Chapter 29 What's the matter with that scar
Li Yi said: "Jiang wanted to cooperate with Wei several times, but the value of the project was not very high, so in the end they all refused."

This is a relatively reserved statement.

To put it bluntly, since Yuchi and Yuanye's marriage is rarely known, the marketing department only regarded Jiang as an ordinary partner, and didn't give any favors. Seeing that the project was such a piece of shit, they didn't even bother to report it, so they just passed it. Lose.

However... Li Yi feels that it is more reassuring to ask: "Mr. Wei, Mrs. Jiang owes the bank a lot of loans. I heard that the bank will apply to the court for arbitration as soon as next week. By then, Mrs. Jiang will be in trouble. Well, do we want to help?"

After all, it is his wife's natal family, once the arbitration is announced, Jiang's stock will definitely shrink significantly, which will make things worse for Jiang.

Maybe this will be the last straw that crushes the Jiang family. You can't bankrupt your wife's natal family, right?

But Yuchi asked: "Have you heard the story of 'A Dou Who Can't Help'?"

Li Yi was taken aback: "I heard."

Yuchi's tone is gentle: "The Chen family has left so many capable people to assist the Jiang family. Jiang Hongda has the ability to make the Jiang family like this. It can be seen that he can't afford to support him more than Adou. I am not a philanthropist, and neither is the Wei family." Interested in being his ATM."

At this point, Li Yi stopped talking about the Jiang family, and only thought that Jiang Hongda really couldn't afford it. At this moment of urgent need for money, the way he came up with to save himself was not to ask Mr. Wei to invest, but to try to threaten Jiang Hongda. Mr. Wei, he was the one who cut off the last way of life with his own hands, he was really stupid.

It is unbelievable that such a stupid person is the wife's biological father. It can only be said that the wife is more like the blood of her maternal ancestor's family.

"Check out Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun again." Yuchi could tell that Yuanye hadn't told him the truth tonight.

There should be another reason for Chen Qingwan's death.

Li Yi just agreed, when suddenly, there was a loud "bang" outside, before he realized what it was, Yuchi frowned, got up quickly, and went straight to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, the bathroom door was ajar, Yuchi pushed the door open and walked in, only to see the heat dissipate slightly, the smoke curled up, Yuan also fell to the ground, naked and pale.

Yuchi immediately squatted down and hugged her, frowning: "Where did you fall?"

"It's not that I fell down, it's that it hurts..." Yuan also clutched her lower abdomen, gasping for breath.

Yuchi covered her hand, looked down at her: "It hurts here?"

"Yeah." Kite's body and voice trembled from the pain.

This location is the cecum. She said before that she had a bad stomach in the past few days. In all likelihood, it was acute gastroenteritis. Yuchi tilted his head to admit that he did not dare to enter the bedroom. Li Yi, who was waiting in the corridor, said: "Prepare the car and go to the hospital." .”

Li Yi responded immediately: "Yes."

Yuan didn't know what was wrong with her, but suddenly it hurt like this, she pursed her lower lip, and whispered: "It hurts... Yuchi, I hurt so much."

Yuchi said in a deep voice, "It's okay." Then he pulled off the big towel and wrapped her up, carried her out of the bathroom, and put her on the bed, Yuan also wanted to roll in pain, but was held down by Yuchi to get dressed.

After getting dressed, Yuchi went downstairs with the kite in his arms. The housekeeper and servants were at the side of the stairs, watching worriedly. Yuchi didn't have time to explain to them, and drove directly to the private hospital.

The doctor searched for the cause as quickly as possible, and diagnosed acute appendicitis. The drip was useless, and it was best to perform an operation immediately to completely remove the appendix.

Appendicitis is not a rare disease nowadays. Eight out of ten urban youths, especially those who need to drink and socialize all year round or have irregular diet and rest, will suffer from it. It can be removed once and for all, and there are no sequelae.

But when signing to confirm the surgery, Yuchi paused.

Acute appendicitis?Need to have your appendix removed?Isn't the kite already removed?

Didn't she say that the faint scar on the lower right side of her abdomen was left by removing the appendix?

"Will the appendix grow back after it's been removed?" Yuchi raised his head and asked the doctor. He actually knew the answer to this question, but he decided to confirm it again.

The doctor gave an affirmative answer: "Impossible."

Yuchi pursed his thin lips, and his subordinates quickly signed: "Doctor please."

The doctor said "it should be" and entered the operating room.

And Yuchi stood at the door of the operating room, his black eyes fixed on the three red words "in operation".

——How did this scar come from?

——Didn't you ask?appendix surgery.

If that wasn't appendix surgery, what would it be?
Two hours later, Kite, who was still under anesthesia, was also pushed out of the operating room by the nurse.

The operation went well, and it will be fine when the person wakes up.

Although removing the appendix is ​​not considered a major operation, it still needs to be hospitalized for a few days. Yuchi wrote down the postoperative precautions instructed by the nurse, and asked Li Yi to go back and ask the servant to pack some things. wake up.

Tobiya, who has removed all the makeup, still looks good, her eyes are closed, her eyelashes are drooping, and the shadows are reflected on her fair skin, giving her a pale and fragile feeling.

There is a mole on the bridge of her nose, it is very pale, and it is almost invisible when she wears foundation. Yuchi stretched out his hand to hold it down, and Yuan seemed to feel it. He frowned, and then he withdrew his hand.

Yuan also slept all night. The next morning, when Yuchi was changing her wound dressing, she saw the old scar again. This scar was very close to the place where the appendix was removed, and the length was similar. If it wasn't for last night He would not suspect that this was not the scar left by the removal of the appendix.

"What's wrong with me?" Yuan also opened her eyes, saw that the whole room was white, and smelled a faint smell of disinfectant, thinking that she was in a hospital.

Yuchi withdrew his hand and straightened her clothes: "Acute appendicitis."

"Oh." Acute gastroenteritis, the infusion should be fine.

Yuan also lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, Yuchi held her down: "What are you doing?"

"Go to work."

Yuchi frowned, and said in a deep voice: "You just finished the operation, you will stay in the hospital for a few days, I asked for leave from the company for you, you should rest well."

Ok?Wait, Yuan also looked at Yuchi suddenly: "What disease do you think I am?"

"Acute appendicitis." Yuchi repeated calmly.

Yuan was also stunned: "How could that be? Isn't there no more appendicitis after the appendix is ​​cut?" After realizing it, she felt some pain in her lower abdomen. She reached out and touched a piece of gauze, and was stunned again, "Why should I Surgery?"

Yuchi stared at her for a while before saying, "Remove the appendix."

"I've cut the appendix before, but the appendix won't grow back, why cut it again?" Yuan also touched the edge of her knife, her brows frowned, did she make a mistake?
Yuchi grabbed her groping hand, his eyes fixed on her: "You don't know the reason?"

"Can I know why?"

Yuchi asked again: "When do you think your appendix was removed?"

Yuan also didn't hesitate: "Four years ago, in Qingcheng, my little cousin sent me to the hospital. Didn't you see it? The scar is still there."

During that period of time, she was depressed and often used alcohol to relieve her sorrows, tossing her body to death. That day, she also had a sudden abdominal pain. Fortunately, her little cousin was by her side, and he judged that she had acute appendicitis. Sent to hospital for surgery.

Yuchi was speechless for a moment.

At this time, the doctor came to make rounds, and Yuan also supported the bed board and got up: "Doctor, can I ask, under what circumstances, people who have had their appendix removed have to have it removed again?"

"Without this kind of situation, the appendix will not regenerate, and it will disappear after removal." The doctor said, pausing for a while, "However, it may be that during the first operation, the chief surgeon was not professional enough, and the appendix was not completely removed. After a while, there is a possibility of relapse. This probability is very small, but it does not exist."

So she didn't remove it completely?Yuan is also speechless, can this kind of thing happen to her?In the future, she must condemn her little cousin. What kind of unreliable doctor did you find?
The doctor did a simple examination for Yuan Ye and then left. The servant of the Wei Mansion cooked liquid food and brought it. Yuan was also a bit of a clean freak. She wanted to brush her teeth before eating, so she asked the servant to bring her toiletries.

Yuchi on the side took the initiative to mix warm water into the mouthwash cup, squeezed toothpaste on the electric toothbrush, and handed it to her.

It was the first time to enjoy Mr. Wei's service, and Yuan was also very flattered. She blinked at him, and then took it. The servant held up a plastic basin. She rinsed her mouth and spit it into the basin.

After she finished washing, she raised her head and realized that Yuchi had left.

She didn't care either, Wei was always busy and couldn't watch over her in the hospital, after all, this wasn't considered a major operation.

After eating liquid food and medicine, Kite lay down and slept.

When Yuchi left the hospital, Li Yi drove to the gate to pick him up: "Mr. Wei."

The man with a nonchalant expression sat in the back seat, and then ordered: "Someone look up, four years ago, Yuan also had an appendectomy at the hospital in Qingcheng."

Li Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "Okay."

"And Mrs. Jiang, do as I said last night."

Li Yi also answered "Okay", turned the steering wheel, and drove for a while, but couldn't help but ask, "What if my wife knows?"

"It's okay." Yuchi only said so.


Yuan also didn't wake up until the afternoon, and when she was refreshed, she set up a small table on the hospital bed and started working.

In the evening, when the secretary got off work, she came to the hospital with a fruit basket to see her. She saw her wearing glasses on the bridge of her nose, typing on the keyboard intently, and the quilt was covered with documents. Still busy at work."

"It's boring to lie down all day. How is the company today?" Tobi also took a sip of water.

"Boss Huo is on a business trip, and he probably only came back on Friday." The secretary pouted. "Deputy Han is in a strange mood in the department, saying that you dare not compare with her, so you pretend to be sick and hide. I heard that she is approaching people from Wei's marketing department, and she seems to have the same idea as you."

This is not surprising, she can figure out the idea of ​​directly winning the contract, and Han Manqi can also figure it out.

Yuan also said indifferently: "She does hers, we do ours. Have you brought the documents I asked you to bring?"

"Bring it here." The secretary took out something from the bag and handed it to her with both hands. Just as he was about to say something, someone knocked on the door of the ward. Carrying an insulated bag, he smiled at them.

"Miss Jiang."

How did she come?Yuan also raised her eyebrows: "Miss Bai."

Bai Qingqing walked in naturally, and put the things in her hands on the table: "I heard that you were hospitalized, so I made something and brought it to you."

A casual sentence, but it is a huge amount of information, Yuan also smiled playfully, closed the computer: "It's troublesome."

"No trouble, Ah Ting has to eat liquid food recently, just add a handful of rice." Bai Qingqing's intimate attitude made the secretary who didn't know why she thought she was Toya's friend.

Yuan was also really curious about the reason why Bai Qingqing took the initiative to find her, so she glanced at her and said to the secretary: "Zhenzhen, you go back first, I will contact you if there is anything else."

The secretary nodded: "OK."

The outsiders have left, but Bai Qingqing still maintains her friendly and approachable appearance, pouring out the rotten vegetable porridge in the thermos bucket: "It's just right to eat now."

Yuan didn't answer either, and only asked, "What is Miss Bai doing here?"

She smiled as a matter of course and said, "Send food."

"The maid will deliver."

"Then tell the servant not to be busy, and I will send them all in the future."

Yuan also looked at her for a few seconds, and she looked concerned and considerate, holding the bowl of porridge with a slight heat and a faint fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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