The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 691 Su Ling Xuanzhangzhi Is You 2

Chapter 691 Su Lingxuan is Yours 2
Lu Shuning didn't know if his decision was right.But she knew very well that no matter whether the final outcome was good or bad, she would not regret it.

Because she has owned it before, even if it's just a moment of warmth, as long as it belongs to her, Lu Shuning, she is content.

She never dared to expect too much, but she knew that as long as she owned it, it truly belonged to her. Even if she would be alone in the end, she would have different memories and experiences.

These are all hers alone, and no one else can take them away even if they want to.

For the first time after her mother passed away, Lu Shuning had a dream of the sun warming her. She was so beautiful that she was asleep, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

Su Ling turned sideways, supported his head with one hand, and pulled the slipped sheet with the other, blocking the beautiful scenery of Lu Shuning who only belonged to him.His warm palm gently stroked Lu Shuning's back.

With a smile on his lips, he quietly looked at the faint smile on the corner of Lu Shuning's mouth. He really wanted to know what kind of dream Lu Shuning had at this time, which made her smile so sweetly.

Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, he thought of Lu Shuning's momentary hesitation the night before, and his heart couldn't help but ache.

He really didn't know how many things the girl in front of him had lost, so he still hesitated when faced with the things she clearly longed for.

Su Lingxuan knew that only after experiencing countless gains and losses would he have such an expression, wanting to get it, but afraid of losing it.Even though she had already been tagged, she was still too timid to reach out to take what should belong to her.

He has already shown it so clearly, but she is still hesitating whether to call him Lu Shuning.

Su Lingxuan has never been so humble that he wanted to treat himself as an object and call it someone else's name, but when he met Lu Shuning, everything deviated from his original track. For the first time, he wanted to Was dubbed Lu Shuning's name.

And this beautiful night made the two of them name each other.

She is his Su Lingxuan's woman, and there is only one.

He is her Lu Shuning's man, and there is only one.

Su Ling lowered his head and kissed the corner of her slightly raised lips, and tightened his arms around her.

He secretly swore in his heart, Lu Shuning, from today on, as long as I am here, I will give you my whole world, and from today on, you are my whole world.As long as I am by your side for a day, no one can bully you.As long as I'm by your side for a day, you'll never lose anything.

I won't give you a chance to lose me, and I won't give myself a chance to lose you.

You are my only, and I am your only.

Su Lingxuan kissed Lu Shuning's eyebrows and the tip of her nose again, and then got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

Not long after leaving Su Lingxuan's warm body, Lu Shuning woke up.

She thought she had a wonderful dream, that everything she had with Su Lingxuan was just a dream of hers, but when she heard the sound of splashing water coming from the bathroom, she looked down and saw the purple hickey marks all over her body, There was also the dark red spot on the bed sheet, Lu Shuning's face was red again.

Lu Shuning didn't know what was going on with her. She had practiced with those editors, and she had already become thick-skinned and invincible, but she didn't expect that meeting Su Lingxuan would make her blush all the time.

Lu Shuning looked around and found that only Su Lingxuan's clothes were scattered on the ground, so she had no choice but to pick up his shirt and put it on indiscriminately. If she remembered correctly, her pajamas were caught by her before she went out last night. Undressed in the bathroom.

At this time, Su Lingxuan was taking a bath inside, so she couldn't get in to get clothes. She couldn't just run around the room naked, right?
So she put on Su Lingxuan's shirt, and quickly jumped off the bed, but she didn't expect her legs to be sore and limp. She couldn't stand still, and she rushed towards the wardrobe.

With a bang, Lu Shuning put her hands on the door of the closet, hit her knee against the door of the closet, grinned her teeth in pain, and didn't dare to scream, for fear that Su Lingxuan would come out at this time and see her embarrassed face

As soon as Su Lingxuan turned off the faucet, he heard a bang from the bedroom, as if something hit the furniture. He frowned slightly, guessing that Lu Shuning woke up and accidentally knocked over something.

He turned around in the bathroom, only saw a big blue SpongeBob SquarePants bath towel, seeing the sponge bag with protruding smiling eyes, Su Lingxuan couldn't help but chuckle.

He had to admit that this Lu Shuning was really just like Xue Zhiyan at some point!Look at the pattern of choosing bath towels, they are almost the same!
He wrapped the towel around his waist, looked at himself in the mirror, and smiled helplessly. It seems that he will have to ask Ben to send some daily necessities later, otherwise the things here are all girlish, and they are used for him. On the body, it is too...violating!

Now he finally understood Jian Zelin, why when Xue Zhiyan forced him to use Winnie the Pooh's towel, he would reveal that expression as if he had swallowed a fly.

Su Ling turned around and saw the nightgown hanging on the towel rack. He frowned and twisted up the nightgown. This is Lu Shuning's nightgown. Then she woke up, what is she wearing now?
It can't be... Su Ling frowned after thinking about it for a while.

If it was not broad daylight, he would definitely not frown, let alone carry Lu Shuning's pajamas out.

Although I have heavy curtains, Su Lingxuan still feels awkward.

When Lu Shuning heard that the sound of water in the bathroom had stopped, she speeded up the movement of pulling the sheets with her hands, but she was so miserable by Su Lingxuan last night. It was her absolute first time, and she had no experience whatsoever. No, so not only are my legs weak, but my arms are so sore that I can't lift them up.

So she concentrated all her energy, struggling to pull the dirty bed sheet, completely oblivious to the opening of the bathroom door behind her, and Su Lingxuan was lying on her upper body, wrapped in the SpongeBob towel she used to wrap her hair just walked out.

Su Lingxuan didn't think about it at all, he came out with her pajamas, and what he saw was a scene that made his blood spurt.

Lu Shuning put on his shirt, barely covering her buttocks. She was kneeling on the bed with one leg and standing on the ground with the other, hurriedly putting away the things on the bed.

Her long hair fell down, blocking half of her face, he could only see her nervous side face, slightly frowned brows, and her tightly pursed lips, her hands were still busy.

"What are you doing?" Su Lingxuan asked suddenly.

"Oh my god!" Lu Shuning heard a voice suddenly coming from behind, and just rolled up the sheets and hid behind him.

She smiled shyly at Su Lingxuan, and stepped back with trembling legs, "No...nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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