He is delusional

Chapter 211 Even She Can't See Her

Chapter 211 Even She Can't See Her

Around four o'clock, Li Xue brewed a cup of tea and brought it to the office. Yuchi picked it up and took a sip. After a meal, he picked up his cell phone and made a call to the old house.

It was Wei Mu who answered, and Yu Chi called: "Mom."

"Achi, what's wrong?"

Yuchi said: "My friend just sent a box of Anji white tea, I tasted it tasted pretty good, let Li Xue take it to the old house later, you can try it."

Wei Mu loves tea very much, and specially chose a room in the old house with a window facing the garden as a tea room. Apart from entertaining relatives and friends, she also likes to drink alone in it when she is in the mood.

It's just that he called on purpose, how could he just send a box of tea?Mother-in-law couldn't guess his intentions, pinched the tassels of the pillow with her fingers, and said, "I went to the mansion to see Yuanyuan in the morning."

Yuchi Wensheng: "I heard that Mom also made soup, it's hard work."

Mother-in-law sighed: "Now as long as she is well, it's not hard. It's just that she has a grudge in her heart, and she didn't even want to call me 'Mom' at first."

"Yuan also just lost her child, and she's not in a good mood. If there is something that bumps into Mom, don't take it too seriously." Yuchi spoke in a leisurely manner.

"Is it just because you are in a bad mood because you don't have a child?" The mother-in-law frowned, "Achi, you have your own ideas, and Mom won't interfere with you, but you know Yuanyuan's temperament better than me. If you push too hard, things will be reversed at the extreme."

A gull soaring above the vast sea is now bound in a cage with its wings bound, how can she bear it?She is not in good spirits looking at Yuan Ye today, the person who usually laughs so much, now her eyes are full of melancholy, which makes people worry.

"I have a sense of proportion." The tone was as flat as ever.

Remembering Yuan Ye's request, Weimu hesitated for a moment and said, "Why don't you let her live in the old house?"

"Is this what she asked for?"

"No, it's because I think that she has a grudge against you now, and it's better for you to separate temporarily."

Yuchi smiled lightly, and didn't say whether he believed it or not, he just said: "Mom, you don't know Yuanye, she thinks it's too difficult to escape from me, so she wants to move to the old house, so she just left."

"No, I will look after her for you."

"no need."

He refused without any hesitation, and Wei Mu also tightened her brows: "Ah Chi."

Yuchi's pupils were dark and seemed to be calm, but in fact, when he went in, he could still see a faint coldness coming out of it, carrying the unique authority of the head of the family: "She has become more sensitive recently, and she will think about things in ordinary words." Thinking about it, Mom is always too soft-hearted towards her, and answers whatever she asks, it's better that you don't go to the mansion to meet her during this time."

Weimu was taken aback.

"It's also for the sake of her body. After all, she hasn't confinement yet, so don't think too much." Yuchi has already made a decision, "After a while, I will bring Yuan to the old house to see you. You have a migraine. Ours Don't think too much about things. You are still busy, so hang up first. "

After speaking, he tapped the screen with his finger, and then put the phone down.

And the mother-in-law in the old house, looking at the beeping microphone, was extremely astonished.

This was the first time Yuchi spoke to her like this in so many years.

No matter how tactful his words were, they couldn't cover up the sense of command in his words, he forbade her to see Yuanye.

Now even she can't see Tobi.

Father Wei came down from the second floor and saw her sitting in the living room with a gloomy expression, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Ah Chi won't allow me to see Yuanyuan." Weimu said worriedly.

"Kite is also a 'dead' person now, if you always go to see her, it will also arouse other people's suspicion." Wei's father disagrees, "Now there are more than one wave of people staring at Wei's mansion and Ah Chi."

In fact, he still disagrees with Yuchi's decision to keep Yuanye, but because Yuanye has been well-behaved and obedient in Wei's family for the past two years, he doesn't care about it.

Weimu really couldn't understand: "What exactly is Ah Chi trying to do?"

Father Wei pondered and felt that it was time to have a chat, so he ordered the butler: "Let the young master come back tonight."


After Yuchi took her book away, Yuan didn't read any more, she just sat by the window and watched the clouds. Yuesao racked her brains to think of something to talk to her so that she wouldn't be so bored, but Yuanye's attitude was different. He was so enthusiastic, he responded one after another, but he took the initiative to ask: "Why doesn't my mother come to see me?"

The confinement wife avoided the question: "Ma'am, I heard that the forest fires in Australia have been burning for half a year and have not been extinguished..."

"Did Yuchi not allow her to come to see me?" Yuan also looked at her quietly, Yuesao opened her mouth, which was a tacit consent.


Yuan also smiled slightly, because Weimu told her the truth, so Yuchi refused her to come again.

That's it.

Yuan also searched aimlessly in the utility room, found a pair of cross stitch, and started to make it.

I forgot when I bought this piece of cross-stitch. I just remember that there was a time when the little girls in the office became popular with this kind of ancient handicraft. They gathered together to discuss whenever they had time. Someone made a small clock. Someone made a mobile phone pendant. She listened to it a few times, and then bought a pair when she saw it while shopping.

It's a pity that she is not a patient person. She embroidered with great interest for more than half an hour, and after being pricked a few times by the needle, she threw it aside without even looking at it again.

She didn't do it before because she didn't have so much free time, but now she needs this kind of boring thing to pass the time.

The confinement sister-in-law knows how to do this, and after teaching Yuanye a few times, Yuanye has mastered the technique, so she spends her whole day on it.

Originally, it was done in the garden, but when it got dark, it was moved to the living room. Yuan also cut the thread and spread the cloth to see. This is a pair of "Little Prince", which is more than half finished.

The confinement wife praised her: "My wife is very talented, she embroidered so much in just one day, and it's smooth and beautiful."

The corners of Yuan Ye's mouth are slightly curved. Although the original intention is to pass the time, after all, I have put in a lot of effort to complete the work, and it is good to be praised.

The concubine said: "After the embroidery, you can find a photo frame and frame it as a painting."

She didn't answer, but imagined it in her heart, hanging it in A Ting's room, and his comic books and toys complement each other, and it doesn't violate the harmony.

Just thinking of A Ting, the little guy ran down from upstairs: "Ma Ma, Ma Ma."

Yuan also put down the cross-stitching, turned to look at him, A Ting was holding something in his hand, and handed it to him happily: "Mama!"

This is a Lego, the image is a man, a woman and a child, standing in front of a small house, very warm and happy.

This should symbolize her and him, as well as Yuchi's family of three.

The faces of the dolls were all smiling happily, as if they were carefree, and Yuan also looked down, the rare good mood just now gradually dissipated like smoke, she unconsciously stroked her abdomen with her hand, and whispered Ask: "What did you do?"

"Yeah!" Ah Ting has been working on this for the past few days, he blinked and said, "Here, Mama."

Teacher Zhuang followed A Ting downstairs, and said with a smile: "That day when I taught A Ting the word 'birthday', he asked the housekeeper when your birthday is. Although it has passed, A Ting still wants to give you a gift. I am I just thought, I can use this incident to motivate Ating, ask him to memorize multiplication formulas and some poems, and give him a candy for every two questions he answers correctly. If you have saved up a hundred candies, you can exchange this thing with me .”

It turns out that this is what candy is for. It is really good for entertaining and teaching.Yuan also pursed her lips: "Teacher Zhuang worked hard to teach."

Teacher Zhuang said it should.

A Ting handed the Lego to her again.

Yuan also never answered: "Go see your father off."

Then she remembered going upstairs, Ating grabbed her clothes, all the joy in her heart was extinguished, and she said flatly, "Mama, don't you like it?"

I can't say whether I like it or not, but my eyes hurt when I look at it, and other places also hurt, especially my heart and stomach. Yuan also suppressed the thoughts of thinking about the rainy day in Basel, and only said: "It's more suitable for him."

A Ting didn't understand her mood, but felt that Ma Ma was so indifferent to him recently, she didn't play with him, and didn't feed him. The teacher clearly said that she would be happy if she gave him a gift, why doesn't she even want a gift now... The teacher still... I taught him another word called hate, which means don't like, don't want... Does Ma Ma hate him?

His eyes were red, and he wanted to catch up with Yuan Ye: "Ma Ma!"

A corner of the carpet turned up for some reason, he tripped over without noticing, and threw himself on the ground with a bang, so surprised that even Yuan turned around to look back.

(End of this chapter)

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