The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 665 You are the biggest joke!

Chapter 665 You Are Really The Biggest Joke! (two)
"Let me tell you this! You, Xue Zhiyan, have been living a big lie." Di Wei smiled, she really wanted to whet Xue Zhiyan's appetite, but she didn't want to see her calmness Free expression.

Xue Zhiyan's calm and watery expression complemented her own, but she became a little out of breath.

Xue Zhiyan didn't speak, she planned to be a quiet listener.

Her mind is very messy now, many things are tangled together, she doesn't know if she will say anything to irritate Di Wei in such a situation, and then she suddenly stops talking.

It would save her from wasting her mind to think about the things that made her tangled up by Di Wei.

It was really a big favor for her to sit like this and let Di Wei tell the story.

So, let her be obedient!

Xue Zhiyan thought viciously in his mind, this can be regarded as asking Di Wei, so don't provoke her!And let Diwei be a storyteller, able to tell all the things more vividly, much more vividly than what she could think about on the sidelines.

Therefore, Xue Zhiyan adhered to the principle that silence is golden, and sat quietly collecting gold without saying a word.

As for Di Wei, she only thought that Xue Zhiyan was shocking what she said, but never thought that Xue Zhiyan actually wanted her to help her untangle the mess in her mind.

Therefore, Ms. Di lived up to Ms. Xue's expectations at all, and told the whole thing in detail.

Although the process of speaking was a bit slow, and there were occasional hiccups, it really helped Ms. Xue, who was in a mess in her mind, a lot.

"The environment you are in is the biggest scam! Especially the woman you have trusted and relied on for more than ten years is the mastermind of this big scam!" A big circle was drawn in the air to represent the deception that Xue Zhiyan suffered.

Hearing this, Xue Zhiyan knew that she was talking about Shen Bihua, but she didn't understand what Di Wei was talking about about the big scam planned by Shen Bihua.

She frowned, and continued to listen quietly to what Di Wei said.She knew that as long as she kept frowning, Di Wei couldn't help but say everything.

She didn't need to waste a drop of saliva, Di Wei would say everything without reservation.

Xue Zhiyan couldn't say the word psychological well, but she felt that with Di Wei's temperament and her desire to confide, she would definitely say it without reservation, as quickly as possible, in order to stimulate her.

Yes, Xue Zhiyan could see that Diwei just wanted to make her collapse, and watching her lose her composure would satisfy her perverted psychology.

And Xue Zhiyan is now trying his best to control his emotions, so that he will not satisfy Di Wei's desire so early.

If Di Wei sees her collapsed, she will stop talking, it will definitely be an extreme torture for her!
You want to!When you were listening to the story, a commercial was suddenly interrupted, or it was told to you, please listen to the next chapter and it will be broken down. Would you go crazy?

Xue Zhiyan felt that she was the one listening to the story at this moment.

So she had to hold on to Di Wei as much as possible and let her tell everything without reservation.

"Do you know? The person who has raised you for so many years? In fact, it is your greatest enemy! She raised you, not because she loves you! The person she loves is your father who has passed away long ago! She raised you because You are Xue Li's daughter! It's because you have Xue Li's blood in your body!"

"And you, the reason why your family is ruined is because of that woman who loves your father madly! She is the mastermind who planned the car accident! She originally wanted you and your mother to die in that car accident. killed!"

"But she didn't expect that your father and your grandfather would also get in the car, and they would lose their lives to protect you! So do you think she loves you? In fact, she doesn't love you at all, she hates you And she has been supporting you all this time, just because she wants to get involved with the dead Xue Li through you, not because she really loves you!"

"So, I said you Xue Zhiyan, it's a big joke! It's okay to be grateful to a vicious woman who killed your whole family for more than ten years, and still live in the life she created for you is full of deceptions!"

Xue Zhiyan looked at Di Wei with wide eyes in an instant, she didn't believe what Di Wei said, but she couldn't help not believing it.

Because while her eyes were wide open, Diwei had already turned the notepad to the page with the corresponding content.

Xue Zhiyan's eyes instantly caught the black and graceful handwriting, which was a handwriting she was all too familiar with.

Xue Zhiyan only felt that there was a big thunderbolt, which suddenly exploded in her brain, and her ears were buzzing so much that she couldn't hear what Di Wei said clearly at such a close distance.

"And what about the man you love! He knew the truth, but didn't tell you, and kept hiding the existence of this notebook from you. What do you mean you're not living in a scam?"

Di Wei sneered, and looked at Xue Zhiyan with unspeakable sarcasm.

"As for you, you still swear what you said. The most intolerable thing in your life is concealment and deceit. The man you love concealed the truth of the matter and deprived you of the right to know the truth of the matter. The woman you trusted , but directly deceived you for so many years, and even deprived you of the right to have a happy childhood!"

"Are you saying you're ridiculous? I think you're ridiculous!" Di Wei squeezed Xue Zhiyan's chin, "Look, Shen Bihua is the one who hides the deepest, isn't she? She really taught you a lesson! Didn't you So a word? Even the person who saved you can't trust her!"

After Di Wei finished speaking, she stroked her chin and thought about it, and said to herself, "It seems to mean something like this, how do you say it? I don't remember..."

As for Xue Zhiyan, he didn't hear what she said clearly at all.All her attention at this time was focused on the pages of the notepad.

She felt that the words she saw in front of her eyes and the things in the dilapidated factory building began to be confused.

She doesn't want to accept it, is that okay?

Di Wei's words, and the contents of the notepad she saw in front of her, kept reminding her that all of this was true.

What was recorded in Shen Bihua's notebook was her boundless love for her father.

She looked at the font and thought about what Di Wei said, tears flowed out of her eyes unconsciously.

She didn't want to cry, but for some reason, the tears just flowed down uncontrollably.

She couldn't tell how she felt at this moment, was she shocked?I am very sure of that.


hate it?hatred.

But so what?Shen Bihua really raised her for more than ten years!
She is not the heroine of Mary Sue, she really can't have a love-hate relationship, and then she smiled and said to Di Wei, so what?I can't blame Shen Bihua, after all, in love, everyone is blind!
She really couldn't say this.

(End of this chapter)

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