He is delusional

Chapter 215 Be careful and carelessly lose Jingzhou

Chapter 215 Be careful and carelessly lose Jingzhou

"Ah Ting's hill painting is very good, next time I will take you to draw fish."

"Papa together!"

"it is good."

The three spoke to each other, and Yuan didn't respond to it, but Yuesao couldn't help but cleared her throat: "Ahem!"

The three people who were having fun just found the person on the stairs. Teacher Zhuang smiled naturally and said hello: "Mrs. Wei."

Yuan also glanced at the man, and then looked at the child who looked similar to that man, his eyes were as light as glass, and continued to go downstairs to the garden.

Yuchi let go of Ah Ting's hand, and wanted to follow, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Li Yi who followed them into the door, thought of something, and stopped in his tracks.

"Mr. Zhuang took the young master to sketch, and the husband also went with him." Yue Yue whispered behind Yuan Ye.


The man who didn't have time to go out with her to buy and decorate the house on New Year's Eve is now free to accompany his children to paint. Fortunately, she really thought that capitalists had no rest days.

Sure enough, many things just depend on whether he is willing or not.

Kite also blushed at the corner of her mouth, picked up the garden shears, and trimmed off the withered branches and leaves. Maybe they can still step on the tail of spring and sprout new shoots again.

The confinement wife saw that she was still as depressed as before, and instead worried for her: "Madam, you can't go on like this..."

It wasn't until the words came out that I realized that I was not qualified to teach her a lesson, so I quickly shut up: "I'm sorry madam, I didn't mean that, I..."

Yuan also cut off a leaf that had been gnawed to bits and pieces by insects, and said flatly, "Just say what you want to say."

The confinement sister-in-law didn't take care of her for a long time, and she didn't know the kindness and resentment. She just thought that she was a pretty girl, and she was killed and put under house arrest. She lost her own child and had to raise other people's children. It was really pitiful. Feeling sympathetic, I couldn't help but say a few more words.

"For a person like Mr., every time he comes to see you, you don't give him a good face. After sitting on the bench for a long time, no one can bear it... Alas, women have been in confinement for a long time, and men are full of blood. It's easy to make mistakes at this time, if you do this again, be careful and lose Jingzhou."

Yuan also had a meal.

Seeing her stop, Yuesao thought she had listened, and said, "Didn't you notice? Mr. has been visiting you less and less recently."

In addition, she seldom went downstairs, and the two had almost no chance to run into each other. The only time they met in the past few days was yesterday, and they still broke up unhappy.

The confinement sister-in-law saw it in her eyes, and she was anxious in her heart. The couple under the same roof were so unfamiliar. If outsiders saw it, wouldn't they have something that they shouldn't have?
Yuanye was actually thinking about the scene just now, the laughter, not to mention how harmonious it was, it was indeed much better than facing her moody hedgehog.

A person like Mr.... also, Mr. Wei is not shy, the noble and proud young man of the Wei family has never bowed his head to anyone, and has been subdued a few times. She doesn't appreciate him, and of course he won't Continue to make yourself unhappy.

Thinking of this, Yuan also felt a little pity, why didn't he come to her?She stabs him a few times, maybe he will let her go if he gets tired of her.

The confinement wife kept her voice low, lest someone would overhear her: "I've seen it several times, that Mr. Zhuang said to Mr...."

In the middle of the conversation, Yuan didn't want to listen anymore: "It has nothing to do with me."

The confinement wife was startled, how could it have nothing to do with it?That was her husband, she cried out worriedly, "Madam..."

Yuan also turned back and continued to trim the flower branches, as if in her opinion, it is more important to take good care of these flowers and trees.

The confinement sister-in-law hated iron for being weak, opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, so she could only sigh in her heart.

Yuan also suddenly had a feeling of being watched, looked around, but there was nothing, then thought of something, and raised her head.

Impartially met the dark gaze of the man by the window on the second floor.

After a pause of three to five seconds, Yuan also walked to another sweet-scented osmanthus tree, which was in Yuchi's blind spot, and he couldn't see her again.

Yuchi lowered his eyes, and Li Yi behind him didn't notice any emotional changes in him, and continued to report: "I just got the news that the old godfather has been on ECMO, and there is no news from the emergency room. Now Mrs. Landau and Mrs. Li Xi The various factions of the Yuan family headed by them have already begun to make moves."

Yuchi casually picked up the coin at the corner of the table, played with it between his fingers, and said thoughtfully: "Mrs. Landau is the wife, and Mrs. Li Xi is the younger sister. Most of the other factions are attached to them."

Li Yi nodded: "Yes, that's why they have been fighting so hard these years." Last time they blamed Mrs. Li Xi, Mrs. Landau didn't suspect it, because it was too much like what Mrs. Li Xi would do. The godfather couldn't make it through, and the main battlefield was between the two of them.

"Mrs. Li Xi..." Yuchi sat leaning on the edge of the table, his eyebrows narrowed slightly.Li Yi knew that he was thinking about something, so he didn't dare to disturb him, but someone came to disturb him without knowing how to measure.

From outside the door, a soft female voice said, "Mr. Wei."

Yuchi frowned, looked sideways, and saw that the door of the study room was not closed, and Mr. Zhuang was standing at the door, with a beautiful appearance and a demure demeanor.

Li Yi glanced at the boss, then stepped forward and asked on his behalf: "Mr. Zhuang, what's the matter?"

Because Li Yi walked out and Yuchi didn't make a sound, it was difficult for Mr. Zhuang to go in, so he could only stand at the door.

She took out a watch from her handbag: "This should belong to Mr. Wei, return the original."

Yuchi looked at his wrist, only to realize that a watch was missing, raised his eyes and asked, "Why is it at Teacher Zhuang's place?"

Teacher Zhuang didn't explain hastily because he was afraid of being misunderstood, and kept his usual gentle voice: "I saw it was placed on the grass, and I put it away for fear of being accidentally stepped on. I will return it to you, but I forgot, but luckily I just opened the handbag and saw it."

Yuchi remembered that when A Ting was painting, he accidentally splashed watercolor on his hands, and he took off his watch only after washing his hands by the river.

"Thank you." Yuchi nodded.

Li Yi took the watch and returned it to Yuchi, but Yuchi took it but didn't put it on, just put it on the table casually.

"I'll go first." Teacher Zhuang bowed slightly, and as soon as he turned around, A Ting's voice came from the corridor: "Teacher, teacher!"

The little guy happily ran over, raised his head and said to her, "Ah Ting will recite it!"

"It's only been a while since you've memorized it?" Mr. Zhuang looked surprised, "Ah Ting is so smart!"

After being praised, A Ting was even more happy, and took Teacher Zhuang's hand.

They were right at the door of the study, so Yuchi could see them naturally.

A Ting has always been very obedient and obedient, even in front of outsiders, he doesn't make trouble, as if he can get along with anyone, but in fact, he clearly distinguishes between closeness and estrangement in his heart, and usually doesn't take the initiative to get close to anyone, even if it's just to hold hands, Apart from Yuanya, Mr. Zhuang was the first one.

(End of this chapter)

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