He is delusional

Chapter 277 What will the second share be?

Chapter 277 What will the second copy be?

The two of them drove over in two cars, and Yuan also handed over one of them to the mausoleum guard, and personally drove Su Xingyi to the old shop in her memory.

The big hermit is hidden in the city, which is different from Zurich's luxury and money, and Paris' night and night singing, here is the purest bustle, the bustle of the market.

Although it was almost two o'clock, the fire of this night snack shop was still undiminished. The eight-burner gas stove at the door was burning vigorously. There were several tables of customers in the store, and there were people waiting to pack at the door. The Bluetooth speakers hanging on the wall, From time to time, a sentence "You have a new order from Ele.me, please click to confirm".

Su Xingyi looked up at the light box sign shaking in the wind, and fell silent for a while.

Yuan also hugged his arm with a smile, led him in, and greeted the busy boss: "Boss, two bowls of casserole porridge."

The boss looked up, and was first shaken by the two of them's outstanding looks, and then responded quickly: "Okay! Please sit down between the two of you, wait a moment!"

Yuan also found an empty table. The business in the store was so good that the guests at the previous table had finished eating and left before they had time to clean up. There were oil stains and residue on the table. She took a few paper towels and wiped it before sitting down with Mr. Su. .

The heat here is in full swing, dispelling a lot of chills in winter nights.

Yuan also remembered something, and said with a smile: "Mr. Su, do you still remember that you bought me a bowl of Chaoshan casserole porridge the day you took me on the cruise ship?" (064)

Su Xingyi nodded: "Yes."

Yuan also took out two pairs of chopsticks and two spoons from the chopstick holder, asked the proprietress to scald them with a cup of boiling water, bent her lips and said, "I even accidentally slapped you."

Su Xingyi glanced at her: "You didn't just slap me."

Yuan also couldn't help laughing, why didn't she see that Mr. Su held grudges like this?

Well, two slaps.

The first slap was when he carried her back to the room from the auction stage. He thought he was in the same group as the group of well-dressed beasts, so he slapped her while struggling. (247)

As for the second slap...

Yuan also lowered her eyes and carefully sterilized the tableware. The water in the cup was stirred by her over and over again, like a whirlpool, and her memory was also briefly pulled away.

That's after leaving the cruise ship.

After three days on the cruise ship, she had completely let go of her wariness against him, believing that he would not hurt her. After the FBI investigated the cruise ship, he took her to a small villa in Zurich and asked her to take a bath, but when she finished When he came out, he was no longer in the room, only Anna and the servant.

She only believed in him, and he left her alone in a strange place, facing a group of strange people, even if those people seemed kind and kind, she would still think of the cramped glass box, harsh laughter, and With sticky hands, the indelible fear was like suffocation around her neck, and she collapsed on the spot.

Extremely resisting anyone approaching her, hiding in the corner of the room, grabbing everything at hand and throwing it at anyone who dares to approach her, Anna and the others had nothing to do in the end, so they had to leave her there alone, and she started Crying, crying, why did Su Xingyi leave her without saying a word, he is a liar, a bad guy, he promised to send her home, but in the end he sold her to someone else.

Crying so concentratingly, she didn't notice that someone was approaching her, and suddenly a hand touched her face. Like a frightened hedgehog, she immediately erected the spines all over her body. Without even thinking about it, she slapped her hand back.

… Mr. Su has lived for 22 years, and she has only been slapped by one person, and she was slapped twice in just three days.

The two looked at each other, her mouth shrunk, and she was about to cry again.

There was nothing he could do about her, so he admitted it, and raised the plastic bento box in his hand: "Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

It turned out that he left just now to buy food for her.

After sniffling twice, she said, "Eat."

At that time, what he bought was Chaoshan casserole porridge.

Kite also handed him the cleaned chopsticks and spoon, and said with a smile: "The mood was relatively unstable at that time."

In fact, being slapped twice by her wasn't the most embarrassing thing between them back then. What he couldn't bear to recall was going to a 24-hour convenience store to buy that kind of thing later... Su Xingyi sighed and didn't want to continue this topic.

"Here we come!" The proprietress yelled to remind them to get out of the way, and served them a bowl together with the casserole.

Su Xingyi took out a paper towel and folded it a few times to keep it warm, and pushed the casserole towards Yuanye.

Yuan didn't shirk, and started to eat first: "I haven't figured it out until now, how can there be a place in Zurich that sells Chaoshan casserole porridge?"

Originally, he just said it casually, but Su Xingyi paused inexplicably, and after a quiet period of three to five seconds, he said, "It's in the Chinese restaurant."

Yuan also didn't notice his pause, thinking that he should have found it specially, using the taste of her hometown to calm her anxious heart.

The proprietress quickly brought the second bowl, Su Xingyi nodded, "Thank you."

His appearance is really good-looking, the proprietress is a middle-aged woman, and she couldn't help but look at him a few more times, but because of some unknown but strong pressure, she didn't dare to ask him if he was a celebrity, and if he could sign an autograph... …

The two were eating when the phone in Yuanye's pocket vibrated suddenly. She took it out and saw that it was Chen Jinglian, so she swiped to answer: "Big cousin."

"I didn't see you when I went to your room. I only found out after asking the concierge. Did you drive out?"

Yuan Ye's eyelashes were a little damp from the heat from the casserole porridge, and she hummed: "I went to the cemetery to visit my little cousin, and I'm having supper with Mr. Su now, do you want a package for you?"

When Chen Jingxian heard that Su Xingyi was by her side, he felt relieved: "No, you guys get up early after eating, it might snow tonight."

Yuan also agreed, then ended the call, put down the phone, but her expression was a little different: "My eldest cousin is back from work, and Yuchi should have returned to the hotel."

Su Xingyi raised his eyes, wondering why she brought up Yuchi, Yuan also set up a gimai shrimp and ate it: "Then you should see the gift I gave him."


At the same time, in the room of a five-star hotel in Qingcheng.

Yuchi looked a little tired, took off his suit jacket, casually put it on the armrest of the sofa, loosened his tie, and glanced at the clock on the wall.


He was also so busy that he hadn't had dinner yet, so Li Xue ordered takeaway from the hotel and brought it to him, and handed him a brown paper bag by the way.

"Mr. Wei, the front desk gave it to me just now, saying that it was left by a woman, and it was named for the guest in Room 1254."

Yuchi is the guest in Room 1254, but his room was only opened in the evening, who knew it so quickly, and even brought something over?

He opened it indifferently, took out two documents inside, and narrowed his eyes when he saw it.

Li Xue also looked down, the civil complaint, HMVL Group...

She said in a deep voice, "I just sent the lawyer's letter, and now I'm sending the complaint. HMVL is too anxious."

This is an indictment, so what's next?Yuchi suddenly remembered what Yuanye said in the utility room - Mr. Wei, your behavior has already constituted obscenity to me, please let go, otherwise you will still receive the third lawyer's letter.

third copy.

If the infringement complaint is the first and the obscenity is the third, what is the second?
He pursed his lips, and took out the next one. He raised his head and bolded and blacked out a few large characters, which made his complexion suddenly sink to the bottom.

Li Xue was even more shocked: "This is..."

(End of this chapter)

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