He is delusional

Chapter 267 Keep This Temperature

Chapter 267 Keep This Temperature

give me back.

These three words are spoken clearly and gently, like the waves on the sea surface drifting by the wind, neither cold nor warm, not only a bit polite and alienated until the end, but also just rightly tough and uncompromising.

Most of the people present did not know this man who appeared suddenly, there were many discussions about his appearance, and Yuchi had never seen him before, the difference was that he knew who he was.

The first time I got his name was three years ago when it was found out that Toya was kidnapped on a cruise ship at the age of 15. He was the one who rescued her. After disembarking, she lived in Zurich for a month and was with him. He also went to Er Shanlin himself.

Now one more thing is added, he was the one who took the kite to go abroad.

This man who hasn't appeared in front of Yuan Ye for ten years, but is closely involved with her - Su Xingyi.

Long-awaited name.

Until this moment, they finally met their eyes for the first time.

Yuchi's eyes were as silent as a swamp, and Su Xingyi's eyes looking back were as cold as an abyss, both of them were calm, but under the calm, there was something invisible surging.

"This is..." In the crowd, someone finally asked a question.

The man was tall and handsome, and he was neatly ironed in a snow-like white suit. The boutonniere, which is very popular among European gentlemen, was made of silverleaf and hydrangea. The light tone matched his temperament very well. Good match.

Although I don't know who he is, but I can tell that he is not an ordinary person.

What was originally an ordinary business banquet became turbulent because of these two waves of uninvited guests.

Yuan was also pulled between the two men. The drama-like scene should have been the most embarrassing one, but when she heard someone ask, she took the initiative to introduce: "Daniel, the head of the Rodriguez family."

Everyone was taken aback: "The Rodriguez family? That's..."

It was the first time that the gallop was launched, and the people invited to witness it were celebrities from all walks of life. They were not low in status and had a lot of knowledge. They had also heard about one of the four famous European families. They subconsciously looked at Huo Yan beside him—— The chaebol behind Takahashi?

Huo Yan understood everyone's eyes, took a sip of red wine, smiled and nodded.

It really is!
Someone couldn't help being excited, and took out his hand to take a picture of this historic moment. Two of the four major European families came today, and they are still the heads of the family. Now they have conflicts with Mr. Wei, although they don't know why. However, it seems that they are unwilling to give up first. How will this end?
The bystanders are all afraid that the world will not be chaotic, not to mention trying to persuade a fight, but no one opened their mouths.

Lu Chubei frowned, whether it was the Arnault family or the Rodriguez family, Yuchi didn't know when they boarded the ship, and it must be the Chen family who could play tricks.

Only then did I think of the Chen family. Chen Jingxian, who had been missing just now, appeared at the right time: "How fortunate that the galloping ship can receive congratulations from so many distinguished guests. Mr. Daniel, it's a pleasure to meet you."

When someone greeted him, he should return the salute no matter what, Su Xingyi looked away a little: "I came here uninvited, Mr. Chen, Mr. Wei, forgive me."

Yuchi was also thoughtful: "It is our honor to have Mr. Daniel here."

The atmosphere, which was tense like the strings of a violin, began to thaw quietly after Chen Jing spoke the first sentence.

Yuan also picked up the beautifully curved eyebrows outlined by the eyebrow pencil, first glanced at her wrist, and then went to Yuchi: "Mr. Let's talk after the guests? Now," she said softly, "have you lost your composure?"

"Miss Yuan Ye came from a long way, and Wei should entertain her personally, but Miss Yuan Ye really looks like an old friend of mine. I was in a hurry and forgot to make it clear. I just wanted to invite Miss Yuan Ye to dance together. That's all. "Yuchi also shifted his gaze and landed on Yuan Ye.

Yuan also smiled: "So that's the case. But I'm seasick and I can't dance. I'm afraid I'm going to let down Mr. Wei's kindness."

Su Xingyi said: "Knowing that I am seasick, and still wearing such high shoes, I couldn't stand upright just now. Thanks to Mr. Wei for helping you, I think you are the one who was rude, why don't you thank Mr. Wei?"

"Thank you Mr. Wei for helping me, I will definitely stand firm in the future." Yuan also turned the hand that was held by Yuchi, "Mr. Wei, you can let me go."

They are all slick people, and in a few words, they rounded up this seemingly unmanageable scene, and let those guests who were eagerly waiting to see the good show between the three families fall into vain.

——Of course you have to come back, who are they?The Wei family, the Erno family, and the Rodriguez family really clashed in the public, lost their identity for no reason, and became the talk of others after dinner.

Chen Jingxian came in time and spoke appropriately, each of the three said a word and gave each other a step down.

It's just... Su Xingyi said "Yuan is here" before, and then "Thank you to Mr. Wei", his tone was natural, and Yuan also followed suit. This kind of demeanor with clear ownership made Yuchi's face more frosty .

After a short silence, he said slowly: "You're welcome." Then he let go of his hand, but he didn't let go cleanly. Instead, he slid along her wrist all the way to her fingertips, and only took it back when he couldn't hold back.

Yuanye's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of coldness, the corners of her mouth curved deeper, she lowered her hands, and walked two steps towards Su Xingyi.

At the same moment, it was suddenly as bright as day outside, followed by red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple lights appearing in turn, causing everyone to look out of the window.

Chen Jingxian looked at the time and smiled knowingly: "It's time. This is a light show, designed by a well-known artist, and it's worth watching. Everyone may wish to enjoy it."

The good show here has come to an end, the guests had no choice but to walk towards the deck in twos and threes, Su Xingyi's hand naturally fell on Yuanye's waist, Yuan also raised her head and smiled at him, both of them walked out of the banquet hall, looking at the two sides Lights linger.

Yuchi rubbed her fingers hanging by his side, the fingertips still had the temperature of her skin, and then tightened to complete, keeping this temperature in the palm of his hand.

Lu Chubei walked to his side and said, "The Chen family may not know they are on the boat."

certainly.Yuchi was expressionless.

"I've sent people to investigate the matter of my younger siblings. Now that I know her current identity, there should be results soon." Lu Chubei looked at the backs of the two people over there, "But with the addition of Daniel, things should be troublesome a lot of."


After the light show was over, the banquet ended, and all the guests went back to their rooms to rest. The giant ship continued to sail on the calm sea.

Yuan also lived in a suite with Su Xingyi, and they entered the door together, before Yuan could speak, Mr. Su took her by the hand to go to the bathroom.

"?" Yuan also blinked, he turned on the faucet, put Yuchi's hand that grabbed her, and put it directly under the water.

(End of this chapter)

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