The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 719 Chi Qian: Listening to the Story 3

Chapter 719 Chi Qian: Listening to Stories 3
Chi Qian didn't expect that she would know that this seemingly careless young master Ou Zheqin had such a sad and sad past.

The father of the owner of this porridge shop was the old housekeeper of the Ou family. At that time, the status of the Ou family was not as secure as it is now. Many times, his parents went out to socialize in person, and his brother was forced to Taking many various courses, there is no time to accompany him as a young master.

So out of love for the young master, the old housekeeper often cooked porridge for him, so that he could feel the warmth from the family as much as possible.But what the old housekeeper didn't expect was that it was precisely because of his constant warmth to Ou Zheqin that Ou Zheqin developed a strong sense of dependence on him.

So much so that the old butler ran out to open a porridge shop by himself when no one was paying attention at home, and Ou Zheqin followed behind him inseparably. At that time, the little Ou Zheqin, who was only seven or eight years old, could Abandoning those wealthy playmates, he was busy serving dishes and bowls in the small porridge shop all day long.

These are things that make the old housekeeper feel that his life will be shortened, and at the same time, he is also worried. He is afraid that the husband and wife of the Ou family will know that he uses his working time for personal gain, and he is even more afraid that Ou Zheqin will get carried away and blurt out that he will spend all day helping in the market. things.

At that time, he will really die without a place to bury him. Even if the Ou family's heel is not very stable at that time, there are still a hundred ways to prevent him from doing such a high-paying but not very tiring job.

In the era when professional butlers who returned from studying abroad were popular, he really worried that his most stable source of income would be cut off in the future. After all, the porridge shop, after he was exhausted, his son might not take over the porridge shop. keep doing it.

But unexpectedly, Ou Zheqin not only didn't tell about the old butler going out to open a porridge shop, but actually helped him very strictly, and because he was in the porridge shop all day, he also made him pay attention to the kitchen and the porridge shop. There is a strong interest in making food.

So Ou Zheqin proposed to his parents to learn a skill, and this skill is to go to a cooking class. Of course, this aroused objections from Mr. Ou and Mrs. Ou at the time. In their eyes, he, Ou Zheqin, He is one of the heirs of Ou Shi in the future, how can he do a job that they regard as inferior?
But whoever Ou Zheqin was, he was able to speak well since he was a child, especially to make his parents happy, which is often the case.

In order to allow myself to go out all day without being suspicious by the other servants at home, Ou Zheqin just said, "I don't want to see my parents come back every night and have to wake up the servants to do something that is not very good." Mrs. Ou nodded her head directly to eat something that suits her appetite, and she really found the best culinary school to send him there.

Ou Zheqin is also really talented, he learned a lot very quickly, and gradually began to skip the cooking school courses, and was busy working in the porridge shop with the old housekeeper all day long.

When no one came, he would sit in this corner by the window, watching the people hurrying on the road, feeling their different lives from his, and sometimes sitting for a whole day.

At that time, Ou Zheqin even thought that if he was one of the busy crowd, he would not have to endure loneliness every day without the company of his parents.

Whenever he saw the unspeakable loneliness in the young master's eyes, the old butler would touch his head in distress, as if he was touching his grandson, and pamper him with delicious lean meat porridge and vegetables Congee, and told him that even though his parents are busy and have no time to accompany him, they still love him in their hearts. Such a busy life is nothing more than allowing him to live a good life.

One old and one young, the secret life of one servant and one master is just like that. Originally, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. Some gossip gradually spread into the ears of Mr. and Mrs. Ou, saying that the old housekeeper lived a long day. Take the young master to some unpopular places.

But looking at Ou Zheqin's gentle and gentle young master all day long, Mr. Ou and Mrs. Ou couldn't find any flaws. It wasn't until Ou Zheqin was 15 years old that he was injured by a little girl in the alley. It was completely revealed.

In Ou Zheqin's words, he was shot while lying down. He was already in middle school at that time, and he would still come to the porridge shop every day after school, sit here to do his homework, and then help the old housekeeper call for business after finishing.

At that time, he should be a very good boy. According to Chi Qian's guess, he should be the elegant young man from Yushu Linfeng, otherwise, why would the little girl just want to attract his attention?

But Ou Zheqin really didn't pay attention to a girl who passed by the window every day, and he didn't even know who it was. One night after finishing school work, he was surrounded by a group of gangsters on the way over.

It was just like the plots of all old-fashioned romance novels, these little bastards wanted to vent their anger on what they thought was the girl in the alley, that is, the girl who liked Ou Zheqin.

God knows what that girl said to these bastards, Ou Zheqin said in a daze that he really didn't know anything, so he got punched.

Everyone was young and energetic at the time, and he, Ou Zheqin, was the young master who was loved and protected by the Ou family and many people. He had never been so angry, let alone beaten, even if his father was in a hurry at home. Never touched a hair of him.

Ou Zheqin, who was aggrieved and held back for a while, didn't know how he threw his fists, or that men can fight without a teacher. Ou Zheqin blocked the fists of those seven or eight punks by himself, and threw them They all fell to the ground.

Of course, this blocked their fists. It doesn't mean that he didn't suffer any injuries. He suffered some injuries on his face and body. He insisted not to faint and walked to the porridge shop. When the eager expression was on, he just smiled and collapsed.

When Ou Zheqin said this, Chi Qian suddenly interrupted him, "Wait, I'll guess later." Chi Qian smiled, and that smile made her look particularly lively.

Ou Zheqin only felt that his eyes lit up, and he really stopped what he was going to say later, hummed, and waited for Chi Qian's guess.

"Later, when your parents found out, they fired the old housekeeper, and said that for your own good, they sent you abroad directly. Then, after you recovered, they visited the old housekeeper once before leaving. The old housekeeper told you, this From now on, the position will always be yours, Young Master, and it will be reserved for you at all times. Then you really left, and it lasted for more than ten years, even after you learned the news of the old housekeeper's death, you didn't come back, did you?"

Ou Zheqin was a little surprised, because although Chi Qian's words were concise and general, he really described what happened later.He hummed again, then nodded, "That's right."

"And the reason why you didn't come is because of guilt, because of your impulsiveness, the old housekeeper lost his job, right?" Chi Qian put down the chopsticks that had been put down, and ate another vegetable.

Ou Zheqin nodded again, but did not speak.

Chi Qian chuckled twice, met Ou Zheqin's puzzled gaze, and said flatly, "Since you told me about your sadness, then I'll tell you a secret of mine!"

(End of this chapter)

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