The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 686 Su Lingxuanzhangzhi Thank You for Your Help 3

Chapter 686 Su Lingxuan: Thank you for your help 3
Su Lingxuan looked at Lu Shuning in surprise, "No.20?"

Lu Shuning nodded, "Well, twenty."

Su Lingxuan frowned, walked back to the dining table, and looked at Lu Shuning fixedly.

"So, you did me a big favor today." Lu Shuning looked at Su Lingxuan fixedly.

Su Lingxuan suddenly had a feeling of being designed by someone. He frowned displeasedly, sat opposite Lu Shuning, and frowned, looking at her seriously.

Lu Shuning smiled helplessly, "I guess you must think I designed you?"

Su Ling was stunned.

Lu Shuning shook his head, "It's my honor to let you have such an idea."

After Lu Shuning finished speaking, he sniffed hard, then raised his head to look at Su Lingxuan with a smile on his face, picked up a dumpling, and made a toast to Su Lingxuan.

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for helping Miss Lu get out of the sea of ​​suffering." When Lu Shuning said this, his voice was a little choked.

Su Lingxuan didn't know how to answer the conversation, and he didn't know what to say. After all, he still had some doubts about Lu Shuning's purpose, so naturally he didn't have a good face.

So it wasn't until he left Lu Shuning's house and sat in the car again that he remembered that he hadn't said a word to Lu Shuning since then.

This is very impolite behavior.

Su Lingxuan hurriedly took out his mobile phone, found Lu Shuning's number, and when he was hesitating whether to call it, a short message popped in.

"I'll return your clothes to you after they're cleaned. Can you leave me a valid address? Lu Shuning"

Su Ling pursed his lips, still sent Kaisheng's address to Lu Shuning, and then he threw the phone on the passenger seat that Lu Shuning had just made.

Time passed in an unhurried manner. After that day, neither Lu Shuning nor Su Lingxuan had contacted anyone. Both of them were nervously busy with their work.

After Lu Shuning refused to draw an illustration for an author that day, he never received the news that the author said that he wanted to block her.

On the contrary, because she proposed that she would never draw illustrations for his works again, the author was isolated by the people in their circle.

Su Lingxuan, on the other hand, is busy with all kinds of cooperation between Kaisheng and Shengshi, because the news that Xue Zhiyan is pregnant for several months has been exposed by someone. It was remembered that it was trampled.

In addition to cooperation projects every day, they will try every means to suppress all news about Xue Zhiyan's pregnancy.

It's not that they don't want to announce it to the public, it's just that they don't want to bring any pressure to Xue Zhiyan. Jian Zelin is a standard wife slave, so as long as he thinks of anything that affects Xue Zhiyan, he will kill him in the cradle.

At the same time, Liang Huan was also pregnant. Xue Zhiyan, Liang Huan and Feng Ziyao, who were often together, became everyone's protection objects for a while.

They and the children must never be exposed to the public eye.

So Su Lingxuan, who got busy, completely forgot that Lu Shuning's household registration was still in Ben's hands.

So when Ben came to him with a delicate bag and a booklet of household registration, he was very puzzled why Ben would give him a booklet of household registration.

It was only when he saw the name written on the household registration book that he remembered that he was so focused on asking Ben to pick up the things that day that he forgot to ask Ben to return the household registration paper!
Su Ling rubbed his swollen forehead, pointed to the open space on his desk, "Just put it in, what's in that bag?"

"Miss Lu said these are your clothes, she has already cleaned them!" Ben put the clothes bag and household registration book on Su Lingxuan's desk at the same time.

"Have you seen her?" Su Ling frowned.

Ben shook his head, "Cat brought it back. She said she met Miss Lu in the hospital, and she left her contact information afterwards."

Su Lingxuan's frown became tighter. He obviously sent her Kaisheng's address, and she also said that she would send it to him and return it to him. Why did he borrow cat's hand to return it to him?

Also, cat works in Yan Shaochen's hospital, what hospital is she going to when she's fine?Could it be that she was injured again?

She is a little illustrator, and she is not a high-risk worker, how could she be injured?Could it be that the Lu family went to trouble her?
Su Lingxuan didn't know why he would make up so many things in his head. Anyway, when he took out his phone and clicked on Lu Shuning's name, he realized that it was exactly one month since the two met that day.

He forgot her for a month, and he forgot to contact Lu Shuning during this month.

No wonder, he always felt that something was missing in his busy schedule recently.

It turned out that he forgot to contact the woman who made his heart beat through a blind date.

Sensing Ben's scorching eyes staring at him, Su Ling waved his hands, "Get out!"

Ben originally wanted to gossip and watch some fun or something, so he could gossip with his wife when he went back, but he didn't expect the boss to chase him away.

But he still had something to say. Before he left, he thought he had to make his words clear, otherwise the boss would find out later. If he didn't tell him these details, he might be sent to the frontier.

"Boss," Ben said.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Su Lingxuan frowned and looked up. He was debating whether to call Lu Shuning, but Ben interrupted him again.

"I've already completed Ms. Lu's account, and now she's an independent household. But during the process, I encountered a little trouble." Ben frowned, as if hesitating.

"Is the Lu family blocking it?" Su Lingxuan picked up the pen and quickly signed a document.

"Yes, Mr. Lu asked someone to talk to him, ordered that Ms. Lu should not be allowed to open a separate account, and also said..." Ben really couldn't help it, he really didn't want to mention the tricks of that old man.

"What?" Su Lingxuan listened to Ben's report nonchalantly, but only he knew that if he used a little more force, the pen would probably snap into two pieces.

"It was 20 days ago when Ms. Lu applied for an independent account. At that time, Mr. Lu meant to delay her for a month, and then directly cancel her ID card, make her a black household, and then find a chance to arrest her. Get up..." Ben said later, gnashing his teeth a little bit.

How can a grandfather treat his own granddaughter like this?Turning into a black household and then asking someone to lock her up, isn't that going to ruin the girl's life?
Su Ling twisted his lips into a sneer, and really laughed out loud, "Since Mrs. Lu likes to send his granddaughter to prison so much, let Miss Lu Jinning go in for two days. Anyway, Miss Lu likes exciting things so much. For her, it is also an exciting and fresh experience!"

 Lu la la lu la la~ By the way, writing extra stories is also very troublesome!I want to write the warm boy Lingxuan Oppa as a warm and domineering Oppa, but this way is a bit crooked!Mina just make do with it!Wei Liangliang is currently looking for a job, but... the quality and quantity are still guaranteed!

  So, if you have any tickets, free ones are fine, give them to classmate Wei Liangliang, Wei Liangliang won't mind!Hahahaha~
  If you like it, please support Weiliangliang!Wei Liangliang is so weak, she needs everyone's support!Let me see your floating little hands!I'm hiding in the corner waiting for your hands!

(End of this chapter)

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