The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 659 Besides him, is there any other reason?

Chapter 659 Besides him, is there any other reason?

Another sleepless night.

Vic felt that the meeting room on the top floor of Shengshi could be used as a professional room for investigating Xue Zhiyan.

Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao leaned against each other and fell asleep on the large sofa, covered with their respective men's suits.

The four men stood in front of the window, puffing out clouds and fog, and only opened a transom for ventilation. All four of them were silent, and no one spoke.

The four people seldom have time to watch the sunrise and sunset in this city, but they got together on this day and witnessed the city from night to light.

Chi Yuan threw down the cigarette butt in his hand, turned his head and glanced at Zheng Xiang who was lying on the sofa sleeping, but Feng Ziyao who was frowning because the sofa was uncomfortable, took out his phone and sent a message to Leng Yun.

Yan Shaochen was a doctor, he knew that smoking was bad for health, and Liang Huan didn't like it, so he didn't smoke much.

But men stay up late, cigarettes and coffee are essential things.

Although he didn't smoke a few cigarettes, he still smelled strongly of smoke.Yan Shaochen's cleanliness instantly fell ill, he saw Chi Yuan sending a message to Leng Yun, and whispered to him, "Ask Leng Yun to bring me a set of clothes, and buy some breakfast for Huan Xu, she wants something light in the morning. "

Chi Yuan hummed, and his fingers flew quickly on the phone screen.He didn't look up at Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan, but asked in a low voice, "Aze and Ling, what do you two eat?"

"Whatever!" The two looked forward and said in unison.

Chi Yuan casually wrote some food that everyone could eat, quickly pressed the send button, turned the phone to vibrate, and stuffed it into his pocket.

Not long after, Vic and Leng Yun came up with food.

In addition to food, Vic also told Jian Zelin one thing that could lift his spirits.

"Boss, I can hear the voice of the lady boss." Vic said, and handed a microcomputer with a headset to Jian Zelin.

Jian Zelin glanced at Su Lingxuan, and the two quickly walked to the table and sat down, each of them put on an earphone.

It was quiet in the earphones, and there was no sound, but Jian Zelin could still hear Xue Zhiyan's even and long breathing from the silence.

Feeling that her breathing was fine, Jian Zelin put down a little snack and picked up the hot drink that Vic had just brought up.

It is soy milk, with a strong bean fragrance and a sweet and greasy sugar taste in it.

He suddenly remembered that morning, when she accompanied Xue Zhiyan to the vegetable market, she bought him a cup of soy milk, which was sweetened according to his preference.

Thinking of this, he felt warm in his heart.Drinking this cup of soy milk with too much sugar, I don't feel so awkward anymore.

Xue Zhiyan bought it for him!Jian Zelin took a sip of the sweet and greasy soy milk. He listened to Xue Zhiyan's long breathing while drinking the soy milk, and felt that he was not so nervous anymore...

Xue Zhiyan woke up from the cold.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Di Wei's big eyes staring at her from a close distance.

Xue Zhiyan, who didn't react for a while, screamed subconsciously. After seeing Di Wei's face clearly, she gradually calmed down her already accelerated heartbeat.

Xue Zhiyan frowned and looked at Di Wei for a while, but couldn't remember why he was with her all of a sudden.

Moreover, still in such a strange posture...

She was tied to a chair again, her hands were tied behind her back, her legs were tied together, and the other end of the rope was tied to the chair leg.

Xue Zhiyan felt extremely ashamed. She always felt that this kind of high-frequency kidnapping posture that appeared in TV dramas had always happened to her frequently this year.

She really wanted to know why she sat in front of Di Wei in such a posture, but she really couldn't remember what happened at all.

She only remembered that after running out of Qingcheng last night, she walked along the street.She wasn't worried at all, because she knew that someone was following her, it should be Vic or Ben.

But why did you end up with Di Wei later?She really didn't know anymore, and she didn't suspect that Vic or Ben would collude with Di Wei, so there was only one situation - she was tied up by Di Wei.

Xue Zhiyan looked at Di Wei suspiciously, she really couldn't think of anything about her that made Di Wei hate her so much that she would not hesitate to tie her up with his own life.

If there was really anything that made Di Wei hate her so much that she insisted on tying her up, all Xue Zhiyan could think of was Jian Zelin's matter.

But she really didn't think she robbed Jian Zelin from Diwei's hands?Jian Zelin is not an object, he is a person, he has independent thoughts, he can be with whoever he wants to be with.

It's just that when he chose Xue Zhiyan, he was accompanied by Di Wei who had loved him for so many years without complaint or regret.

Therefore, Xue Zhiyan swallowed, and asked softly, "You didn't tie me up because of Jian Zelin, did you?"

Xue Zhiyan's tone was a little bit tentative, a little bit suspicious, and a little bit unbelievable.

Di Wei looked at her tentative appearance cautiously, smiled and nodded, "Do you think, besides Jian Zelin, do I have any other reasons to tie you up?"

"The price for tying you up is too high. If there is nothing important, I have no intention of paying you my life!" After finishing speaking, Di Wei brushed her long hair gracefully, and gracefully turned to Xue Xue. Zhiyan smiled.

Xue Zhiyan didn't know if it was because her mind was not clear or what, she couldn't understand what Di Wei said.

"You kidnapped me for Jian Zelin, do you really like him?" Xue Zhiyan frowned slightly, "Don't you say that if you like someone, you have to watch him happy? Make him angry, are you sure you like him?"

Di Wei smiled irrefutably, her smile was more elegant than before, but Xue Zhiyan always felt that there was a ruthlessness in her smile.

"Xue Zhiyan, you really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk! You like Jian Zelin, seeing him happy with you, you are naturally happy too! But why do I want to see you happy and I want to bless you?" Di Wei sneered With a sound, he squinted at Xue Zhiyan with contempt in his eyes.

"Besides, those so-called chicken soup words are just for others to read. I, Di Wei, am not a saint. Why should I bless you when you snatched Jian Zelin from me?" Di Wei's eyes flickered. meaning.

Xue Zhiyan frowned in disapproval, "Jian Zelin is not an object, he has his own thoughts, and whoever he wants to be with, I can't control it!"

(End of this chapter)

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