The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 695 Su Ling Xuanzhang: Well Designed 1

Chapter 695 Su Lingxuan Chapter: Well-Designed 1
Lu Shuning felt that she must have killed Lu Jinning and her mother's family in her previous life, so she was tortured by their mother and daughter in this life.

As soon as she came out after washing her face, she was about to ask Su Lingxuan who called, when she heard Mrs. Lu's hysterical shout, calling her a bitch and calling her mother a dead ghost.

There was a sneer on the corner of Lu Shuning's mouth, and his eyes were dark and cold, without any emotion.

She really wanted to record this passage and sell it to those gossip magazines for everyone to read. This is the way the so-called expensive wives in the upper class speak.

Where is there a little quality, a little self-restraint at all?Mrs. Lu like this is no different from those street shrews. To a certain extent, Lu Shuning thinks she is not as good as those street shrews.

It is said that the dead are the most important, but she is fine, if she opens her mouth and shuts up a slut, opens her mouth and shuts up a dead ghost, she is really not afraid that those ghosts will come to her dream at night and just take her away like this?
But Lu Shuning thought about letting Mrs. Lu die when she fell asleep at night, it would be too cheap for her, and it would make her die too comfortably, so she curled her lips and dismissed such thoughts.

She pulled on her slippers and made a lot of noise. She went to the kitchen and poured out a glass of water. She cried and shed tears just now. If she didn't replenish water in time, she might become dehydrated.

So she drank the water in the glass leisurely, walked to Su Lingxuan's side, and sat directly on his lap.

"Drink water?" Lu Shuning asked softly.

"Drink water! Why don't you drink to death!" Mrs. Lu couldn't help cursing after hearing Lu Shuning's words.

A bead of sweat dripped from Lu Shuning's forehead. She obviously asked Su Lingxuan, how could that old woman think she was asking her?It's really an old peacock spreading its tail--pretending to be passionate!
Su Lingxuan pecked Lu Shuning's lips, and felt that Mrs. Lu's performance was very funny, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Lu Shuning! You bitch! You really have the same virtue as your bitch mother! You never forget to hook up with men! Now I'm talking to you, and you're still flirting with men!" Lu The wife was going crazy, so she couldn't choose what to say.

Lu Shuning opened his mouth, and was about to retort her, but Su Lingxuan stretched out his hand and pressed her red lips.

She, Lu Shuning, is not a filial person, but she still knows that the dead should be respected, especially the mother who gave birth to her, even if her mother quit her life when she was young, she would No one can casually accuse her mother of being wrong.

Su Ling smiled and shook her head, and communicated with her by mouth, pointing to Mrs. Lu who was cursing on the phone, there is me!

Lu Shuning's lips were pressed by his index finger, so she could only blink to show that she understood.

Su Ling smiled and kissed Lu Shuning on the face again, completely ignoring Mrs. Lu who was on the other end of the phone who was going berserk.

"Hey! Lu Shuning, you little slut, are you listening! You framed Jin Ning and went to jail, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning? I knew you were such an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! You should have starved to death in the first place." !" Mrs. Lu brought up the old story again.

She hoped that Lu Shuning would think of the Lu family's affection for raising her, and let Lu Jining get out of that crazy mental hospital as soon as possible.

But what she didn't know was that for Lu Shuning during those days at Lu's house, it was all torture, absolute torture. If she could, she really wanted to find those medical pioneers or something, and talk about the problems in her mind. The memory of the Lu family was washed away.

But the facts are always so unsatisfactory.

Lu Shuning pouted, do you think everyone will remember your so-called kindness?Besides, are you sure that is kindness to me, not torture?
Su Lingxuan was really like a roundworm in Lu Shuning's stomach. He knew exactly what she was thinking at this time, pinched her puffed cheeks, smiled, and cleared his throat.

"Mrs. Lu." His voice was very mellow, and Lu Shuning liked his tone and voice very much. She didn't feel awkward or scared at all.

But to some people who knew about Su Ling's wrist rotation, the sound was enough to make them break out in a cold sweat.

Even Mrs. Lu, who has never seen Su Lingxuan a few times, heard the three words Mrs. Lu that he said, and remembered that it was the owner of this voice that night, and someone poured hot tea on her and her beloved daughter. She couldn't help but get terrified.

Only that time, Mrs. Lu firmly remembered the voice of a messenger who came out of hell.

Without that incident, Mrs. Lu would definitely fall into this obsessive voice.

But she knew the emotions behind this man, so naturally she didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

She didn't expect that the man's laughter that she heard just now was actually from him.She tried her best to recall what she said just now, and subconsciously broke out in a cold sweat again.

"Thank you Mrs. Lu for your kindness in nurturing, otherwise I would never have had the chance to meet our family, Shuning!" Su Lingxuan said indifferently, but only he, the speaker and the listener on the phone, knew how much he gritted his teeth. .

And when Lu Shuning heard him say that she belonged to their family, he was so happy that he laughed and fell into her arms.

Seeing Lu Shuning, who was a little girl, made Su Lingxuan's heart soften a lot, but he still had to say the cruel things that should be said to Mrs. Lu.

He didn't want to appease Mrs. Lu and trouble Lu Shuning in the future. His Shuning was the princess he held in his hands, and no one could make her unhappy.

If he makes her unhappy, he will make those people ten times and a hundred times unhappy and go back.

Anyway, his original plan and his purpose were based on the standard of revenge and no mercy.

He said that he would recover the compensation for Lu Shuning for so many years, so he must do what he said, and he would escape for Shuning, even ten times and a hundred times.

"But thank you, thank you. I still have to clarify some things with Mrs. Lu." Su Lingxuan hugged Lu Shuning tightly, and a gloomy light flashed in his eyes, "Shuning is no longer a member of your Lu family. Please also ask Mrs. Lu to clarify this point, so don't teach Shuning like a servant."

"Also, even if Shuning is still in your Lu family, you can't treat her like a human being. You can teach me a lesson if you want to, and beat and scold you if you want to. She is also the eldest lady of the Lu family, Lu Jinning's older sister! People say that a family has relatives and distances, how can people with the surname Lu be closer than Mrs. Lu, who has a different surname like you?"

"In addition, Mrs. Lu must be aware of the existence of your so-called nurturing kindness, so why bother to shout it out, if I accidentally slipped my mouth, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Lu? Miss you?"

After hearing Su Lingxuan's words, Lu Shuning couldn't help laughing, she pinched the soft flesh on Su Lingxuan's waist, "What do you know?"

Su Lingxuan made a quiet gesture to her, and continued to speak to the other end of the phone in a deep voice, "Leave aside what Mrs. Lu mentioned about the past, let's talk about the things in front of me! It's Mrs. Lu who slandered our family, Shuning. Do we have to talk about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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