He is delusional

Chapter 11 An Anonymous Star

Chapter 11 An Anonymous Star
Yuan also rented a car and waited in front of the Jiaxing Building.

After ten o'clock that night, I finally saw Mr. Cheng come out in a hurry, got into a car, and the car drove away without stopping.

The corner of her mouth curved slightly, and she followed, found a section of road with few cars and no one, suddenly accelerated to pass in front of his car, then spun quickly, and crossed in front of his car.

The driver was startled, and hurriedly stepped on the brakes: "Squeak——"

Mr. Cheng in the back seat almost bumped into the front seat, and said angrily, "What's going on?"

The driver was still in shock: "Mr. Cheng, a car suddenly overtook us and blocked our way!"

Mr. Cheng frowned: "Who?"

The driver saw a person getting out of the car with empty hands, as if he was not threatening: "It's a woman."

"Woman?" Mr. Cheng pressed the window of the car to look, and he was still an acquaintance.

Yuan also smiled: "Mr. Cheng, can we get out of the car and have a chat?"

Of course, Mr. Cheng knew that she came to the company these days to see him, and he also knew her purpose of coming, so he avoided seeing him all the time. He didn't expect that she would dare to force his car to stop on the way. Raise the window up.

A plain white hand pressed down on the car window, and Yuan's smile did not change: "I know that Jiaxing has a lot of trouble, give me 3 minutes, and I will solve this trouble for you. If you are satisfied, let's talk goodbye. things."

Mr. Cheng sneered, thinking that she was either confused about the situation or too self-righteous, trying to solve the problem that had troubled him for more than half a year in 3 minutes, absurd!
But her expression was indifferent, as if she had a chance to win. Mr. Cheng paused for a moment. After all, he unlocked the car door—she blocked the road on the left and right, so what if I give her three minutes?
When the two walked to the side of the road, Yuan got straight to the point: "A, B, and C partnered to buy a very valuable piece of land from the government. A holds 40% of the shares of the land, and B and C each hold 30%, this piece of land was originally decided by A, but one day, B and C suddenly sold their shares to D, so D held 60%, and A could no longer be the master of the land. After the agreement was invalidated, A A paper pleading brought BCD to court, and A won the case in the first trial, and BCD’s contract was invalid, but D refused to accept it and has already filed an appeal.”

Mr. Cheng's brows twitched, Jiaxing is the A in this passage.

Yuan also continued: "Although A has a great chance of winning whether it is the second trial or the third trial, it is not fearless, because the case has not been settled for a long time, the land cannot start the project, and there is no way to attract investment. If the money is returned, the company's cash flow will be very difficult, and even the cooperation with other companies will not be able to continue, and if it goes on for a long time, the entire company will be dragged to death."

Having said so much, it's not all nonsense, Mr. Cheng said coldly: "It's been 2 minutes."

Yuan is not in a hurry: "B and C suddenly sold all their shares to D, simply because they lacked money, and the price D offered them was high enough that they had to reluctantly part with each other. But if there is an E with a strong background at this time, Offer a price that is enough to make B and C feel excited, and buy 10% of their shares in each of them, forming a situation of ABCE. Naturally, D will lose without warning, and with E around, D will not dare to do anything else. This matter Wouldn’t it be great if we could end it quickly, everyone would live in peace and harmony, and have a happy cooperation?”

Mr. Cheng suddenly looked at her, and Yuan also said in a manly voice: "Takahashi Capital is very happy to do this E, and also supports it, using shares to pay off debts."


The next day, Yuan also took his secretary to Jiaxing to discuss cooperation details.

On the way, the secretary was stunned when she heard her operation yesterday: "Deputy Jiang, are you too bold? How can you make such a decision on behalf of the company? In case the company doesn't want to be involved in that land at all, you can decide without authorization, but You have to bear a great responsibility!"

And she even said that she could pay off the debt with shares, how could she be so bold and talk nonsense!
Yuan also smiled, holding the steering wheel with one hand, took out the mobile phone with the other hand, clicked on the WeChat chat history, and then handed it to her.

There are only two sentences above.

——Are you interested in the No. 8 site on the Bund?I can get at least 20% of the company's shares, and if you support the stock for debt, I can get more.


The secretary was stunned, and then looked at the remark name, and there was only one emjoy emoticon of a star.

She has been with Yuan Ye for many years, and has heard a little about this star. Although she doesn't know the real identity of the other party, she knows that he is very powerful, and he is very talkative in Takahashi. Even for such a big matter, you can lightly say "can" to make a decision.

"Deputy Jiang, who is he?"

Yuan also parked the car in the parking space, avoided talking, and only blinked: "I haven't consulted the above for advice, how dare I make my own decisions? Get out of the car and go get the money."

The two entered Jiaxing triumphantly, this time the receptionist got the order and sent them into the elevator with a smile on her face.

The elevator door was closed, and Yuan also looked at the advertising sign on the side, but did not find that the elevator door on the opposite side was open, and Mr. Cheng personally sent a few people downstairs.

Among these few people, the man in the lead saw the side face of Tobi, and there was a little turmoil in his eyes.

The secretary beside him was taken aback: "Mr. Wei, it's..."

Yuchi raised his hand, beckoning her to shut up, then nodded to Mr. Cheng, "Stop."

"It's all right." Mr. Cheng smiled, and personally sent them to the car.

In the back seat, Yuchi closed his eyes and said calmly: "Check what she is going to Jiaxing for?"

The secretary took the order: "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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