Chapter 239
How did he treat her?
Basel's setup?

Captivity in the Wei Mansion?

Occupy against will?

Yuchi leaned back against the head of the bed, there seemed to be layers of thick fog in his eyes.

The confinement wife thought he would not answer, she kept silent, and opened the door to leave, but he suddenly moved his lower lip: "No."

The confinement lady was startled and turned around.

The man who couldn't hide his glamourous face even when he was sick, at some point refocused his eyes, and his tone was neither serious nor light but determined, as if he would still make the same choice again.

"No regrets, no before, no now, no future."

Five consecutive "no", so decisive and firm, the confinement wife was stunned!

His wife committed suicide because of what he did, why doesn't he know it's wrong? !

Yuchi turned his head sideways to the window, the arc of his side face was cold.

The confinement sister-in-law felt aggrieved, and felt that it was abominable for him to die without repentance. She wanted to say something but dared not say it, so she simply opened the door and left.

At the beginning, he asked her to give Yuan Ye confinement, saying, "My wife is self-willed and casual, please take care of her."

At that time, the tone was so pity, she thought they were a loving couple.

It turned out that she just thought.

This man just has no heart!


In the eyes of the outside world, Yuan is also a deceased person. This jump into the river did not cause any disturbance.

At most, there is one more clothes tomb in the Chen family cemetery, one more memorial tablet in the Wei family ancestral hall, and the rest are as invisible as the sun passing through the fingertips.

It turns out that a person's death can be so silent.


A month later, Yuchi was discharged from the hospital.

That day he boarded the plane to Qingcheng by himself, he didn't go to the Chen family, and he didn't go to the Chen family cemetery, but went to the Banshan villa.

He bought this house from a friend four years ago. Although it has been idle until now, housekeepers come to clean it at a fixed time, and their fingers slide over the furniture without much dust on their fingertips.

Yuchi walked from the first floor to the second floor, opened the French windows of the balcony, saw a blue sky surrounded by white mist, and faintly heard the chirping of birds in the forest.

He went up to the third floor again. Here was the bedroom. The sheets and bedding were still the same as before. He looked at it, unable to fathom what emotion it was.

He stayed in the villa by himself until four o'clock in the afternoon before leaving. No one knew what he was doing and what he was thinking, but there was a small brocade box in the drawer of the dressing table, which was sealed together with the door. into the villa.

So far no one cares.


It was already six o'clock when Yuchi walked out of Jincheng Airport, Li Yi came to pick him up, and informed him of an official business on the way: "Shengshi Group is holding a [-]th anniversary banquet tonight, and you have been invited to attend, but I have declined on your behalf."

Yuchi didn't answer, his eyes fell coldly out of the window, Li Yi didn't say anything, drove steadily, and sent him back to Wei's mansion.

As night fell, the switch of the Wei Mansion was pulled by the housekeeper himself.

Starting from the front yard, passing through three courtyards, the lights are turned on one by one.Looking down from the sky, the entire mansion is like a pearl left in the suburban woods, shining inside and out.

The butler stood in the yard for a while, and was about to turn around to go back to the house when he saw Li Yi's car driving in, hurriedly went up to meet him, opened the door of the back seat, and said respectfully: "Master, you are back, please take care of yourself first. Take a break, I'll have the servant prepare dinner right away."

"No need." Yuchi was indifferent, and the butler was taken aback, thinking that he had to take care of himself just after he was discharged from the hospital, how could he do without eating?

But Yuchi had already entered the room and went directly to the second floor. The housekeeper looked at Li Yi in a daze: "Assistant Li, this..."

Li Yi pursed his lips: "Mr. Wei just came back from Qingcheng."

It doesn't matter who Qingcheng is. They all know that the housekeeper didn't say anything for a while, and looked at the second floor with complicated eyes.

If you say that the young master doesn't care about "her", then why did you go to Qingcheng in person?But if the young master cared about "her", why didn't he even salvage her body?

Not only did he not fish it himself, but he also refused to fish it with Mrs. Wei. During this time, Mrs. Wei wanted to send people to Jinhai many times, but he blocked them all. It caused a lot of criticism, which is not good for Wei's Group.

This is really... Ugh.

Li Yi also sighed, and repeated some taboos that the doctor ordered when Yuchi was discharged from the hospital. The butler nodded and said that he had written it down. Li Yi was about to leave, but at this moment he saw Yuchi coming down from the second floor.

He changed into a suit, the dark blue color was low-key and luxurious, which made his appearance even more superior: "Li Yi, go to the banquet of Shengshi Group."

Li Yi was taken aback, Mr. Wei is going?
Weishi and Shengshi did not cooperate, Shengshi sent invitations to Yuchi, just out of politeness, did not think that Yuchi would really attend - Yuchi was hospitalized for a month, and did not make it public, everyone only said that the president of Weishi was mysterious, and did not Dare to bother him uninterestedly.

And tonight, the mysterious President Wei appeared at the banquet.

Mr. Qiao from Shengshi Group was flattered and entertained him personally. The two of them exchanged cups and cups.

Yuchi always had a proper smile on his lips, he was respectful and polite to the seniors in the business world, he supported and took care of the juniors who asked for advice, he never refused to offer a toast, and he was extremely gracious in his greetings and thanks for his kindness.

He is the eldest son of the Wei family who is both gentle and approachable but also dignified and unattainable.


It was past zero when the banquet ended, and Yuchi was half-drunk. After getting in the car, he propped his forehead and closed his eyes to fall asleep, leaving a glimmer of light to reflect the flickering street lights outside the window.

For no reason, he remembered what he saw in the villa in the middle of the mountain.

It is a stack of rice paper that has been scribbled on.

It is no longer useful, and should have been thrown away a long time ago. I don't know who, and what kind of thoughts, put it away properly.

That period of dust-free years, along with the calligraphy written stroke by stroke, vividly appeared in front of my eyes.

——If you don't love lovesickness in your life, you will love it, and you will hurt lovesickness.

This sentence was written on dozens of sheets of paper, from crooked to gradually corrected, from barely catching the eye to quite aesthetically pleasing, who is holding whose hand, teaching to write over and over again tirelessly, and finally wrote a OK

Whoever pesters it must frame it, hang it in the living room, and proudly say that every guest who comes to the house will see it. Whose masterpiece is this.

But before he had time to do it, the villa was already empty, and he didn't know where the best handwriting was left?
He remembered again that when she was under house arrest in Wei's mansion, she practiced brush calligraphy every day for a period of time. When she practiced well, she also wrote this poem. The confinement wife also told him that she seemed to be crying just now. (213 chapters)

When I wrote that word, I cried.

Yuchi's eyes turned away the shimmering light, many kinds of emotions were intertwined in it, and he couldn't describe clearly, finally he closed his eyes.


When turning a corner, Li Yi habitually glanced at the rearview mirror to keep an eye on the car coming from behind. His vision accidentally slipped and he saw Yuchi's profile reflected in the rear window glass. Under the moonlight, there was something in the corner of his eye, like a pearl, glowing over water.


In the summer of that day, Yuchi met Toya.

In the summer of this year, Yuchi lost Yuanye.

(End of this chapter)

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