The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 649 No one blames you!

Chapter 649 No one blames you!

Liang Huan listened to Xue Zhiyan talking to himself, and tears couldn't stop streaming down. She squatted down, looked at Xue Zhiyan's face quietly, stretched out her hand to hug her, and patted her on the back lightly.

"Just because it's her life, so I can't have that kind of self-blame. She never wants you to blame yourself. She always wants to give you the best of her. She is slow, she It's Chi Qian who loves you, so she will willingly give you everything she has. What she wants is not your self-blame, what she wants is Xue Zhiyan who can cry when she wants, and laugh when she wants.


"It's been seven days, you've suppressed it for long enough, and you've persisted in the paranoid thoughts in your heart for long enough. You tortured yourself for seven days, Jian Zelin, and us for seven days. We don't want to see you like this , even if Qianqian Quanxia Youzhi, she doesn't want you to be like this. When will you be able to get out of your paranoid thoughts? "

"No one blames you, Chi Yuan doesn't blame you, Chi Qian doesn't blame you, Jian Zelin doesn't blame you, none of us blame you, why do you have that kind of thinking? Why do you want to get into a dead end and not let it go Himself? Why, Xue Zhiyan?" Liang Huan shook Xue Zhiyan vigorously, with the same teary eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Xue Zhiyan broke down in tears.

"Chi Qian's death was so sudden that we can no longer accept it. Why can't you let us worry about it? Do you know that all of us are worried about you? Seven days! What are you thinking? Say nothing You didn’t even have a single tear? I thought you were unfeeling and unrequited love! Why can’t you shed a single tear when Chi Qian dies?” Liang Huan sniffed hard, hugged Xue Zhiyan and shouted loudly cried out.

"Chi Qian is gone, don't let us worry about what radical actions you will make, okay? Don't make us worry, okay? Chi Qian is gone, if you do anything else, not only Jian Zelin It will go crazy, we will all go crazy! Xue Zhiyan, you can cry if you want, okay?" Liang Huan muttered to himself, with a heavy nasal sound in his voice.

"I... I don't want... to make you worry! I really... I really can't bear it... I can't bear to be slow!" Xue Zhiyan said, and cried in Liang Huan's arms.

Feng Ziyao came over crying, stretched out her arms to hug Xue Zhiyan and Liang Huan at the same time, the tears on her face were raging, she let go of her lower lip, and cried loudly.

Xue Zhiyan could no longer control the grief that had already overflowed in her heart, so she curled up in Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao's arms and wept bitterly.

As soon as Jian Zelin stepped into the yard, he heard Xue Zhiyan's cry. He glanced at Su Lingxuan beside him, and at the same time, Chi Yuan also glanced at Yan Shaochen. The few of them couldn't care less about what to say, and strode towards the main entrance of the villa. go.

Pushing open the door, I saw three women embracing each other, with tears on their faces and red eyes from crying.

And Jian Zelin could clearly hear Xue Zhiyan hiccupping, it was obvious that she had been crying for too long, and she was already out of breath.

Jian Zelin frowned and looked at Yan Shaochen, looking at him with disgust, who made Liang Huan hold Xue Zhiyan tightly?
Chi Yuan walked over first, lifted Feng Ziyao from the ground, hugged her tightly in his arms, and gently wiped away the tears on her face.

Looking at her red and swollen eyes, Chi Yuan frowned distressedly, and gently kissed her eyelids one by one.

Yan Shaochen sighed helplessly, shook his head and walked over, pulled Xue Zhiyan out of Liang Huan's arms, and hugged Liang Huan tightly.

While kissing her forehead, he patted her back lightly to comfort her.He was still muttering words like coaxing a child, "Okay, okay, stop crying, stop crying, it's all over..."

Jian Zelin sighed, hugged Xue Zhiyan tightly in his arms, and patted her vest lightly, "Take a deep breath...Take a deep breath slowly..."

While hiccupping, Xue Zhiyan adjusted his breathing following the rhythm of Jian Zelin's speech, but every time he took a deep breath, he would choke for a while.

Her eyes were red and swollen, and she felt even more distressed when she saw Jian Zelin.

Xue Zhiyan, who originally suppressed his emotions and didn't cry, already made him very worried, but when he cried out like this, Jian Zelin was worried that her emotions would collapse for a while, and became even more nervous.

Su Lingxuan came over with a few glasses of warm water, and gave each of them a glass, "Drink some warm water and calm down."

After speaking, Su Ling sighed, walked into the kitchen and took out the garbage bin and kitchen paper, and started to tidy up the food that had been scattered on the floor by the door.

Jian Zelin sipped water for Xue Zhiyan, and looked up at Su Lingxuan from time to time.

He just called Chi Yuan and Yan Shaochen over to talk about the most important things recorded in Shen Bihua's notebook, in order to prevent Xue Zhiyan from waking up suddenly and hearing their conversation.

So he sent Xue Zhiyan back first, and then asked Feng Ziyao and Liang Huan to come over, just in time to take care of Xue Zhiyan who woke up.

Unexpectedly, the care failed, and the three of them cried together.

But it's okay to cry like this, at least Xue Zhiyan has emotions, which is a good thing.

Not only Xue Zhiyan was suppressed, but even Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao didn't react to the sudden situation. Crying like this would help them vent their sadness.

To be honest, Xue Zhiyan, who didn't say a word and only used sleep to escape, really made Jian Zelin feel terrified.

It's not a good thing for Xue Zhiyan not to cry or make trouble at all. Cat also said that if Xue Zhiyan cried and made trouble, it would be good for her to let out the negative emotions in her heart.

But during these seven days, Xue Zhiyan was completely a mechanical puppet, and she would eat whatever food Jian Zelin prepared for her.

Staying quietly by her side, sleeping when tired, eating when hungry, seems like a very normal person.

But after going through that kind of thing and seeing that extremely impactful scene, her normality seemed abnormal.

Jian Zelin hoped that Xue Zhiyan could cry more than once, so that he would not have to worry about her putting too much pressure on him, and she would also fall into a state of collapse.

Now she was really crying, but looking at her red eyes from crying, Jian Zelin was really distressed and didn't know how to comfort her.

Su Lingxuan quickly cleaned up the food on the ground, washed his hands and sat beside Jian Zelin.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Xue Zhiyan's long hair, with a doting look on his face, this time Jian Zelin didn't throw an eye knife at him.

Su Lingxuan smiled, pinched Xue Zhiyan's fleshless face, and said softly, "You must be well!"

Xue Zhiyan hummed, hiccupped again while leaning against Jian Zelin's arms, and nodded, probably in response to Su Lingxuan.

"If you do this, Yuan will be very sad." Su Lingxuan glanced at Chi Yuan, and Chi Yuan just raised his head to look at Xue Zhiyan, his eyes flickering.

Xue Zhiyan's tears flowed out again, he bowed his head in Jian Zelin's arms and nodded, humming in a weeping voice.

"I'm sorry..." Xue Zhiyan's voice was low and nasal, and he didn't know who he was apologizing to.

Chi Yuan sighed, and said in a deep voice, "You don't need to apologize, my family and I have always respected Qianqian's decision. And to a certain extent, you are all my sisters."

After Chi Yuan finished speaking, he smiled and said, "If you want to meet my parents or something, that would be even better."

(End of this chapter)

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