He is delusional

Chapter 13 An Accident in the Hotel

Chapter 13 An Accident in the Hotel

Yuan's face darkened, "Mr. Cheng, what do you mean, let's stop the land cooperation?"

"Yes, it's because of you. I don't want to cooperate with someone who makes me uncomfortable. The payment is settled and we owe nothing! Secretary, see off!" Mr. Cheng strode out of the conference room after finishing speaking.

Yuan also wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Mr. Cheng's secretary, and could only shout: "Mr. Cheng, wait a minute, you listen to my explanation."

Mr. Cheng went back to the office directly, and Yuanye and his party were also invited out of Jiaxing.

The legal officer was able to go in again on the grounds that the computer was left behind. Although he saw Mr. Cheng, he returned in vain: "I told him to approach him with another person, but he still refused, because he was determined not to sign with us."

Yuan also frowned and asked the secretary: "Has the payment really arrived?"

The secretary just confirmed it: "It's here."

Then came the question, and Yuan also said, "Where did he get the money?"

Previously, Jiaxing had been in arrears with the payment due to cash flow difficulties. Why did it suddenly pay back the money so readily?
And Mr. Cheng's anger is also very strange... No, it should be said, it's strange since the delay of the contract. Isn't he in a hurry to resolve the land dispute?
Yuan was also a little annoyed. Originally, the matter of getting the payment was considered over, but the company already knew that there was still a land contract, and now that the contract was not received, it meant that her trip still ended in failure.

Not to mention, Mr. Cheng also said in front of their team that it was because of her that he didn't want to sign the contract. This matter was reported to the company, let alone a competition for the position of director, and he might be fined.

Losing his wife and losing his army, how could Yuan be reconciled?
After thinking for a while, Yuan also took off the necklace around her neck and entered Jiaxing again.

The lady at the front desk thought she wanted to see Mr. Cheng again, and was about to speak when Yuan took her hand, stuffed the necklace into her hand, and said with a smile: "Beautiful sister, Mr. Cheng and I have a little misunderstanding, can you Tell me, where else can I see him but at the company?"

She lowered her voice and said, "It's none of your business to meet Mr. Cheng outside the company."

The front desk lady lowered her head and glanced at the palm of her hand. It was a new model from Tiffany. She had been fascinated for a long time, but one was equal to two or three months of her salary, and she couldn't afford it...

After hesitating for a while, unable to resist the temptation, the front desk lady told her in a low voice: "Mr. Cheng will go to the Hilton Hotel every Wednesday night...don't tell others, I have a friend who works at Hilton, she secretly told me Yes, let people know that I will be miserable."


Iris also laughed.

Isn't today Wednesday?
That night, Tobi also went to the hotel alone.


When Yuchi called, Yuan also happened to see President Cheng appearing at the door of the hotel, and she was eager to catch up, so she hung up the phone directly.

"Sorry, the person you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please call again later." Yuchi looked at the darkened screen, frowning slightly.

The secretary respectfully said: "President Wei, it's almost time, we should leave for the airport." It's time to go back to Jincheng.

Yuchi got up, put the phone back in his pocket, took a long leg, and walked outside.


"Strange, where is the person?" Yuan also wondered, she was clearly chasing Mr. Cheng into the hotel, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?
Already upstairs?

Yuan also walked to the elevator, and saw that only one of the four elevators was going up, and finally stopped on the 22nd floor, presumably the floor that Mr. Cheng went to.

She pressed another elevator, and the elevator went up from the negative floor. With a ding-dong sound, the doors slowly opened from both sides.

Yuan also paused, and there were already four strong men in the elevator.

Her eyes swept over their bodies first, out of an inexplicable uneasiness, she smiled slightly, raised her hand to signal them to close the door, and did not go in by herself.

One of the men stretched out his hand as if to close the elevator door, but at the next moment, he suddenly grabbed Touya, who was shocked and wanted to call for help, but the other man covered her mouth and dragged her into the elevator!

(End of this chapter)

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