The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 682 Su Lingxuanzhang: Please, Take Me Away 2

Chapter 682 Su Lingxuan: Please, Take Me Away 2
Su Lingxuan originally thought that after seeing Lu Shuning entering the gate of Lu's house, he drove away.But when he grabbed Lu Shuning's hand and held it on the steering wheel, and felt the cold temperature on the steering wheel, he suddenly remembered that when he grabbed Lu Shuning's hand just now, he could feel her hand, which was more intense than in the afternoon. It's much cooler in the coffee bar.

So, he waited another 2 minutes.

He felt that the loathing and fear of the Lu family he saw in Lu Shuning's eyes was real, so he decided to wait for Lu Shuning for an extra 3 minutes.

If Lu Shuning really hated the Lu family, he would definitely come out soon.

Su Lingxuan didn't know why he was so sure, Lu Shuning hated the Lu family.

He looked at the clock in the car, and the time passed by every minute and every second. Soon, three minutes passed. He shook his head with a helpless smile. It seemed that this time, he was wrong.

Su Lingxuan looked helplessly at the dim light from the street lights outside the car, thinking that it was inevitable that he would misread the emotion on her face, right?

However, he ignored the cold temperature from her hand at that time, and also forgot the thin layer of sweat on her cold palm at that time.

Su Lingxuan didn't realize that when he was turning the car key, he was very disappointed in his heart and expression.

But as soon as he turned the car key, he heard the scream from inside the Lu family mansion.

He stopped all his movements for an instant, recalling the scream just now.

Although meeting Lu Shuning for the first time and hearing her voice for the first time, Su Lingxuan was [-]% sure that the scream just now was not from Lu Shuning.

Since it wasn't Lu Shuning who screamed, he was relieved in his heart, so he turned off the car again, opened the door and walked to the gate of Lu's house.

It wasn't Lu Shuning who screamed, so what happened should have nothing to do with Lu Shuning, right?Su Lingxuan frowned. At this moment, he only thought of good things about Lu Shuning, completely forgetting that even if it wasn't Lu Shuning himself who screamed, the screams might have been caused by her. The woman who called me did something extremely hurtful.

But Su Lingxuan automatically ignored all the bad things that might happen to Lu Shuning, and just secretly rejoiced that Lu Shuning was fine.

He didn't even know what he was thankful for, he just thought that it would be fine if something happened to Lu Shuning.Otherwise, he might break into the house at night.

He was thinking that it would be good if Lu Shuning was fine, when he saw the embarrassed Lu Shuning running out of Lu's house.

The original snow-white shirt was stained with brown stains by something, and it stuck to Lu Shuning's body wetly, outlining her graceful figure.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, before he asked her what happened, she grabbed her arm tightly and said to him eagerly, "Please, take me away!"

Then Lu Shuning dodged and hid behind him.

Su Ling turned around and looked at Lu Shuning who was out of breath with a puzzled expression, with unconcealable worry in his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Lu Shuning shook his head, panting so much that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence, "'s nothing! It's the second time we meet so soon! Please take me away! Take me there..."

"Ah!" Before she finished speaking, she screamed, followed Su Lingxuan's eyes, and saw his fingers tugging at the shirt that she had just soaked in hot tea.

Su Lingxuan, who didn't know that Lu Shuning had been burned, pulled her burned skin with his movements, causing her to scream in pain.

"What is this?" Su Lingxuan frowned with two black eyebrows, and looked at her questioningly, "What's your name?"

Lu Shuning pursed her lips, pulled her clothes off his hands, blushed slightly, "My name is Lu Shuning! Didn't I tell you this afternoon?"

Su Lingxuan was very speechless, he rolled his eyes, "I know your name is Lu Shuning, I'm asking you, what's on your body, I just tore your clothes, why are you screaming?"

Seeing his expression that he must pursue it to the end, Lu Shuning was a little embarrassed, did she want to say it?Then he will know about the entanglement between her and the Lu family!When he finds out, he will definitely not smile warmly at her again...

Thinking of not seeing his warm smile, Lu Shuning hesitated even more. She frowned and looked embarrassed.

Su Lingxuan saw that she didn't speak and still looked embarrassed, so she moved a little towards her, and smelled the smell of black tea emanating from her body.

The smell of black tea was not there when she got off the car.

Su Ling's face darkened, and before he had time to continue asking, something hit his back, and then he heard the voice of the woman who screamed just now.

"Lu Shuning, you bastard, you still have the face to meet Young Master Su? You deserve it too?!" Lu Jinning unceremoniously brought over the milk her mother was carrying, and smashed her head and face at Lu Shuning come over.

Su Lingxuan ignored the cake and cream on his body, and looked down to see Lu Shuning, whose face was instantly pale in the dark.

If her complexion was troubled just now, then her current complexion can be described as ashen ashes.

Su Lingxuan's expression turned very bad in an instant. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the milk cup flying towards Lu Shuning. He stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms to protect her.

But his movements, and the metal buckle of his belt hit Lu Shuning's burnt place, and she gasped uncontrollably.

But she still pursed her lips tightly, her expression never changing.

Her forbearing movements, as well as the subtle changes in her expression, did not hide from Su Lingxuan's eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Ling frowned tightly. He didn't know why she was screaming and gasping, but he felt his heart was tightly clenched by something.

Lu Shuning shook his head, and the sharp female voice that disgusted Su Lingxuan sounded again, "Lu Shuning, you really know how to hook up with men just like your damn mother? That cup of hot tea just didn't scald you to death, you are so naughty!" thick enough!"

"Shut up!" Su Lingxuan turned to stare at Lu Jinning angrily, "One more word of nonsense and I'll cut off your tongue! Also, one more step forward and I'll cut off your legs!"

Su Lingxuan's face was gloomy, as if a storm was coming, he let go of Lu Shuning, looked at her white shirt with brown stains, and without thinking, he stretched out his hand and opened the skirt.

Exposed to the dark night, Lu Shuning's skin should have been white and tender, but now it was red with a layer of blisters...

For the first time, Su Lingxuan felt that his good eyesight was something to be proud of.In such a dark night, the street lights are all dim. Even if there is an electric light at the entrance of Lu's house, it is not very bright.

Under such circumstances, he didn't need to touch, but he could clearly see that Lu Shuning's waist was scalded with blisters!
How much does it hurt?No wonder she screamed when he tore her clothes just now!
Su Lingxuan didn't think about it at all, let alone that Lu Shuning would scream because he was shy and embarrassed by his actions.

Su Ling turned around with a dark face and glared at Lu Jinning's mother and daughter. She didn't notice at all that a blush quickly floated across Lu Shuning's face in the darkness...

(End of this chapter)

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