He is delusional

Chapter 258 Open the bow without the head arrow

Chapter 258 Open the bow without turning back the arrow
Yuan also carefully read the regulations on the document, and shook her head in praise: "It's the first time I've heard someone say that Asuka is perfect."

Su Xingyi sat behind the desk, signed a name in a smooth manner, and looked up at the woman lying on the couch: "Do you agree?"

"Of course I agree, why not?"

Yuan also threw the document on the table: "I was still thinking about how to make her trust me in the shortest possible time. Now, what can make her relax her guard against me better than me giving up the right of inheritance?"

Mrs. Li Xi and Mrs. Landau are fighting to the death for the property of the Ernor family. They couldn't tolerate her at the beginning, because they were afraid that her status as the heir would hinder them from sharing the property. If they want to cooperate now, of course she must Write out a legally binding contract to protect her core rights and interests.

Therefore, Yuan also has no opinion on her behavior at all. She just thinks that a woman who usually kills without blinking an eye, now wants to rely on legal weapons to protect herself. Looking at the two things together, it is absurd and ridiculous.

Su Xingyi said: "The old godfather has always been taken care of by Mrs. Landau. It is not easy for her to arrange for you to meet the old godfather."

Yuan also covered her eyes with her arms, and lazily said: "That's her business."

After going back and forth between Paris and Zurich within a day, she was a little tired, and fell asleep after a while. Su Xingyi got up and covered her belly with his coat.

After looking at her sleeping face for a while, Su Xingyi lowered his eyes, turned and left the study.

Anna has been waiting outside the door, following him downstairs, thinking about a sentence several times in her heart, not knowing whether she should ask, looking at his cold and indifferent profile, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Do you want Miss to return to Erno's house?"

The footsteps stagnated for a moment, but soon returned to normal, Su Xingyi did not respond.

Anna whispered: "But back then..."

"There is no turning back when you open the bow." Su Xingyi stepped down the last step, these seven words seemed to be said to Anna, also to Yuan Ye, and more like to himself.

Then he went straight out the door.


Mrs. Li Xi arranged the meeting on July [-]th. I don't know if she did it on purpose or not. This day is Chen Qingwan's birthday.

She handed her a bag of things in the car: "Put on a nurse's uniform, a mask and a hat, go in with other nurses later, find a chance to stay alone, I will lead Mrs. Landau out, you and Hurry up and meet the old godfather."

Yuan also raised her eyebrows: "If we meet, will he recognize me?"

Mrs. Li Xi looked at her deeply, with subtle complexities in her eyes: "Your eyebrows and eyes are very similar to Chen Qingwan, and other parts are very similar to him. He must recognize you."

She didn't know what was touched, her throat rolled away, she looked out of the window, and said in a deep voice, "You just need to let him see you, he can speak now, I also invited other Yuan family members today, they will all come to witness In this scene, even if Mrs. Landau still wants to do something to you, she can't."

That being the case, Yuan had nothing else to say, changed into a nurse uniform, opened the car door and got off, mixed with other nurses at work, and walked into the hospital together.

"Room VS1 is ready for infusion."

Room VS1 is where the old godfather lived.

Kite also mixed into the team of nurses pushing the infusion cart, and followed them to room VS1.

The closer she got to the door, the calmer her mood became, and she didn't feel the so-called nostalgic feeling of being more timid, probably because she had never met the so-called father and had no feelings for him at all.

When they arrived at the door of the ward, all the nurses were holding things in their hands, only Yuan was also empty-handed, and the nurses all looked at her.

Yuan also had no choice but to go forward and hold the doorknob of the ward. Only now did she realize that she would see someone when the door opened, and she had a slight hesitation after realizing it.

"Open the door quickly." The other nurses urged.

She held her breath slightly, then slowly pushed away.

(End of this chapter)

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