The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 702 Su Ling Xuanzhang's Confession 2

Chapter 702 Su Lingxuan’s Confession 2
Lu Shuning felt that she was too easy to be satisfied, just because Su Lingxuan said "I love you", she could calm down all the uneasiness and restlessness in her heart.

She feels that her mood has improved a lot recently, and things are going smoothly.

Just like the one who said that she was going to be blocked, but because of her words, few illustrators were willing to add pictures to his works. Didn't that woman invite her and the editor to dinner?

But to be honest, Lu Shuning didn't want to have dinner with such a person.

This kind of person is a race she hates very much, there is absolutely no one.

So during the meal, Lu Shuning just ate two mouthfuls, absently listening to the editors' chat, while under the table, his fingers were dancing quickly, sending messages to Su Ling.

She came to the hotel today after she finished painting from her little bird's nest, and Su Lingxuan had been busy in Kaisheng all day, and the two of them hadn't seen each other that day except for a short chat before going out in the morning.

So it is inevitable that information is sent a lot more frequently.

Lu Shuning told Su Lingxuan all about his situation here, and Su Lingxuan knew that she hadn't eaten anything, so he rang the call bell next to him, and asked the chef in Jiangling Pavilion to prepare some dishes that Lu Shuning liked .

While eating oranges, Xue Zhiyan looked at Su Lingxuan with a smile. This man once said that he didn't need a woman, and that he could live well by himself.

But now he treats Lu Shuning as an indispensable part of himself, it really changes his face quickly.

Xue Zhiyan used to think that women change their faces the fastest, but after she saw Jian Zelin and Su Lingxuan's face-changing skills, she abandoned all her previous views and absolutely believed that if a man changed his face, Absolutely no less than a woman.

Su Lingxuan couldn't stand Xue Zhiyan's eyes staring at him all the time, so he waved his hand impatiently, "What are you looking at, I don't have a nose and an eye everywhere?"

Xue Zhiyan smiled and nodded, "You don't have a nose or an eye, but your heart is going to the Nuan Pavilion, isn't it?"

Xue Zhiyan frowned unnaturally after saying the word Nuan Ge. Two or three years had passed, and she still couldn't let go of some things.

Jian Zelin put his arm around her shoulder, and gently stroked her swollen belly with the other hand. He was afraid that her emotional agitation would cause discomfort to the child.

"Well, ask Jian Zelin, if you stay alone at Jian's house, will his heart fly to your side?" Su Lingxuan smiled and took a sip of tea, and said with a half-smile.

"Don't worry, I won't let her stay at home alone, and my heart is always on her, it doesn't matter what flies or not." Jian Zelin's face is really thick.

"Father Jian, I really can't stand you. You are always confessing to Yan's mother." Don't look at little Chi Muyi, who is only under two years old, and she can speak easily, especially when it comes to running on Jian Zelin's confession to Xue Zhiyan anytime, anywhere. matter.

Chi Yuan smiled and kissed his niece on the face, but was met with the white eyes of his son Chi Muyi, and his fleshy little fist, "Dear Daddy, you kiss my sister like this, her future husband You will be unhappy, and of course your wife and my mother will also be jealous."

Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao were speechless. Who taught these two children what they said?It really gave them a headache.

Su Lingxuan looked at the two little things talking to each other, smiling very happily, he blinked at Chi Muyi and Mu Yi.

"Papa Su, are your eyes cramping?" Chi Muyi ate a small bite of the cake, quite dissatisfied with Mu Yi calling her younger sister.

"Father Su, what about the sister you brought with you last time who said she was your daughter-in-law? If you don't want her, I will marry her when I grow up." Chi Muyi said with a smile, "The little sister painted by my sister People are so cute!"

look!This is Chi Yuan and Feng Ziyao, the bewildered children who can speak so many words fluently at such a young age, and the most important thing is that they are robbing his godfather for a wife!
The corner of Su Lingxuan's mouth twitched, and he glared at Chi Yuan, take care of your son!
Just as he was about to argue with the little guy, his cell phone rang again. He looked at the name of Lu Shuning that popped up on the cell phone, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he looked down at the cell phone, completely ignoring Xiao Muyi's provocation.

The atmosphere on Su Lingxuan's side was more relaxed and joyful because of the childish words of the two little guys, but the situation on Lu Shuning's side was the opposite of her recent good situation, and the atmosphere gradually became stalemate.

As for why there was a stalemate, it wasn't because of those editors and that writer, but because Lu Shuning went to the bathroom halfway, and she met Lu Jinning in the bathroom.

At this time, Lu Jinning was a little thinner than before, and his whole body was not as energetic as before, but he was still arrogant and domineering as before. When he saw Lu Shuning, he wanted to jump up like a dog seeing a bone.

Fortunately, the friends around Lu Jinning knew the warning she had received and held her arm in time. Otherwise, at this moment, Lu Jinning would have been injected with tranquilizers by the doctor again, and he would have slept there like a dead pig.

Lu Shuning saw Lu Jinning who was extremely angry but didn't rush forward, raised his eyebrows in novelty, turned around and was about to leave the bathroom, but when he passed by Lu Jinning, he heard her cold snort.

Lu Shuning pretended not to hear, and walked out while wiping his hands, but he didn't want Lu Jining to turn around and stop her.

"Lu Shuning." Lu Jinning's voice was a little hoarse, not as delicate as before, it could melt everyone's bones.

"Say." Lu Shuning turned her head and looked at Lu Jinning coldly.

It wasn't because she got together with Su Lingxuan that she got some of Su Lingxuan's habits, but because she had such a cold attitude towards the Lu family.

"Do you think that if you are with Su Lingxuan, you can erase the fact that you are also from the Lu family?" Lu Jinning snorted coldly, walked in front of Lu Shuning, wishing she could give Lu Shuning to Ling Chi with her eyes, "Do you think that with Su Lingxuan backing you up, you can do whatever you want?"

"Do you think that with Su Lingxuan as your backing, our Lu family will bow down to you, a bastard?" Lu Jinning gritted his teeth and couldn't understand his hatred.

Lu Shuning just smiled lightly, "Yes! I am indeed a bastard of a low life, and you are the well-known eldest lady of the Lu family. Your Lu family is so noble, you will not bow to a bastard like me. "

"But you have to be clear about one thing. I never said that I am from the Lu family. It is your grandfather and your father who made me the so-called eldest lady of your Lu family. They have nothing to do with me."

"In addition, I want to tell you one more thing. I will never rely on Su Lingxuan to treat me well and do whatever I want, but for your Lu family, I really want to see how far Ling can do it." Lu Shuning sneered and approached Lu Jinning with a sneer, and said in a voice that could only be heard by two people, "Since your Lu family has so much backbone, why do you still apologize to me in the major media? Miss Lu?"

(End of this chapter)

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