He is delusional

Chapter 227 Who Is Behind the Screen

Chapter 227 Who Is Behind the Screen

After the singing started on the stage, Yuchi took Yuanye and sat down behind the screen. He didn't care what was being sung, but only paid attention to the change of Yuanye's expression.

As Qin Zibai said, she was very moved by the Southern Hokkien melody. Nanyin sang the first line, and she suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of the stage, her eyes like stagnant water stirred up waves.

Yuchi stared at her face, and called out in a low voice: "Yuan."

In fact, Yuan Ye's reaction in her heart was even more excited than what she showed on the surface, she could hear it - it was Nan Yin!

It was Nanyin who was invited to sing!

She had heard her a few plays and recognized her voice.

This is the first time she has been so close to her former friends, so close to her former world after being placed under house arrest by Yuchi for a month.

Yuan also curled up her fingers, and was very impulsive for a moment, wanting to run out to let Nanyin see her, but... no, no.

This is Wei's mansion, surrounded by Yuchi's people, if she really did that, in order to continue to hide the fact that she is still alive, Yuchi will definitely send Nanyin and his group out of Jincheng, or put them under house arrest—she will never Doubtful, Yuchi just felt that even if she was suddenly exposed and seen by Nanyin and the others, he would have a way to deal with the aftermath, so he allowed Nanyin and the others to enter Wei's mansion to perform.

In fact, when the news of Wei Mansion inviting a theater troupe came out, she didn't know what others would think, but her eldest cousin must have realized that she was not dead. He played "Chen San Wu Niang" at the Lyceum Theater to test her. Inviting a troupe now is her response to his temptation, he understands—but this is what she thinks.

She has failed too many times, her hopes have been broken too many times, and she is afraid that this is because she thinks too much. In fact, "Chen San Wu Niang" has nothing to do with the big cousin. Even if the troupe came to Wei's mansion, everyone thought it was Wei Chi For Bo Xin's smile, no one knows her.

So she can't do nothing, she must let Nan Yin know that she is here without arousing Yuchi's suspicion and vigilance, maybe in this way, she will tell Gu Jiu about it, and Gu Jiu will tell her Big cousin, she has the hope of escaping...

But what should be done to not alarm Yuchi, but also let Nanyin find herself?
Yuan didn't control the expression on her face much, which just made Yuchi think that the Hokkien music really had an influence on her.

She glanced at the book on the table. This is the play book. On it will be written the songs performed today and the lyrics of the songs. The lyrics... There it is!
Yuan also pulled her hand away from Yuchi, her fingertips still held the warmth of his palm, she slowly picked up the playbook, and under his gaze, she turned a page.

Qin Zibai also kept an eye on her, leaned into Yuchi's ear and whispered: "Not bad, I still know how to take the notebook."

Indeed, what she did a few days ago had to be told by others before she executed it like a robot, and it was the first time she took the initiative to do something.

Yuchi pursed his lower lip.

After Yuan also opened it, she followed the lyrics in the playbook and hummed softly.

She always reacted like this when she heard the Southern Fujian music. Anyway, her voice was low, and it was not obvious under the cover of the soundtrack, so Yuchi didn't stop her.

Unexpectedly, the last few lines of this play turned out to be a cappella, and the soundtrack suddenly stopped, and there was no noise around, except Yuan, who was still immersed in her own world, as if she had never heard it.

"...The old man's crying can't move his heart. He doesn't recognize my mother and son and even changes his face. Who is pitiful for our mother and son to leave home!"

The voice was neither high nor low, but it seemed very abrupt in the silence. Nan Yin on the stage was taken aback, looking at the screen.

It's not that she didn't realize that Yuchi didn't come to accompany his new love to listen to the opera, only Zhuang Shu and Yang Tong were sitting in front of the screen, but she didn't think too much about it, she just thought that Yuchi was busy and didn't have time to come.

After this sound, she realized that there seemed to be...someone behind the screen?

Who is it?This is the Wei Mansion, it should be the people from the Wei Mansion, right?

Why hide behind a screen?Still hiding in your own territory?

She had several questions, but her professionalism kept her from wasting too much time, and then she sang the last three lines with a high voice.

finished perfectly.

Yang Tong applauded first: "Good!"

Nanyin smiled slightly, stood up with the music masters, and bowed under the console.

When I raised my head, I saw a few figures flashing behind the screen -- there were indeed people behind the screen.

Generally speaking, after the concert, the host family would stay with the opera troupe for dinner before leaving. Wei's family had always followed the rules, so naturally they did so, so when Nanyin and the others left Wei's mansion, it was already dark.

She still left in Yang Tong's car. On the way, she recalled that tonight's meal was also served by Ms. Zhuang. Yuchi only showed his face and went upstairs, saying that he was going to have a video conference, so it was inconvenient to entertain.

From this point of view, this Ms. Zhuang is indeed the hostess in the Wei Mansion, but compared to this, she now feels that the people behind the screen are even more weird.

who is...

Why does that voice sound familiar?

Nanyin thought about it and asked, "Is there someone behind the screen when listening to the play in the afternoon?"


"is it?"

Yang Tong said embarrassedly: "I only care about you, I don't care about others."

... Well, his attention was indeed completely on her, and it was normal if he didn't notice anything else. Nan Yin didn't ask any more, only thinking about whose voice was it?

Arriving in Liyuan, it was already late at night, Nanyin got off the car, politely declined Yang Tong's offer to let her in, and walked across the threshold.

It was at this moment that she suddenly remembered where she had heard that voice before!

She turned her head suddenly and looked towards the side of the door.

Yang Tong hasn't left yet, I don't know what she is looking at: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Nanyin's back suddenly became stiff, and he pursed his lips before saying, "Master Yang, drive carefully."

She cares about him!Yang Tong was flattered: "I know, I know, you go to rest, you have worked hard today!"

Nanyin nodded and didn't look back.

Yang Tong watched her disappear before getting back into the car. Just as he fastened his seat belt, the phone rang, and he picked it up when he saw it was Yuchi: "Brother Chi."

Yuchi asked: "Send everyone back?"

Yang Tong started the accelerator, only as if he was concerned, and answered honestly: "Yes."

"Did anyone ask you anything?"

"Question? No," Yang Tong smirked, "Just let me drive carefully on the road."

Yuchi didn't show any attitude, just said: "Well, drive carefully."


The further Nanyin walked, the colder her back became, and a bold conjecture hovered in her mind, because it was so bold that she was terrified.

At night, there was no one in the backstage of Liyuan, and the echo of her own footsteps was extremely obvious. She had an inexplicable sense of crisis, as if she knew some terrible secret and would be silenced.

She couldn't help quickening her pace, wanting to go back to the rest room.

The door of the rest room was bare, and she opened the door while turning on the light.

Caught off guard, she saw a tall and straight figure of a man standing in front of the window. At first she thought it was Gu Jiu, but when she took a closer look, it wasn't!

(End of this chapter)

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