The simple green plum is warm

Chapter 725 Chi Qianzhang's abrupt request

Chapter 725 Chi Qian's Abrupt Request

Chi Qian didn't know that the steel basin in her home was so powerful, when it hit her, it cracked her bones, and even her favorite red nail polish was smashed off. a piece of china.

Looking at the mottled and somewhat ugly nails, Chi Qian really felt that her venting phone call just now was not in vain.

Who did she call?Of course it was the culprit who sent a message to scare her!
Enduring the tears in her eyes, she sounded extremely aggrieved, but burst out with the force of pain, dialed Ou Zheqin's phone, and couldn't help but roar out when she heard his faint hello.

"Ou Zheqin! Because of one of your text messages, my aunt's feet are swollen! Where are you kidding! Hurry up and find me at the hospital!" There was a sound of something falling to the ground.

Then Ou Zheqin hurriedly asked which hospital she was in, and hung up the phone.Then Chi Qian hung up the phone, lay down on the bed in the processing room, and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

For some reason, Chi Qian didn't go to Yan Shaochen's hospital this time, but drove to a public hospital enduring the pain. She didn't know what she wanted to do, but her first reaction was not to let any of them know about her. The thing with the instep being smashed.

So flustered, she called Ou Zheqin in anger and yelled at him for a while.

After taking painkillers and lying on the hospital bed, Chi Qian realized what a stupid thing he had done after he calmed down.

Why did she call Ou Zheqin?Even if she didn't want Chi Yuan and the others to know, she should have called Leng Yun and asked him to arrange the rest. Why did she call Ou Zheqin?

Chi Qian's heart was a little flustered, a little restless for a moment, she suddenly sat up from the bed, fumbled in her bag for a while, and found a lollipop.After quickly peeling off the candy wrapper, the peach flavor quickly spread in her mouth.

Not knowing whether it was because she was hungry or because she was comforted by food, she felt her heart calm down instantly.

At the same time, she also found an excellent reason for herself. Her foot was injured because of Ou Zheqin's confession text message. Why couldn't she ask him to come to the hospital to help her deal with the aftermath?
Since he is the chief culprit, there is nothing wrong with letting him take care of the aftermath!

Thinking about it this way, Chi Qian wouldn't feel uncomfortable anymore. Sitting on the edge of the bed, eating a lollipop, with a smile on her lips, her legs dangling around, she felt very leisurely and comfortable.

When Ou Zheqin opened the door and came in, he saw such a scene, only Chi Qian was so comfortable, he almost hummed a ditty.

The panic she felt when she heard what she said on the phone had already flown to the sky after seeing Chi Qian's smile. He stood outside the door and sighed heavily before walking into the ward with even steps. inside.

He muffled a couple of laughs, walked up to Chi Qian, reached out his hand unceremoniously and flicked her on the forehead, "Where did you get hurt? Huh? You're making so much noise, you scared brother to death, you know? "

Chi Qian opened her eyes suddenly after being poked by him, and just looked at him with watery eyes. She didn't know why she wanted to cry when she heard Ou Zheqin's teasing voice.So when I opened my eyes, I saw such a pitiful look that made people scramble.

Ou Zheqin thought he was hitting her too hard, so he immediately frowned and moved closer to her forehead, "Does it hurt?"

Chi Qian pursed her mouth, pulled the lollipop out of her mouth, and shook her head. "My head doesn't hurt, but my feet hurt."

Hearing what she said, Ou Zheqin looked down and saw Chi Qian's feet that were wrapped like rice dumplings, and his brows were furrowed together.

"Did your foot get run over by a wheel?" Ou Zheqin frowned, with a gloomy look on his face, as if the bone was cracked in his foot, "Or a heavy truck?"

Chi Qian unceremoniously stretched out her hand and tapped his shoulder, "You were just crushed by a heavy truck! You were hit by a pot!"

"An ancient bronze basin?" Ou Zheqin felt distressed, but he still didn't forget to tease her.

"It's not that valuable!" Chi Qian pouted, "The pot for stirring the chocolate sauce, the chocolate sauce is still spread on the floor of my house and confiscated!"

The corner of Ou Zheqin's mouth twitched, and he leaned over and picked Chi Qian up from the hospital bed, "Let's go! Go and clean up your dog's bed first, and then brother will take good care of you!"

For the first time, Chi Qian didn't yell, nor did he beat his shoulder like a madman to let him put her down.You know, from his heat stroke to the present, in the past half a month, every time the two of them went for a walk late after dinner, and Chi Qian refused to go home, he would bend over without saying anything. Chi Qian hugged her and turned around to leave.

Every time he encountered such a situation, Chi Qian would beat and yell at him like a little mad dog.

Today he didn't yell anymore, Ou Zheqin felt a little weird.

"Stop barking?" Ou Zheqin asked.

"Well, what's it called! It's like a woman from a good family who was raped!" Chi Qian rolled her eyes indifferently and waved at him, "Ou Zheqin, I drove here by myself today. This car... ..."

Holding Chi Qian, who had already walked to the parking lot, Ou Zheqin noticed the flamboyant sapphire blue sports car parked on the side, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching again.

"Isn't your car red?" Ou Zheqin asked.

Chi Qian took a look at the limited edition sports car obviously bearing the Oujia brand, and the corner of her mouth twitched, "Where's your Hummer?"

Ou Zheqin choked, got into his car with Chi Qian in his arms, and asked her for the car keys before getting in the car.

"Why?" Chi Qian was puzzled, but still handed over the car keys to Ou Zheqin, "If you sell my car, I can get it back!"

Ou Zheqin rolled his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said, "I'm not bored enough to sell a car with a global limited edition and a unique number! I'll be taken as a car thief!"

Chi Qian leaned on the back of the co-pilot's seat and smiled happily, watching the depressed Ou Zheqin dial the secretary's phone number, and after hanging up the phone, gave her a hard look, and then drove the car left the hospital.

To be honest, Ou Zheqin sent Chi Qian back to Qianxiang Xiaozhu so many times, but this was the first time he entered her house.

He took a look at the fairly tidy room, and couldn't help sighing, it's better to be a woman, she is really self-conscious, even if she is lazy, it is much better than a rough guy living alone.

"It's pretty clean!" Ou Zheqin said as he turned around.

"Ou Zheqin." Chi Qian called out to him, looking hesitant to speak.

"Huh?" Ou Zheqin had already started to clean up the mess in her kitchen.

"Do you have a private place to live?" Chi Qian's voice was weak.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Ou Zheqin hadn't realized what Chiqian was going to say next.

"Then... can I catch it at your place for two days, and I'll come back when my foot is healed. I don't want to go to my brother's place to see their family living happily. My friends are all dragging their families. I can't stand it. what……"

(End of this chapter)

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