He is delusional

Chapter 249 Is it Coincidence or Inheritance

Chapter 249 Is it Coincidence or Inheritance

Anna quickly caught up and stood in front of her: "Miss."

Yuan also stopped, looked at her indifferently, and changed her tone: "Anna, I remember that Mr. Su pointed you out to me. Could it be that you were so obsequious when you were with Mr. Su before?"

Anna hastily denied: "No!"

Yuan also pretended to suddenly realize: "So you just look down on me and think that I am more foolish than Mr. Su? You don't lie to Mr. Su, you only deceive me."

Anna didn't even know how she got to this point: "Anna, Anna didn't mean that."

"It doesn't mean that, then you can answer whatever I ask." Yuan also shook her head and smiled wryly, "What else can't I bear now?"

"..." In desperation, Anna had no choice but to tell the truth, "Sir arranged for an operation this Sunday."

Yuan also's face changed suddenly: "Didn't he say to do it after I come back?" She won't go back until next Monday.

"Sir, you want to give Miss a surprise." Anna bit the bullet and said.


More or less frightened!

Yuan was also furious, he was afraid that she would watch him undergo surgery and would be frightened and afraid that he would have trouble sleeping and eating, so he might as well finish the work while she was away!
This man...!
Yuan also pulled the suitcase and left: "Let's go back now."

Anna didn't move, and asked, "What else can Miss do besides guarding the ward?"

Ibi also turned around.

Anna said: "Doctors and nurses are in charge of the operation, and professional nurses are in charge of the postoperative care. At most, the lady is taking care of the husband, but there may not be a servant who does a good job."

Kite also pursed her lips.

"Anna said this, not to belittle the miss, but the husband didn't tell you the time of the operation, because he didn't want his affairs to delay the miss's and yours. Miss, you don't want to disappoint the husband's wishes."

Don't think about his affairs, delay her affairs.

Tobi also gripped the luggage handle tightly.

She stood still at the airport where people were coming and going, her expression changed back and forth, and the announcement over there was reminding that the flight was about to take off.

Finally she turned around: "Let's go."

That's right, when she goes back now, she can only stay by his hospital bed, and can't do anything else. It's better for him to do his things, and she to do hers. Be there and accompany him to recover.

It only takes two hours to fly directly from Zurich to London, and Yuan is not idle. She opens the iPad to browse Mrs. Li Xi's itinerary in London this time, looking for opportunities to meet.

Anna took the seat next to her and said, "Mrs. Li Xi is the younger sister of the old godfather and one of the directors of HMVL. Most of the decisions are made by her, and when we meet her this time, we have to make all the arrangements."

"It's said that the relationship between sister-in-law and mother-in-law is as difficult to deal with, and it turns out that this law also makes sense in Europe." Tobiya's words sounded like teasing, but the tone was not much of a joke.

This Mrs. Li Xi is also aware of her existence. Although there is no evidence that she sent someone to hunt her down, she does not have much kindness towards her—from the fact that she knew that Mrs. Landau was going to kill her, but stood by. can be seen.

Of course, she is better than Mrs. Landau who repeatedly sent people to hunt and kill her, so it is possible to reach a cooperation with her.

"Ms. Li Xi is not married?"

Anna nodded: "Yes."

So she participated in the seizure of power as a member of the Yuan family, and Yuan also thought: "The old godfather has been bedridden for two years and has never been sober? Didn't he say how the property will be distributed?"

Speaking of this, she still doesn't know: "What disease does the old godfather have?"


Yuan was also taken aback, and then repeated in a low voice: "Leukemia."

"It's mainly leukemia, and there are some complications. I have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and I have also transplanted hematopoietic stem cells years ago, but the effect is minimal. It has reached the point where I can't speak. I went to the emergency room about a month ago. ECMO." Anna said.

Yuan also put down her hands, and turned her head out of the window. The outside was cloudy and white.

Leukemia, leukemia again.

Coincidence, or, genetic?

She couldn't help showing that child's smile, and she didn't know which nerve in her body was being pulled, and there was a slight pain.

"Look back, help me find a hematology specialist. I have something I want to know."

"Okay lady."

Two hours later, they landed in London and moved into the house of Rodriguez's family in London. There are enough people here to protect Tobiya for her to dispatch.

The day before the auction started, Mrs. Li Xi and her group finally arrived in London, but Bieber, who was in charge of keeping an eye on Mrs. Li Xi's movements, told them one thing: "Mrs. Li Xi didn't come to London at all."

Anna stood up suddenly: "She didn't come? Are you sure?"

Bieber said in a deep voice, "I'm sure. We followed all the way from the airport to the hotel. There is indeed no Mrs. Li Xi in Mrs. Li Xi's team, only her personal attendant wearing her clothes and pretending to be her."

Compared to Anna's annoyance when she learned that all the arrangements fell short, Yuan was also calm, leaning against the cabinet, with a glass of lemonade in her hand, drinking slowly: "Can you find out where she went?"

Bieber nodded: "It will take a while."

"Go and check."


Yuan also took a sip of lemonade, swallowed it slowly, and smiled amusedly: "She played a trick on everyone."

Everyone thought that she left Paris, France for the auction in London, England, but who knew that she asked her cronies to disguise themselves to come instead of her, and she disappeared without a trace.

Mrs. Li Xi, Mrs. Landau's biggest opponent, and the partner she wants, there are so many unknowns.

She finished drinking the fresh lemonade in the glass, and added another half cup to soak it. She liked the taste recently, then picked up her mobile phone, and called Mr. Su—his surgery was scheduled for the morning after tomorrow.

As soon as the call ended, Bieber came back after checking: "Mrs. Li Xi separated from the team at the Paris airport and went to Bhutan alone."

Bhutan, one of the least developed countries in the world, has only one international airport in the whole of Bhutan, and it is not open for landing after dark. Mrs. Li Xi, who was born noble and famous, what would she do in such a place?
Anna also asked: "What did she go to Bhutan for?"

"I don't know for the time being. She changed planes a few times, probably because she didn't want people to know where she went."

Yuan didn't think about it for long: "We're going to Bhutan too."

Anna hesitated: "Miss, I'm afraid this is not good."

"What's wrong? Mrs. Li Xi is too strange, maybe this is the key to us taking her down."


Yuan also wondered, how come England, but not Bhutan?

After thinking about it, she understood: "Bhutan borders China, are you afraid that I will be discovered by the Wei family?"

Anna was really afraid of this, the Wei family was too powerful to be underestimated.

Yuan also walked to the glass window. It was a fine day in London, and the sunlight shone into her eyes, but it couldn't melt the frost.

"He already believed that I was dead, and he didn't even pick up my 'body'. How could he find out that I went to Bhutan?"

During the month when she was recuperating in Jincheng, she didn't need to deliberately inquire about him, and the news about him would fly to her by herself.

He watched her jump into the river with his own eyes, and he was also the first to give up salvage.

That's right, she was useful to him when she was alive, she could be A Ting's "medicine introduction", she was useless when she was dead, Mr. Wei, who has the most clear pros and cons, would waste his energy on a useless corpse ?
Fishing for three days already depends on the relationship between husband and wife for two years, isn't that enough?
A sneer could not be suppressed on Yuan Ye's lips. After all, it has only been two months, and she still hasn't cultivated the ability to deal with Yuchi's affairs calmly. When she thinks about it now, those hatreds are surging in her chest again. , shouting - clamoring to come out and fight back.

Turning around and leaving from the window, Kite also picked up the lemonade and drank it down, and put the glass back on the table with a snap.

"Book tickets, let's go to Bhutan."

She must see Mrs. Li Xi.


At the same time, Jincheng Wei's mansion.

Yuchi came down from the second floor, Li Yi was in the living room: "Mr. Wei."

Yuchi nodded, and took the wallet that he handed to him with both hands. Inside were the air tickets and some necessary formalities. A corner of the air ticket was exposed, and the destination - Bhutan was printed on it.

Li Yi said again: "Let me go with you." He has just recovered from his injury, so it is not safe to go abroad alone.

Yuchi Wenmo: "No need."

Then he walked out, the servant followed him out pushing his suitcase, and the driver took him to the airport.

The butler was worried and puzzled: "What is the young master going to do?"

Since the death of the young lady, the young master's originally introverted temperament has become more calm than before, and his behavior has become more and more incomprehensible. This time he suddenly said that he was going to Bhutan, okay, to go to that domestic direct flight What do countries that have none do?
Li Yi did know what Yuchi wanted to do, but it was hard to say, so he could only sigh lightly.


The capital of Bhutan is Thimphu, and Mrs. Li Xi came here.

Because of the inconvenient transportation, Tobiya and the others landed at an airport on the border of India after several trips, and then took a jeep into Thimphu.

This city borders XZ, and religions and cultures influence each other. Kite also looks out of the window, and all the scenery in her eyes are full of the color of Tibetan culture.

She turned on the phone screen, and there were two clocks on it, one was the time in Zurich, the other was the time in Thimphu, the latter was four hours faster than the former, if she could see Mrs. Li Xi now and reach a consensus, then Take the plane back to Zurich tonight, so he can catch up with his surgery...

However, people are not as good as heaven, because it was a long journey, and Kiteya's body was not in good shape. When she got out of the car, her whole face was pale and her head was dizzy, so she had to go to the hotel to rest first.

Yuan also slept in the hotel for two hours. When she woke up, she felt that her chest was tight and she couldn't breathe. She quickly got up and ran into the bathroom: "Ugh——"

(End of this chapter)

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