Chapter 20

Yuan also left the general manager's office and went downstairs, wanting to buy a shirt and change it first.

The secretary poked his head out from the Ministry of Commerce: "Deputy Jiang, what's for lunch? Do you want to order something?"

Yuan also kept walking, and pulled her out without any hassle: "You go out to eat with me."

"Okay!" The secretary followed up with a smile. The head of her family is very nice, and the good thing is that she always invites her to dinner!

She ran to press the elevator in small steps, only to find the stain on Yuanya's shirt, and asked in surprise, "Deputy Jiang, what's wrong with your clothes?"

Then thinking that Yuan had just come out of the general manager's office, she took a deep breath: "Could it have been thrown by Mr. Huo?"

Yuan also laughed: "What are you thinking? Huo is always the kind of man who can splash women's water? Han Manqi did it."

"It's Deputy Han again, why does she keep playing these dirty tricks?" The secretary puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"If you don't have the skills, of course you can only play dirty tricks. Don't be angry, there is a good chance to slap her in the face right now." Yuan also said.

The secretary hurriedly asked, "What?"

When the elevator arrived, Yuan also walked in, pressed the first floor, and then roughly said what Huo Yan said.

The secretary understood: "Boss Huo means that you and Vice Minister Han will each make a proposal, and whoever does it well will be in charge of this project?"


The secretary's morale was greatly boosted: "We must win this time!"

Yuanye was thinking about other things: "Actually, I don't understand one thing."

"Which point?"

"How could Wei's be the holder of 70% of the shares in the Bund land?" She originally thought that Wei's at most held 30% of the shares.

Because if Jiaxing does not renege on the contract, Takahashi will also hold 30%, of which 20% will come from Fengyuan and Xinchao, and the other 10% will be from Jiaxing to repay the debt with shares. Only in this "ABCE" situation can the interests of all parties be balanced.

The secretary took it for granted: "That must be because Fengyuan and Xinchao sold all their shares to Weishi."

But why did Fengyuan and Xinchao sell all their shares to Wei's?
Isn't this the same method as the original "D" Yuda?Jiaxing actually agreed this time?

Could it be that Yuchi put pressure on Jiaxing?
...Wait, could it be that Yuchi took the initiative to disrupt the balance by buying Fengyuan and Xinchao's shares because Mr. Cheng plotted against her and caused her to almost have an accident, right?
As soon as this idea came out, Tobi also felt that it was impossible.

How could Yuchi go to war for her?

She is purely for commercial interests, what is she thinking?Really self-indulgent.

Forget it, it's none of her business now, she just needs to win this cooperation.

Yuan also said to the secretary: "You go to order food, and I'll go shopping for a dress. We'll talk about plans while eating."


Gaoqiao Building is located in the most prosperous commercial center in Jincheng. It is neighbors with many famous big companies. When you leave the door, turn right and you will find a shopping plaza. The secretary went to the food street on the fourth floor, and Yuan also chose a brand counter on the second floor. , went in and asked for a shirt.

Yuan also went directly into the dressing room, not noticing that there was a woman on the side blocked by the hanger, seeing her, she stopped picking out the clothes, thinking about something?
Yuan also changed her clothes while thinking about the cooperation with Wei Shi this time.

Takahashi's investment, holding or operation has covered almost all fields of industry, including ceramic tile manufacturing, and now we want to talk to Wei about the cooperation of ceramic tiles.

The land on the Bund was to be built as a high-end villa area, and all kinds of materials were required to be top-notch. This alone eliminated many competing companies. The absolute advantage of Takahashi is that their tiles are internationally renowned and sold all over the world.

Just like one of their advertisements says - schools, apartments, hotels, department stores, commercial buildings and even where your faith is, every time you go, there is a half chance of stepping on the tiles of Takahashi.

The influence is evident.

So it's not difficult to win Wei's cooperation, just like Huo Yan said, this is a door-to-door cooperation, Yuan also has no plan to make a proposal to compete with Han Manqi - instead of waiting to be selected, it is better to take the initiative ——She has decided to directly sign a contract with Weishi.

Huo Yan would rather see a contract than a proposal.

With Yuanye and Yuchi's personal relationship, it's easy to go through the back door, she doesn't pay attention to the distinction between public and private, of course, the relationship that can be used should be used to the fullest, besides, Yuchi promised to compensate her for something, since she disagrees The conditions for divorce, then use other.

She decided to go to Wei's to talk to Yuchi after dinner.

If all goes well, maybe the contract can be thrown in Han Manqi's face today, which is comfortable to think about.

After changing her clothes, Yuan also opened the door and came out of the fitting room, and suddenly met a man outside the door.


The door of the fitting room is also a full-length mirror. The man should have been looking in the mirror just now, but he didn't expect someone to come out from behind the mirror, with a slightly stunned expression.

Yuan also blinked: "Mr. Huo?"

Huo Yan saw that she had changed out of the coffee-stained dress, and knew that she was here to buy clothes. He paused, and raised his hand to signal: "I lost a cuff button."

Yuan also understands that Mr. Huo grew up abroad and has a strong sense of ceremony. When wearing a suit, he pays great attention to matching. Sleeve studs, collar clips, and cuffbands are all indispensable. The lack of a cuff button is such an imperfect thing. Of course I can't bear it.

Yuan also saw that he couldn't put on the cuff buttons for a long time, and the shopping guide was not around here, so it was a bit weird for her to stand by and watch, so she thought about it and went forward to help him put it on.

Huo Yan let her do it, lowered his eyes, looked at her fine and upturned eyelashes: "Don't you like wearing clothes with stars?" Why did you still change into a white shirt?

"Isn't this to make me look more mature and professional?" Yuan also curved her lips slightly.

"Takahashi is very inclusive, don't be restricted, you can wear whatever you like."

Wear it.Yuan also put down her hands, and took a half step back: "Really? Then I will wear a tube top dress tomorrow, and I will come to work with the starry sky dress that was on the hot search before."

Huo Yan raised his eyebrows: "It's fine if you don't think it's cold."

Yuan also raised her hand to beg for mercy, but she didn't dare.

Huo Yan just came to buy cufflinks, and left after shopping. Yuan also arranged her clothes in the mirror and went to check out, but the shopping guide said: "The gentleman just now paid the bill."

Yuan was also taken aback.

Although a piece of clothing is nothing to Huo Yan, but it's worth nothing. She caught a glimpse of many ties in the glass cabinet, thought about it, and chose one of them.

Yuan also left the counter and went to the fourth floor to find the secretary.

After she left, Song Yangjin came out from the hanger.

She looked at her mobile phone, curled her mouth, and took a piece of clothing to check out. When paying, she failed to scan several times, and she frowned in distress: "Hey, I don't know how to reply to this WeChat." Something goes wrong from time to time, can you lend me your mobile phone to log on to WeChat to pay?"

The shopping guide felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he logged out of his WeChat and handed her the phone. Song Yangjin took it, but instead of logging into WeChat, he clicked on the text message and sent the photo he just took to the shopping guide's mobile phone. a number...

Yuan also found the secretary at the Japanese food restaurant, and the dishes were already served, she first made the Feifei roe sushi and ate it, and then said that she planned to go to Wei's to find Yuchi.

The secretary was stunned: "Is that the way to go? I heard that Wei's president is very elusive. Shall we make an appointment first?"

Yuan also blinked: "No, I have something to do with it."

The secretary admired her minister from the bottom of her heart. Really, it was unfathomable, and there were contacts everywhere.

Yuan also said: "Give me a bowl of ramen, I feel a little disgusted after eating these sushi."

"oh oh."

At the same time, Wei's Group, Yuchi was handling official business at the desk, when the cell phone beside him suddenly lit up, and he received a message from an unfamiliar number, he glanced at it and ignored it, swiped his pen, and signed the contract.

Secretary Li Xue found a gap where he stopped to drink water, knocked on the door, walked in and said, "President Wei, Mr. Qin is here, do you want to see me now?"

Yuchi glanced at the electronic clock on the desk, today is Friday.Every Friday at two o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Zibai would come to Wei's to look for him.

Nodding his head, his eyes were clear, and his voice was gentle: "Please come in."

Li Xue understood and brought a young man in after a while.

The man was wearing a long black windbreaker, with a straight figure, carrying a [-] cm long square box in his hand. He looked like a mysterious character in a Hong Kong drama who was about to conduct a mysterious transaction. He put the box on the coffee table, and his voice was cynical. : "I brought you a present."

Yuchi got up and walked towards him: "You're welcome, no need."

"It's easy to say, I spent your money to buy it, so I'd better accept it." Qin Zibai smiled and opened the box. There were some unnamed but obviously medical instruments inside.

Wei's CEO's office is very spacious, with generous and luxurious decoration, from the coffee table, sofa and desk to the small decoration on the wine cabinet, all seem to have been specially designed, and they all look so complementary and reasonable.

Yuchi walked to the leather recliner and sat down. There was a glass wall beside him, facing north, overlooking the bustling Jincheng.

While arranging the equipment, Qin Zibai asked, "How's your sleep these days?"


"What about emotions?"


"Have you ever been angry?"

Yuchi closed his eyes: "No."

In fact, apart from the first question, the last two are just extra questions. Qin Zibai has known Yuchi for more than ten years, how has he ever seen him angry?His emotions are even more robotic than a robot. Except for the incident four years ago, he has always been indifferent, calm, and calm.

Qin Zibai walked towards Yuchi holding an electronic device the size of a palm: "Then let's try..."

Li Xue knocked on the door suddenly, a little nervous, opened the door without waiting for Yuchi's consent, and said, "President Wei, the young lady is here."

Yuchi opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and glanced at Qin Zibai, whether he didn't want him and Yuan to meet him: "Bring your things and wait for me inside."

Qin Zibai spread his hands: "Okay."

Yuchi didn't get up, he was still lying on the leather chair, and Yuan also came in to see his appearance, surprised and envious, Mr. Wei knows how to enjoy it, right?
In the afternoon, lying in front of the glass window, while enjoying the warm sunshine in winter, while letting go of your thoughts, and closing your eyes to sleep when you are sleepy, you can imagine how comfortable it would be.

Really, damn capitalism.

(End of this chapter)

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