I?"

Xue Zhiyan's rhetorical question left everyone speechless.

Because what Xue Zhiyan said was the truth, even though Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan didn't like Xue Zhiyan telling the truth in such a tone, they couldn't refute her.

"As for you, you hurt her again and again, making her sad, making her sad, don't you deserve to die?" Xue Zhiyan suddenly became sharp when facing Na Mingli.

"Since you pushed her into the abyss of despair with your own hands, why did you show your affection to him in the later days? To whom did you show your affection? Did you tell Chi Qian that you regretted it? But there is no medicine for regret in the world! What's the use of you regretting it! She doesn't love you anymore, she hates you! So you use your love, your way, to try to bind her. But the result?"

"The result is that she is no longer that lively Chi Qian! She can only lie there coldly! Then rot and fester, and finally there is only a pile of bones left! She will face all the darkness alone! Such a person who loves beauty, but now he has to face the skin ulcers alone, and in the end there is only a little beauty and no bones, all because of you!"

"If it wasn't for you, Chi Qian wouldn't have lost that child, and she wouldn't be so desperate! If it wasn't for you, she wouldn't have died for me! It's all because of you! She lay there quietly because of you, She can't wear the same wedding dress as us and walk into the auditorium! It's all because of you! All of this is because of you! Don't you deserve to die?"

After Xue Zhiyan finished speaking, she laughed bitterly. She withdrew her gaze from Na Mingli, looked at Chi Qian, and murmured, "But what right do I have to criticize you? My life is all She got it in exchange! If I had listened to Jian Zelin earlier and kept you from getting close, etc., this series of things would not have happened, and she would not have died. In the end, it was because of me ..."

Xue Zhiyan calmed down again, continuing the state of the past seven days, staring at Chi Qian's cold body without saying a word.

"Let's go! If you want to see Qianqian off, you have already done so. If she knows, she will be sad because you have such extreme thoughts." Feng Ziyao walked to Namingli and In the middle of Chi Yuan, said helplessly.

"I'm sorry." Na Mingli gave Feng Ziyao a sorry look.

Feng Ziyao shook his head, "We don't accept your apology, so you go, we still have a lot of things to do."

Namingli nodded, then bowed to everyone present, and really left.

God knows how much he doesn't want to leave, how much he wants to personally send Chi Qian off for the last time, but he knows that no one here welcomes him.

And he clearly noticed that Xue Zhiyan's mentality had changed.

She was completely different from the one she was in his villa a few days ago.

Na Mingli only felt that the Xue Zhiyan he saw today was much more extreme and silent than the rational Xue Zhiyan before.

There were many kinds of unspeakable emotions mixed in Xue Zhiyan's silence.

However, this is not something he should care about.

He got into the car, but didn't let the driver drive immediately, but looked in the direction of the funeral home through the car window.

About two hours later, he saw Chi Yuan walking out of it holding Chi Qian's urn.

Namingli's eyes stared straight at the urn in Chi Yuan's hand, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

But soon the light in his eyes disappeared.

He followed Chi Yuan and the others in the vehicle leaving the funeral parlor, and found that the vehicle was not heading for the cemetery, but for Guanhai Yujing.

It turned out that Chi Yuan only set up a tomb for Chi Qian in S city, and Chi Qian's ashes would be taken abroad by him and Feng Ziyao in the near future.

Chi Yuan's parents heard the news of Chi Qian's death, but they didn't rush back. None of them could accept the fact that a white-haired man sent a black-haired man.

So Na Mingli watched the cars driving into Guanhai Yujing one by one, so he ordered the driver to turn around and go back to his villa.

And in the villa where he shared memories with Chi Qian, the pool of blood left by Chi Qian was still in front of the villa.

Na Mingli knew that if he ordered someone to wash off Chi Qian's blood, he would really never be able to find any contact with Chi Qian again.

Xue Zhiyan watched Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao enter the villa with Chi Qian's ashes in their hands, turned around and lay in Jian Zelin's arms.

Jian Zelin's hand patted her on the back lightly, once and for all, Jian Zelin knew that Xue Zhiyan was feeling uncomfortable, but he didn't know how to comfort her.

He was still thinking about what Xue Zhiyan said, so he really didn't have the energy to comfort Xue Zhiyan.

Xue Zhiyan lay in his arms, and for the first time in seven days, she relaxed her tense nerves, allowing tears to flow out of her eyes unscrupulously.

After a while, Jian Zelin felt that his shirt was wet.

He looked down and saw Xue Zhiyan lying on his chest, shaking his crying shoulders.His heart seemed to be pricked by something, and it hurt very much.

He sighed heavily, and continued to pat Xue Zhiyan's back lightly.

He thought, if Xue Zhiyan were to cry like this, maybe the suppressed emotions in her heart would be relieved a lot.

In this way, her extreme thoughts just now, the idea that she is the one who should die, and that she is the one who killed Chi Qian, will be lighter.

As long as her thoughts are no longer extreme, he is confident that Xue Zhiyan can come out of the haze of this moment.

He kissed the top of Xue Zhiyan's hair, and murmured, "Zhiyan, you have to be good, so shallow, you can rest assured..."

At first he thought that Xue Zhiyan would not respond to him, so he wanted to take a breath, but he felt his head move in his chest, as if he was nodding.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, Xue Zhiyan knew to respond to him, and if she responded, it meant that her mood was really much better.

He looked up at Vic, who had been driving seriously in front of him, and said softly, "There are still vacant houses here. You stayed here recently, so it's convenient for you to do things."

Vic froze for a moment, saw Xue Zhiyan in the rearview mirror, nodded, and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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