He is delusional

Chapter 203 is the day you came to me

Chapter 203 is the day you came to me

Kite also leaned back, leaning her back against the head of the bed, her brows furrowed.

It is because of how much you can't let go that you will give your child a name with a similar pronunciation. Since you love so much, why did you have to separate back then?

I am afraid that only two parties can answer this question.

Thinking of the so-called biological father whom she had never met before, Yuan didn't have any special feelings, let out a light breath, and asked again: "Who is it from the Yuan family who wants to kill me?"

Yuchi stopped moving and looked up at her.

Yuan also smiled: "I can't even get out of your sight now, so you won't be afraid that I will take revenge on him, right? Or, Mr. Wei wants to keep the secret of his partner?"

They managed to ease the atmosphere, there's no need to get into a stalemate over a trivial matter, it's okay to tell her, Yuchi said: "Yuan Ye's wife, Mrs. Landau."

Yuan also remembered this person in her heart, narrowing her eyes: "She was also ten years ago?"

Yuchi nodded, not wanting to continue the topic: "Eat while it's hot."

After dinner, it was still early, and Yuan also turned on the TV in the ward to watch the news broadcast, her eyes moved slowly, and she glanced at Yuchi who was working on the sofa.

He is using a computer, and he hasn't thought about losing his mobile phone until now.

But the mobile phone is such a commonly used item, and he will find out after a while that she doesn't want to waste a second, so she keeps her posture still, quietly takes out the mobile phone with her hand under the quilt, and turns it on.

She pressed her fingers against the sound outlet, and was covered by the sound of the TV, so she didn't hear the sound of turning on the phone. Yuan also pursed her lips, and tried to unlock the password again. She had no idea, so she simply tried from the beginning, 0111, 0112, 0113...

Wrong, wrong, all wrong, Kite also frowned.

"It's getting late." Yuchi suddenly said, and Yuan's heart skipped a beat, she hurriedly stuffed her phone into the quilt, looked up at him, his eyes were dark, and said warmly, "Let's rest."

"Yeah." Yuan also held her breath, picked up the remote control, turned off the TV, and lay down on the bed.

With her hand under the quilt, she long-pressed to turn off the phone, then closed her eyes, she seemed to be asleep, but the code was still spinning in her mind.

Yuchi withdrew his gaze, and slowed down his typing on the keyboard, as if he didn't want to disturb her.

The next day, when Yuanya was half asleep and half awake, she heard someone say the word "mobile phone", she woke up instantly, stiffened her back, and listened carefully, it was the conversation between Yuchi and Li Xue.

"Mr. Wei, the phone is turned off when calling." Li Xue said.

Yuchi said indifferently, "It was probably picked up by someone."

Li Xuedao: "I will contact the business office immediately to freeze the mobile phone number and account, and prepare a new mobile phone for you."

Yuan also felt a little bit in her heart, if she froze her phone number, even if she unlocked the password, it would be useless...

"No hurry." Yuchi actually didn't care, "Isn't there any abnormality in the account all the time? Maybe it's just dropped somewhere, and it automatically shuts off when it's out of power. I'll look for it again, and I'll talk about it if I can't find it."


"It's fine if you don't have a mobile phone, and you can steal half a day's leisure." Yu Chi smiled lightly, "The company's affairs are not very important these days, so they all go to the back row."

It was Yuchi's order, so Li Xue didn't say any more: "Yes."

……that's it?

Yuan was also stunned.

He is not in a hurry to lose his mobile phone?
There should be a lot of important things in his mobile phone, isn't he afraid of being taken by someone with a heart?

Yuan also touched under the pillow, the hard thing was still there, but it was a bit unreal, she even doubted that Yuchi would know that she took the phone away, right?

After thinking about it, I think it's impossible. If Yuchi knows, there's no reason not to take it back. Wouldn't he refuse to let her contact the outside world?

In the past, Yuan could not understand Yuchi's thoughts, even more so now, but anyway, now that the phone is still in her hands, she will not give up hope easily.

For the next whole day, Kite also struggled with the password. Just trying to unlock the password, she tossed the battery from 80% to 30%. She was dazzled and almost couldn't recognize the numbers from 0 to 9.

In the afternoon, Yuan also went to the window to breathe, and Yuchi walked up to her and hugged her waist: "What are you thinking?"

Yuan also turned her head to avoid his breath, pursed her lower lip, said nothing, Yuchi pointed to a building in the distance: "Is that Qingcheng University?"

Yuan also followed his fingers to look over, and it was indeed the teaching building of Qingcheng University, she said softly: "Qingcheng University has planted a lot of magnolias, and it happens to be flowering now, so my little cousin said he would take me to see it. "

Yuchi's hand on her lower abdomen rubbed lightly, and asked in a short while: "Do you still want to go now?"

Yuan was also startled, and immediately turned around: "Can I go?"

Yuchi lowered his head and kissed the corner of her mouth: "You can already be discharged from the hospital, I will go through the formalities, and then I will take you there."

Yuan also never expected that he would allow her to go outside, or go to university. There are so many students, and the chance of successful help is too high. She suppressed her excitement and nodded: "Yes."

Yuchi bent his lips, turned around and left the ward.

Yuan also sat down on the edge of the bed, thinking quickly, took out the phone from the pillow, and thought about trying five more times, if it really didn’t work, forget it, put the phone somewhere, and then pretend to find it and return it to him, it can also reduce his anxiety. Vigilance.

When trying to reach the fourth set of passwords, Yuchi's voice sounded behind him without warning: "It's 0416."

Kite also shook her hand and almost dropped the phone.

Yuchi stretched his hands from behind, put his arms around her, and took her fingers to input the four numbers on the screen. The screen flashed and entered the desktop.

Yuan also held her breath, and heard him say with confusion: "The day you came to Wei's mansion to find me."

The password is the day she went to Wei's mansion to ask him to marry her.

Yuan also racked her brains, tried all the meaningful days, and even thought of the wedding anniversary 0417, but just didn't think of 0416!

Yuchi took the phone away from her hand, Yuan also held onto it tightly and refused to let it go, she finally got it, and finally unlocked the password...

"You asked me why I easily agreed when you came to ask for marriage?" He spoke gently, not angry because of her actions, but with more strength, he took the phone away and put it on the bedside table .

Yuan also had hot eyes, and dropped her hands dejectedly.

"Because I've seen you a few times before that."

"..." Yuan also didn't listen to him at all, she was still upset now, why didn't she think of 0416? !
Yuchi's deep voice rang in her ears: "The first time was at the Jincheng University freshman welcome meeting, you went for a celebrity who was invited to give a speech, sneaky..."

Sneaky indeed.

A few of them were talking under the tree, and when they looked away inadvertently, he saw a blue figure in the corridor.

At first, she thought it was a student who didn't pay attention, and was about to look away, she quietly came out from behind the pillar, then bent down, and quickly ran behind another pillar under the cover of the low wall... If it wasn't for the ponytail After shaking it, it was really well hidden.

He couldn't help laughing, he was going to leave this meaningless exchange because she stayed a little longer.

(End of this chapter)

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