He is delusional

Chapter 217 You Say You Are Responsible

Chapter 217 You Say You Are Responsible

The butler said happily: "The young master is back, the young master is back!"

Teacher Zhuang immediately turned his head and saw Yuchi going upstairs: "Mr. Wei!"

Yuchi glanced past Yuanye, and quickly asked the housekeeper, "What's going on?"

The housekeeper said: "The young master has locked himself in the room for a long time, and he refuses to open the door no matter how you call him."

Yuchi frowned: "You don't have a key?"

Everyone woke up like a dream, and the housekeeper slapped his head: "Yes, yes, I forgot the key!"

The housekeeper immediately found the key, inserted it into the keyhole and turned it, and the door opened.

Now that the door has been opened, there is nothing to do with her, not to mention that Yuchi is back, he is the one to coax Ah Ting if he is having a fight or something else.Yuan also lowered her eyelashes and was about to go back to her room, but before taking two steps, Teacher Zhuang exclaimed: "A Ting!"

Kite also stopped immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the housekeeper and other servants shouted in the same surprise: "Young master!"

Yuan also couldn't help it, and walked over, but there was a group of servants around the door, she couldn't squeeze in, and couldn't see the situation inside, she could only hear Teacher Zhuang's crying voice: "A Ting, A Ting... ...How did this happen? Mr. Wei, this..."

Yuchi said in a deep tone, "Prepare the car."

The butler didn't dare to delay, so he gave orders immediately.

Yuan also kept being squeezed on the outside, seeing Yuchi coming out of the room with A Ting in his arms, and quickly going downstairs, Teacher Zhuang followed closely.

Yuan also frowned and asked the housekeeper, "What's wrong with Ting?"

"Young master passed out on the ground, with nosebleeds..." the housekeeper looked anxious, "This, this seems to be a disease, young master hasn't been like this for a long time."

Tobi also must be the whole person.


Yes, A Ting has leukemia, and she has not forgotten it, but he has looked healthy these past few months, so she didn't realize the actual harm caused by this disease, why suddenly... Has old Professor Zhang returned to China?She went to participate in an academic discussion on blood diseases years ago, did she find a way to cure A Ting?
Yuan also walked back to the room in a daze, and fell down on the sofa, still unable to calm down.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening when she sat down, and the confinement sister-in-law couldn't help but say, "Madam, why don't I ask the housekeeper to call and ask about the young master's condition?"

Yuan also shook her head slowly - if it's okay, Yuchi will bring A Ting back, since he didn't come back, it's not very good, and it's useless to ask.

After dismissing the confinement wife, she sat for more than an hour, and did not get up until she felt the chill of the night. As soon as she stood up, her head shook, and her eyes went dark. Only before the eyes regained clarity.

This has happened several times recently. I asked Situ yesterday, and Situ said that it was due to anemia and hypoglycemia.

She found out her own temperature and measured it, but it was still a low-grade fever.

That night, Yuan didn't know what time she fell asleep, she felt that she was always half awake and half asleep, anxious and uneasy.


In the hospital late at night, the temperature was lower than other places. Yuchi had just come out of Professor Zhang's office, and the long corridor was brightly lit, casting his tall and straight figure on the ground, forming a shadow.

When he walked all the way outside Ating's ward, he just stopped and looked in through the glass window. The child on the bed hadn't woken up yet, and Mr. Zhuang volunteered to take care of him. He was also lying on the edge of the bed and fell asleep at the moment.

He didn't know who his gaze fell on, but the pupils were deep and heavy, like inextricable chaos.

He held two inspection reports tightly in his hand.


The next day, Yuan also got up an hour earlier than usual, walked out of the room, and met the housekeeper, who stopped in his tracks, hesitating to speak.

Yuan was also a little confused, did she act like she hated Ating?He was sick and hospitalized, and the housekeeper hesitated to say anything, and still hesitated if she wanted to know?
She sighed: "how is Ah Ting?"

Only then did the steward say, "The situation is temporarily stable."

"Why is he sick?"

"This..." The butler didn't dare to say, and lowered his head, "I'll tell you when the young master comes back."

Yuchi came back in the afternoon, at that time she was still practicing calligraphy in the study.

Obviously she already knew how to write with a brush, but because she was upset, no matter how she wrote, she would write crookedly. She frowned irritably, and when she raised her head, she saw Yuchi coming in without knocking.

Her first reaction was not to be angry, but to relax her heartstrings. Just as she was about to ask about Ating's condition, he preemptively asked, "What did you do to Ating?"

Yuan also paused, and her emotions faded away like a tide: "What do you mean I should do to Ating?"

"Ah Ting woke up and said, I hate you."

Tobi also clenched the brush in her hand, hating her...

After a while, she twitched the corner of her mouth: "Really?"

She didn't care about it like that: "Isn't this normal? I'm not his real mother, and it will be a matter of time before he doesn't like me." It happened that she was also tired of him.

The last sentence was stuck in her throat and she couldn't say it. She took a light breath, feeling like a handful of sand had been rubbed in her heart. It wasn't painful but definitely uncomfortable.

She put down the brush and was about to leave, but Yuchi didn't move at all, but when he passed by, he suddenly grabbed her arm and said abruptly: "Yuan, for things that go back and forth, once or twice is enough."

Without even thinking about it, she directly replied back: "On the contrary, how can I compare to you?"

It was agreed to send Bai Qingqing's mother and son away, but in the end A Ting was still kept, and the divorce was agreed upon repaying the land, but now he is locking her up in Wei's mansion, isn't he going back on his word?

And when did she backtrack?It means that she promised to stay by his side, but turned around and ran away?If that kind of backtracking, she really wants to do it many times!
Yuchi turned his head to look over, with emotions she couldn't understand hidden in his eyes, he said slowly and bluntly: "Take A Ting back to Wei's house, take care of A Ting, and be willing to be responsible for A Ting, these words are all you said."

"That's you plotting against me!"

Yuchi took it out of context: "So you admit that you said it?"

Yuan also held back, she admitted that she had a crush on A Ting, but it was different from him plotting her to accept A Ting!
Yuchi grabbed his hand and said more forcefully: "You are still the Minister of Commerce, you should know how to write the words "Walk what you say and do what you do."

so what?What does he mean by talking about it without beginning or end?Yuan also hadn't had waves of emotions for a long time, and his emotions burned easily in these few words: "How about admitting it, so what if you don't admit it? You want me to apologize in front of A Ting? Admit my mistake? Coax him? Comfort him? How dare you let me Going out? Let go!"

Yuchi restrained her whole body struggling with one hand, clasped her arm and refused to let go, Yuan also tried to break him away: "I want you to let me go!"

Yuchi's expression and eyes looked the same at first glance, but if you dig deeper, you will find that there is a lot of rain hidden in it: "Since you said that you are responsible for him, you must be responsible—Old Professor Zhang said that his operation It can no longer be delayed."

Yuan also finally understood what he meant by these words, and looked at him in astonishment: "You want me to have a baby right now to save him?"

He replied after a short pause: "A Ting can last another year, there is still time."

Yuan also felt a rush of blood rushing towards her own Tianling Gai!

One year, one year, except for the ten months of pregnancy, what he meant was for her to get pregnant now!Now!Now that she has had a miscarriage for a full month!Now that the grievances and hatred between them have not been resolved!Now that he has not responded to her little cousin's life!

Her eyes were suddenly bloodshot, and for the first time in her life, she felt the rampant anger in her chest that had nowhere to vent, and she directly shook off his hand: "Get out!"

Not only did Yuchi not let go, but he pulled her back as she was about to leave, and Yuan also bumped her body into the desk, and the next moment her upper body was pressed against the desk by him!
(End of this chapter)

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