The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 693 Su Lingxuan Chapter: You Have Me 1

Chapter 693 Su Lingxuan: You Have Me 1
After Lu Shuning finished washing, she wrapped Su Lingxuan's shirt to block the key parts, and walked out on tiptoe, but Su Lingxuan's voice suddenly came from outside.

"Put the clean clothes on the bed, so you don't need to rummage in the closet." Su Ling stood in front of the illustration she drew while holding a teacup, and heard her wet footsteps.

Lu Shuning turned her head nervously, and saw Su Lingxuan standing in front of her easel through the bead curtain, her heart skipped a beat, thinking carefully whether she had put away the painting based on him before going out last night stand up.

When she remembered that she put that painting in the painting tube like a treasure, she secretly heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that he didn't look back at her, so she didn't have to hide in the bathroom to change clothes.

The curtains that were originally opened were also closed at this time, but the gauze curtain was closed, and the blackout curtain was still opened. After making sure that the residents opposite could not see her, Lu Shuning sat on the bed and changed. Get dressed.

It wasn't until she finished changing that she realized that there were some men's clothes in the classified compartments in her closet. Lu Shuning moved over to L curiously to have a look, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

Obviously, these things are not new, so there is no need to ask, they must be Su Lingxuan's, and they are all styles he would use every day.

Is this going to enter her house?
The corner of Lu Shuning's mouth twitched as if she had a stroke, she really didn't want this man to invade her territory!Otherwise, those living habits of hers will definitely scare him to death!

At this time, Lu Shuning hadn't realized that once Su Lingxuan moved in, it wasn't that he would scare him to death, but his domineering habits and words would scare her to death!

It's just that Lu Shuning at this time has not realized the seriousness of this matter, and when she realizes the seriousness of this matter in the future, Su Lingxuan has already become an indispensable part of her body, and she The meaning to Su Lingxuan is the same.

Lu Shuning scattered her half-dry hair on her shoulders, pulled on her slippers, and walked to the kitchen.Red date porridge and side dishes are placed on the dining table, all stockpiled in her refrigerator.

She picked up the bowl and took a sip of the red date porridge. The temperature was just right, not too hot, just the temperature she liked. She took some side dishes and tasted it, which happened to be her favorite taste.

She looked at Su Lingxuan in disbelief, and muttered, "How do you know my taste?"

Su Ling turned Brick and glanced at her, his eyes were full of doting, "I guess!" Your personality is so similar to Zhiyan, I guess your tastes must be similar.

"Awesome! The guess is really accurate!" Lu Shuning gave him a thumbs up, and took another big mouthful of porridge. His cheeks were round and cute.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Lu Shuning ate two mouthfuls of side dishes before asking Su Lingxuan.

Su Lingxuan looked away from her drawing paper, walked over with a teacup, and sat opposite Lu Shuning.With a smile, they picked up the porridge bowl and ate together.

He was just waiting for her to call him, and Lu Shuning did not disappoint him too much. From this point of view, Lu Shuning is much better than the younger sister he has spoiled for more than [-] years!
For the first time, Su Lingxuan felt that a daughter-in-law is really much better than a younger sister!
At this moment, Xue Zhiyan, who was lying in the bathroom, enduring the torture of morning sickness, sneezed twice unpreparedly, and Jian Zelin, who watched her suffering and felt sad, urged him sadly.

Because Xue Zhiyan kept vomiting, these two inexplicable sneezes completely caught Xue Zhiyan by surprise, so when she sneezed for the second time, she was choked by her stomach acid.

She vomited even more!Tears and snot kept falling down the toilet along with her stomach acid, Jian Zelin felt even more distressed seeing it, and wished she could go to Yan Shaochen's place with Xue Zhiyan in her arms, and die immediately!
Of course, Su Lingxuan, who was in a state of excitement, didn't know anything about this, otherwise he would definitely put down his chopsticks and rush to Jane's house before he even had time to change his clothes.

Lu Shuning just watched Su Lingxuan smiling all the time, and didn't know what he was happy about. On the contrary, it was her own, it was rare that she didn't have to cook for herself, and happily enjoyed the food Su Lingxuan cooked for her.

Of course she couldn't understand how happy Su Lingxuan was!I'm afraid this is only clear in his own heart, right?
He, a normal, high-quality man, finally gave himself over to the woman he liked after so many years of guarding himself like a jade, and the woman he liked also gave her completely to him.

I'm afraid this matter will be happier than him marrying Lu Shuning. Lu Shuning is pregnant with his child, he will definitely be happier!

love at first sight.

While Su Lingxuan was drinking porridge, this word quickly flashed through his mind.

He had to admit that when he looked up at the coffee bar and saw Lu Shuning, his eyes lit up. Before that, he wasn't sure what the reason for the bright light was, and he even took her as Xue Zhiyan But now he knows that it's just a manifestation of his heart, and it has nothing to do with who Lu Shuning looks like.

It's just because she is Lu Shuning who can make his heart beat, that's all.

It turns out that as long as it's the right person, you only need to take a look to know if the person you want is her.

Su Lingxuan watched Lu Shuning eat happily like a satiated cat, squinting, chewing the side dishes, and couldn't help softening his heart.

This is what it feels like to fall in love with someone.

Such a feeling is really good.Su Lingxuan took a big mouthful of porridge, and his smile became brighter.

In this way, Su Lingxuan settled in Lu Shuning's small house, and Lu Shuning also quietly settled in Su Lingxuan's big villas, but because of her eccentricity when painting, she only changed some of her clothes and daily necessities, and separated them got into his house.

Lu Shuning looked at his gradually empty wardrobe, frowned and sat on the cool floor, his two small eyebrows twisted together like caterpillars.

At this time, the weather was much cooler, and autumn had already entered, and City S did not hold back the whole country to continue maintaining the high temperature, but lowered the temperature very cooperatively.

Su Lingxuan came back from the outside, and saw Lu Shuning sitting on the floor wearing home clothes as soon as he entered the door, and his expression darkened immediately.

Feeling a gust of cold wind blowing, Lu Shuning subconsciously turned her head to look at the source of the cold wind. Seeing Su Lingxuan's darkened face, she jumped up from the ground as if she had touched a switch. .

Because of sitting cross-legged for too long, Lu Shuning's feet were gloriously numb, and because of her sudden movement, Guangrong's feet went limp, and her knees just slammed into the closet without warning. Put it on the edge of the lattice of underwear.

Lu Shuning burst into tears from the pain, and before he could yell out that he was in pain, he saw Su Lingxuan's face turned darker, and he walked towards her with big strides...

(End of this chapter)

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