He is delusional

Chapter 18 You Will Be More Willing To Marry Me

Chapter 18 You Will Be More Willing To Marry Me

Yuchi asked the housekeeper to bring her into the living room. He was sitting on the sofa with his slender legs crossed, holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand. The aroma was rich and sweet.

Yuchi didn't ask her why she came, his eyes fell on the TV behind her, which was broadcasting the evening news.

Completely ignored her.

Except for the host's correct voice, the only sound in the huge mansion is the sound of raindrops hitting the leaves outside the window. The servants all stood aside with their heads down, as if they didn't look at them, but needless to say, they knew that they were paying attention. Definitely all on them.

Such an atmosphere made Yuan also embarrassed, stiff and at a loss.

Yuchi did it on purpose.

This is called Xiamawei.

The news entered an advertisement, Yuchi's eyes finally moved away from the TV, and fell on Yuanye, his handsome eyebrows were slightly raised, indicating that she could speak.

Yuan also bit the tip of her own tongue, felt the pain, regained a little consciousness, and said: "Marry me."

The housekeeper moved his eyelids, but he didn't dare to raise his head to look at the expression of Yuan Ye or Yu Chi at this moment. He only thought in his heart, Miss Jiang's family is really... The marriage of the Wei Jiang family was arranged by the two wives more than ten years ago. But the young master didn't nod his head all the time, and even his wife said that he couldn't move him, but she was rude and asked the young master to marry her.

How could the young master agree?

Yuchi was not angry, but smiled warmly: "The reason?"

"I pushed Song Miaoyun down the stairs, she broke a leg and had a miscarriage." Yuan also said indifferently.

Yuchi didn't show any emotions, and simply commented on this matter: "Too impulsive."

Yuan also sneered: "Do I want to watch her give birth to that wild species, and then doves occupy the magpie's nest? Dreaming!"

Yuchi raised one hand and rested it on his chin: "Since you are so willing to bend rather than bend, why do you come to me?"

"My dad was very angry and wanted to send me to the police station. I escaped."


"Our two families have been engaged for a long time. Everyone in Jincheng knows that the young master of the Wei family is going to marry the young lady of the Jiang family in the future, and my father wants to send me to the police station. Song Yangjin will become the eldest daughter of the Jiang family and marry you."

Kite also took a step forward, pursing her pale lips into a straight line.

"Compared with her, you should be more willing to marry me."

It was the first time Yuchi heard such a statement.

"I'd rather marry you?" He looked at Yuan Ye from top to bottom. She was in a mess at the moment, her hair was still dripping, and she couldn't help bending her mouth, "It's 'the Jiang family has a young girl who is born beautiful and hard to give up on. 'Give your confidence?"

Even the servants could tell that the young master was mocking Kite.

Usually, this sentence is to praise her beauty, but now it is ridiculing her thinking that she can do whatever she wants because she is good-looking, thinking that Yuchi, like other men, will take a fancy to her beauty, and then let her have whatever she wants.

It is also too arrogant.

In the end, Ibi really nodded: "Yes."

She just looks good, and this face gave her confidence, otherwise she wouldn't have the confidence to stand in the living room of Wei's mansion today.

Yuchi was stunned for a rare moment, and seeing Yuan's unchanging expression, he smiled and shook his head: "Miss Jiang is very interesting," but it's just interesting, "I don't need a vase as a wife yet."

After speaking, he got up and went upstairs, and lightly ordered the housekeeper: "Give Miss Jiang an umbrella and send her out."

Although they didn't agree, Yuchi's attitude was still very polite, and he didn't even forget to order someone to give her an umbrella, which was his usual gentlemanly demeanor.

The housekeeper stepped forward to ask Yuan to leave, and Yuan also took out a piece of paper that was already soaked from her pocket, and said calmly: "Mr. Wei, why don't you check the result of the bone marrow matching first, and then decide whether to issue an order to evict the guest? "

Yuchi paused, turned around on the stairs, his face was cold.

Yuan also handed over the report to the housekeeper, and the housekeeper hurriedly sent it to Yuchi. Yuchi locked on the words "98% matching degree" at a glance, and then looked at Yuanye, his bottomless eyes became darker and darker.

Yuan also clenched her hands by her sides, and took a deep breath: "I don't know who you are helping to find a suitable bone marrow, but you have been looking for so long, that person must be very important to you, and I have it ready-made." Life-saving medicine? If you marry me, I will donate bone marrow."

Only then did Yuchi face this woman squarely.

She dared to go to Wei's mansion to ask him to marry her because she was so proud of her beauty, she was stupid.

It is her wisdom to come to the door to negotiate with a bargaining chip in hand.

It seems that she is not just a vase.

Yuchi came down from the stairs, and said slowly: "Jiang Hongsheng relied on your mother's dowry to develop the Jiang family. If it weren't for the people your grandfather left in the company these years, the Jiang family would have been defeated by him. materials, but you are a businessman."

As soon as she stretched out her hand, the servant immediately brought a dry towel. Yuchi picked up the towel and wrapped her drenched body, only to find that she looked calm and calm, but her whole body was actually trembling: "You're shaking so hard, go upstairs and take a bath in hot water." Take a bath, I will settle other things for you."

It's done.Yuan Ye's nerves loosened, and the strength she had been holding on for was suddenly withdrawn, her legs gave way, and she almost fell, but Yuchi helped her up.

Yuan also said hoarsely, "Thank you."

In fact, she didn't know whether she thanked him for helping her, or thanked him for marrying him.

"You're welcome, this is the content of our deal," Yuchi said in a gentle voice, "I will always protect you in this matter."


Yuchi drove the car to her side, lowered the window, and said, "Get in the car."

Yuan also regained her thoughts, sat in the passenger seat, fastened the seat belt, and when the car started, she asked, "Didn't you say that the child is fine?"

Yuchi turned the steering wheel and drove the car on the right path: "The condition is stable, but he still needs to stay in the hospital for observation."

Yuan also lowered her head to look at her palm, and counted the prints on her palm boredly: "The bone marrow I donated back then was for him, right?"

Yuchi paused, but did not deny it: "Yes."

Yuan also smiled silently, what kind of fate is this?
Two years ago, she was able to marry him because of the successful bone marrow match with his illegitimate son, but now, because of the appearance of his illegitimate son, their marriage is in jeopardy.

She asked casually: "Aren't you his father? Your bone marrow doesn't match him? Miss Bai doesn't deserve him either?"

Ordinarily, the matching of various organs is more likely to be successful if they are related by blood. Why is this child so unrelated to his parents?

Yuchi didn't reply to her words, Yuan also made fun of it, curled her lips, and didn't say anything else, leaning against the window to watch the passing traffic.

When the car arrived at Wei's mansion, it was already dark, and the servants turned on the lights around the mansion one by one. If you look down from above, the mansion is like a bright pearl scattered in the suburbs, shining brightly.

Yuan also knew that he must go back to accompany the mother and child, so she pushed the car door wisely, but found that the car door had not been unlocked, and looked back at Yuchi strangely.

Yuchi looked forward, his side face was sharply angled, from the straight nose bridge to the excellent jawline, the orange light made him extremely dignified.

"Parents are getting older, so don't let them hear some things, and make them more troubled." His tone was gentle, but contained a warning.

Yuan also paused, then smiled: "I won't say anything, don't worry."

No matter what happened to her and Yuchi, Wei's father and mother were sincerely kind to her, she would not say something that made them unhappy, or else she would go home with him for dinner that day, and she would not act as a loving couple.

"But Yuchi, even if we don't get married because of love, I will not allow my husband to have women and children outside, and even stay out at night for them. If you don't want to break up with them, then consider my proposal and get a divorce. .”

Speaking of this, Yuan also shrugged pretending to be meaningless: "Speaking of which, I was still wrong. At the beginning, the situation forced you to marry me, which broke up you and Miss Bai. Fortunately, there is still time to redeem it."

Yuchi listened for a long time, but he asked, "Why do you want a divorce?"

Why did you divorce? ?

Kite also stared at him, Hello?She divorced him for more than three months. Didn't he know why she wanted to divorce?

For a moment, Yuan was also a little psychedelic. Was it because she was too reserved that Mr. Wei, who had always been perceptive, still couldn't figure out the situation, or was he playing tricks on her on purpose?
Yuan also faced him, earnestly: "I'm sorry to ask, Mr. Wei, is it because I didn't speak clearly enough, or you don't understand Chinese? How about I translate it into English for you? I heard from my mother that you lived in France when you were young. After living here for a few years, I can speak a few words of French."

Hearing that she was so angry that she still called Wei's mother "Mom", Yuchi smiled, and his expression was much gentler: "No need. I know what you mind, but Qingqing and A Ting will not be the reason for our divorce, since they are not Reason, what you said doesn't hold water."

Yuan also narrowed her eyes: "You mean, no divorce?"

Yuchi said calmly, "The Wei family has never had a divorce."

Yuan also asked again: "You didn't intend to sever ties with Bai Qingqing's mother and son?"

"They will only live at No. 14, Chunyang Road. They can't hinder you, just ignore it. As for not coming back at night, you want me to come back to live. I will live in the mansion from today, stop messing around."

In the end it turned out to be her fooling around.

Yuan also took a deep breath, and smiled angrily: "Mr. Wei is Mr. Wei. In the 21st century, he can still talk about the blessings of Qi people so confidently."

"There is no such thing as a blessing, you are the only young wife of the Wei family inside and out." Yuchi unlocked the car door, "You should be hungry, let Aunt Zhang cook something you like for dinner, I will eat with you."

Sometimes Yuan also really hates his calm and calm demeanor.

Nothing can disturb his rhythm, nothing can interfere with his emotions, she is talking about business with him, but he is talking about what to eat for dinner, as if she is a wayward and ignorant child making trouble for no reason!

Yes, he just felt that she was being unreasonable. He never really considered her feelings, so how could he know what her knot was?
Yuan was also mad with anger, she couldn't do anything with him for a while, she simply grabbed his hand, and bit his wrist hard!

(End of this chapter)

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