He is delusional

Chapter 27 An Affectionate Illusion

Chapter 27 An Affectionate Illusion
Yuan also slowly rocked the swing, not even giving him a look.

Jiang Hongda was still not at ease, walked around to the other side of Yuanye, and continued: "You listen to Dad, don't talk about this matter in your stomach, Dad will never beat you again, okay?"

"I'm afraid my mother will blame me if she sees it in the sky." Yuan also said lazily.

"She is your mother, am I not your father? Although you have done so many things wrong and have not contacted me in the past two years, I still regard you as my daughter. I have kept your room closed. The servants are not allowed to go in, because they are afraid of damaging your things."

Starting to play the emotional card?Yuan also smiled, her room is her room, who dares to move without her consent?It's just that Song Yangjin has been coveting it all the time, but he didn't dare to really move in.

……Ok?Wait, what did he just say?
Yuan also paused, put her feet on the ground, and stopped the swing.

The servants are not allowed to enter her room?
It is true that when she just opened the door of the room, she smelled a stuffy smell that has not been ventilated all year round, but why does she feel that there is something wrong with this sentence?
Where is it?

No entry... no ventilation... no entry...

Don't let in!
correct!It's a humidifier!
Yuan Ye's eyes widened. Even the servants were not allowed to clean her room, so who installed the humidifier?Who would put a humidifier in a room that is closed all year round?
By the way, why didn't I see Song Yangjin when I went downstairs just now?where did she goCould it be...

Yuan also got up quickly, turned around and ran.

Before Jiang Hongda could react, she had already entered the room: "Yuya, where are you going?"

Yuan also walked through the garden, through the corridor, and went straight into the main house, going to the second floor. If she was not mistaken, Jiang Hongda deliberately led her to the garden and let Yuchi take the order!

Song Yangjin, Song Yangjin, she is still calling Yuchi's attention!

As soon as Yuanye entered the living room, Song Miaoyun stopped her: "Yuanye, have you finished chatting with your father? Actually, Aunt Yun also has something to tell you, I..."

Yuan was also unceremonious, and directly pushed the person away: "Get lost!"

Song Miaoyun was pushed down on the sofa and immediately shouted: "Stop her!"

"Stop it!"

The servants swarmed up, and Yuan also pushed down the shelf of flowerpots and vases in the living room, and the vase on the shelf shattered to the ground, the servant quickly dodged: "Ouch!"

Yuan also strode upstairs, and some servants rushed up to stop her, she pushed everyone downstairs, and the servants screamed together: "Ah!"

"Waste, waste!" Song Miaoyun was furious, "If you can't even catch one person, what's the use of raising you?!"

The servants looked at each other, if they couldn't catch Yuanye today, they would all lose their jobs, so they decided to fight it out!

A muscular middle-aged woman hugged Touya from behind, her hands tightly wrapped around her, and she couldn't break free, and she forcibly dragged her down the stairs.

Yuan also jerked back, and the back of her head hit the bridge of the nose of the person who was hugging her hard. The middle-aged woman let out an "ah" and let go of the pain, and Yuan also pushed her down the stairs.

Other servants rushed forward one after another, and the scene was once very chaotic.

Yuan also looked at the closed door, anxious, but the reality is that she is not filming a TV series, and she is not able to escape from the siege of so many people with the skill of one against ten.

Song Miaoyun smiled triumphantly, trying to ruin her daughter's good deeds, dreaming!

When Yuan was less than fifty centimeters away from the door, the person who flew over hugged her thigh. She thought this was too much effort, right?

What's more, two servants grabbed Yuanye from left to right, and directly lifted her up. Song Miaoyun shouted from downstairs: "Hurry up! Hurry up! Someone is coming!"

Who is coming?Yuan didn't know, and now was not the time to think about it, she said angrily: "Song Miaoyun, are you crazy? Let me go!"

Song Miaoyun said loudly: "Miss is drunk, quickly help her to my room to rest!"

She saw that Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun were drunk!Yuan was also in a hurry, so she said why Jiang Hongda had to let Yuchi come, it turned out that he wanted to help Song Yangjin "touch porcelain"!
If she's not mistaken, there is a high probability that the humidifier was drugged. Jiang Hongda led her to the garden just to give Song Yangjin a chance to create Captain Yuchi's bed!
The servant picked up the kite and left, and the kite struggled desperately, but her hands and feet were caught, she kicked for a long time and only took out one shoe, which flew out and hit the door.

Just then, the door opened.

"How old are you, you don't have to be afraid of being laughed at if you let such a person play games with you." Yuchi walked out, with dark eyes, clear and clear of any emotion.

"..." Don't say that Song Miaoyun is stupid, even Yuan is also stunned, did he not get tricked?
Yuchi bent down to pick up the shoes on the ground, raised his eyes from bottom to top, the invisible pressure came along with the air, the servants quickly put down the kite and took a step back.

Yuchi walked up to Yuan Ye, half knelt down to help her put on her shoes, and Yuan Ye quickly knelt down too: "Are you okay?"

Yuchi's crimson lips curved slightly: "You think something is wrong with me?"

"The humidifier is okay?" Could it be that she was thinking too much?

Yuchi said: "There is a problem."

something wrong?How can he be all right?Yuan also asked again: "Did Song Yangjin go in?"

"Go in."

"What about people?"

"Lie down inside."

ah?Ibi didn't understand either.

Before Yuan could figure it out, a group of people suddenly rushed out from all directions in the living room, all with cameras in their hands, no matter what 21 or [-], they just snapped at Yuchi and Yuan, with the sound of clicking shutters one after another.

Yuan also stared blankly, which one is this?
After filming for a long time, these people saw the scene clearly and were stunned.

In the whole living room, dozens of people, masters, guests, servants, strangers, you look at me, I look at you, they don't understand the situation, they are confused, the only one who is awake is Yuchi.

Yuchi didn't seem to notice those people taking pictures, he led Yuan down the stairs, and said in a low voice, "It's getting late, we won't disturb Dad's rest, we'll come see you some other day."

"..." What Jiang Hongda could say, he couldn't say anything, his entire facial expression was distorted, and he said with a dry smile, "Okay, okay, hehe..."

After leaving Jiang's house, Yuan also looked back at the brightly lit villa with a magical expression, but couldn't hold it back, and burst out laughing.

Tonight's show is too much drama, right?
She got it, got it all.

The normal development of this matter should be that Yuchi was addicted to drugs, and Song Yangjin took advantage of it, and then the media took photos of "the president of the Wei Group cheating on his cousin". The Wei family and the Wei family will never make such a big scandal public. If you go out, you can only spend money to eliminate the disaster.

This amount of money will not be small money, it may be bigger than the several hundred million project that Jiang Hongda wants Wei to invest in.

It's a pity that Yuchi didn't get the trick, so all the calculations became a joke, Yuan also wants to laugh now when she thinks of Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun's confused faces.

She really likes to see that pair of dogs and men being devastated.

Yuchi saw her bent over with a smile, and shook his head. Although there were lighting lights in the yard, they were already a little blurry when they fell on his face, and he could only hear him asking in a steady tone, "Did you come by car?"


"Get in your car."

Yuchi should have been brought by the driver, and Yuan also saw his car parked there, but she happened to have something to ask him, so she didn't drive him into her car, and unlocked the door directly.

Yuchi got into the passenger seat first, and Yuan also got into the car afterward. While starting the car, he asked with a smile, "How did you get away? Did you knock Song Yangjin out?"

"Yeah." Yuchi raised his hand to loosen his tie, rolled his Adam's apple up and down, lowered his head, the street lights outside the window flashed by, and the darkness in his eyes disappeared for a moment.

Turning the steering wheel, stepping on the accelerator and driving out, Yuan also bent her lips and said, "I said, why are there two more cars in the yard? It turned out that Jiang Hongda found the media."

The Jiang family villa is located in the suburbs, and they have to pass through a forest. The car drove straight on the small road, Yuan also held one hand free, and handed it to him: "Interview with Mr. Lieutenant, if the photo is really taken , how much money are you willing to spend to 'redemption'?"

The hands covered with hand cream were delicate and fragrant, Yuchi followed her hands and looked at her face, she was probably really happy, there was even a tiny light in her eyes, shining like the stars in the sky.

Breathing gradually became heavy, Yuchi asked her in a low voice: "What do you think?"

Yuan also thought about it, and based on her understanding of the dog couple: "Jiang Hongda will never sell you the photo at once, he will hold this bargaining chip to slowly suck your blood, Song Miaoyun is even worse, maybe he will Crying, making trouble, and hanged yourself will make you responsible for Song Yangjin."

Yuchi closed his eyes: "I've already married you, how can I be responsible to her?"

"He is willing to be your fourth." Or ask him to divorce her.

After tonight, Yuan also had a new understanding of those three people, not daring to speculate with ordinary people's thinking, there was nothing they couldn't do.

The cramped compartment was filled with the smell of her usual perfume, which infiltrated into his nostrils carefully, like a small hook, lured him indistinctly, and Yuchi suddenly said: "Pull the car to the side."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yuan didn't even think about it, and pulled the car to a stop.

The trees are scattered here and there, a car is parked here, it is not so conspicuous, and Yuan has just parked, when Yuchi suddenly bullies him.

"You..." Yuan also suddenly felt that his breath on her neck was extremely hot, and a string in her mind was suddenly tense, and she guessed something, "They gave you a love potion?"

"Hmm." Yuchi's voice was muffled.

Yuan also looked at him in surprise. The three members of the Jiang family wanted to make a quick decision to take the blame. It must be a strong medicine that will work in a short time. Thought he didn't get hit.

Isn't this man's self-control too terrifying?
... No, wait, what is he doing? !

Yuan also quickly grabbed his hand that was doing something wrong, Yuchi suddenly flattened the seat, she was caught off guard and suddenly lost weight, the whole person fell backwards without any effort, and was directly pressed by him.

"You, get up, let me go, I'll take you to the hospital."

Yuchi Qingyi's face became hot, and the corners of his usually cold and unfeeling eyes seemed to be accidentally stained with oleander flowers. They were slightly flushed, and they were bewitchingly beautiful. He just looked at her condescendingly, and unexpectedly It gave people a kind of affectionate illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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