He is delusional

Chapter 292 I Didn't Expect It To Be This One Move

Chapter 292

Yuchi stared at Yuanye with his black eyes, his jaw was tense, his mood seemed to be very calm, and it seemed that because of her actions, he had set off huge waves.

Yuan didn't even look at him on purpose, she wiped her fingers intently, the corners of her mouth naturally raised, with a small bracket hanging all the time.

There is not much blood on the table, but the smell has already begun to diffuse, mixed with the smell of burnt steak, the sweet smell of chicken soup, and the light fishy smell of seasonal flower fish, and it becomes an even more indescribable smell. Wrapped around everyone's noses, the timid servant could hardly help retching.

Nanyin was calm, she drank half a glass of red wine in her hand, and motioned for a servant to pour it for her. The servant went forward with a pale face, picked up the wine bottle, and accidentally stepped on the blood flowing down the edge of the table with her toe. The hand slipped, the wine bottle fell, and the wine flowed out from the mouth of the bottle, which was also red...

The last straw that broke the camel's back, the servant turned and ran out of the restaurant, looking for a place to vomit.

The messy scene ended in Yuchi's [-]-word order: "Remove all the dishes, wipe the table clean, and replace it with another."

"There is no need for this." Yuan also put down the towel and stood up, "It's no fun to change the dishes three times for a meal, now you can't eat it, and I can't eat it anymore——Yuchi, give me an answer .”


This was the first time since the reunion that Tobi called his name.

Before, he was either ridiculed, or playful, or indifferent, or ordinary, and he was called "Mr. Wei" until this sentence.

He pursed his thin lips, and sat without moving: "Withdraw the infringement accusation against Wei, and clarify to the public that 'Jiang Yuanye' is just a misunderstanding."

Yuan also raised her eyebrows: "After that, you agree to divorce and transfer A Ting's custody to me?"

As a result, what he said was: "I will allow you to visit Ating."

Since entering the door, there has been no letting go of the arc, until finally put away half a point at this moment, Yuan also said: "What? Are you still going to prevent me from seeing A Ting?"

Yuchi didn't move his eyebrows or eyes: "Ah Ting is very happy living in the old house, it doesn't matter if he stays longer."


Yuan has also been the daughter-in-law of the Wei family for two years. How could she not know that although there are only two old people living in the old house, it looks quiet and peaceful, but it is actually more seamless than the Wei mansion, and even the servants are the most loyal. The family gave birth to a child, and Yuchi now said that he wanted to keep A Ting in the old house, just threatening not to let her see A Ting!
She didn't ask to see A Ting tonight because the things she wanted to discuss and do were not suitable for the child to be there, but it didn't mean she didn't miss A Ting.

It has been three years since she knew that A Ting was her biological child. She could only see his growth from some photos, but she never touched or hugged him. Under a patch of sky, at a distance so close, Yuchi would not let her see him, it's just... abominable.

Yuan also sneered: "You have no right at all to prevent me from visiting my own child, use this as a bargaining chip, Mr. Wei, you are the one who wants to take advantage of everything beyond your limits."

Yuchi's eyebrows and eyes are exquisite, and even a faint smile is extremely vivid: "You are now a French citizen, and you have such a strong desire to take A Ting away, I'm afraid you will take the wrong edge and abduct my son directly - trust the judge , can also understand my concerns as a father, and will support my approach."

The implication is that she is not afraid of suing her.


Yuan also twitched the corner of her mouth: "Then let's meet directly in court."

That's the end of the conversation, tonight's conversation can be declared broken, and Yuan is also not interested in staying any longer, and turns to leave.

"Calm down, calm down," Nanyin put down his wine glass, the hottest red rose in Liyuan is now a peacemaker, "I think the two of you are getting a little emotional now, we are here to solve the problem, let's control our personal emotions .”

She stopped Yuan Ye, and then looked at the unruly man over there: "Mr. Wei, although my Jia Yuan also hurt your little lover, it was because she didn't like my Jia Yuan first, and we just retaliated. You can't bring your distress for your little lover to the negotiation, can you?"

Yuchi closed his eyes, his expression unchanged: "Fifth Madam is thinking too much, I'm just discussing the matter."

Nan Yin said solemnly: "In short, from the perspective of a bystander, you each have a chance to win. In a lawsuit, it may not be clear who wins and who loses, but no matter who loses and who wins, Ah Ting's situation will be very embarrassing."

Yuchi paused, but looked at Yuanye's back.

"Now that the Internet is so developed, even a trivial matter can be known to everyone. What's more, the two of you are so hot now. If there is a real quarrel, A Ting will definitely be pushed to the forefront. Everyone will think he is so pitiful. There is a conspiracy A father who murdered money, and a mother who came back to take revenge, he is only six years old, and he can't bear it."

The tense atmosphere in the restaurant finally began to ease after Nanyin's words.

"Nan Yin is right, so I am very inclined to let us go private, hello, I am good, and A Ting is also good." Yuan also turned around and reached out her hand. Ansha understood the meaning, took out a document from the document bag, and handed it to her with both hands. she.

Accepting it, he said while walking towards Yuchi: "The meal Mr. Wei invited was so sumptuous, I was 'moved' so much that I almost forgot about it."

In Yuchi's eyes, she gradually magnifies as the distance keeps getting closer, Yuan also puts the document in front of him: "Mr. If we encounter difficulties in defending our rights, we can appeal to the EU and ask the EU to intervene."

She was smiling and her tone was calm, but the warning in her words was too strong to ignore.

"At that time, Mr. Wei, your pressure will be even greater, right?"

The four major ports are in southern Europe, and HMVL is a French company. Of course, it can ask the EU for help, but in this way, the battlefield will be further expanded, which will definitely have a negative impact on Weishi.

Others just heard it trembling with fear, but the person's expression didn't change much, the color of his eyes was dark, like a layer of barrier, shadowy, so people couldn't understand whether he was silently weighing the pros and cons, or just looking at her.

Yuan was also in his gaze, feeling uncomfortable all over, and now she was really impatient to stay any longer.

"I'll give Mr. Wei three days to think about it. As long as Mr. Wei does what I want, I can withdraw the accusation, or I can declare that Jiang Yuan is also a misunderstanding, otherwise."

The words were not finished, but the weight was reached, Yuan also took Nanyin and others, and left Wei's mansion directly.

After they left, Yuchi still sat in the dining room for a long time, motionless like a rock.

Until Li Xue came over: "Mr. Wei."

"how is she?"

It was Zhuang Shu who asked.

"The bleeding has stopped, and the family doctor has not been called. Miss Zhuang has been crying, saying that she wants to see you."

Yuan also said not to heal her, but Li Xue hesitated for a long time before obeying the order.

Yuchi lowered his eyes, got up, picked up the document, turned to the side room, and looked at Zhuang Shu.

As soon as the door opened, Zhuang Shu saw that it was him, and rushed up crying: "Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei, why did Miss Yuan Ye treat me like this? My hand..."

Li Xue immediately supported her, saying yes, but she had no choice but to take a step forward, Yuchi stood at the door, and said flatly: "She is not Yuan Ye, she is Yuan Ye."

Zhuang Shu's already pale face became even paler: "Mr. Wei..."

Yuchi looked at her hand, then squeezed the document tightly in his hand, and didn't know who said a word: "What you owe, you have to pay it back."

While Zhuang Shu was in a daze, Yuchi had already turned around and left: "Send Miss Zhuang home, this wound is not shallow, Li Xue, you stay and take care of her tonight."

It is said to be caring, but in fact it is monitoring to prevent her from going to the hospital to heal her injuries.

Zhuang Shu is such a smart person, how could he not be able to hear the meaning behind his words, unbelievable, astonished and terrified, all kinds of emotions surged up, broke down and cried, and rushed to him: "Mr. Wei, please let me go to the hospital! I don't want to become Crippled! Mr. Wei! Mr. Wei—”

Yuchi has already left.


On the way back, Yuanye and Nanyin were in the same car, and the time had just reached 09:30, the nightlife in the city began, and the streets were very lively.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken all the way, Nanyin comforted her, "Don't worry, you have a great chance of winning. Now it's just the public putting pressure on Yuchi and Weishi, but when it comes to the European Union, even the directors and shareholders of Weishi will put pressure on Yuchi. Well, even if the Wei family belongs to the Wei family, Yuchi, the president, won't be able to explain it easily."

"I'm not worried." Kite also looked out of the window, reflecting the colorful neon lights, "I'm angry."

"A Ting is my child who was born with great difficulty. He snatched him away from me, and now he dares to be so confident."

Don't let her see Ating?

This trick was beyond her expectation.

Nanyin patted her on the shoulder: "Scumbag, that's the way it is. I'm a little surprised now. You made a move on Zhuang Shu, but Yuchi didn't settle the score with you. It seems that I'm tired of Zhuang Shu too."

Yuan also just let it go, and didn't talk about it anymore, they didn't eat anything at Wei's mansion tonight, so they simply asked Ansha to put them at the door of the nearest restaurant.

Ansha looked around and only saw a decent wonton shop, so she stopped.

Yuan also remembered that Yuchi had taken her and A Ting to a noodle soup shop back then, and they also ordered wontons at that time, and A Ting gave her the first wonton, and called her the first word "mama". (049)

Yuan also rolled her throat, lowered her head, and went in silently.

After ordering two bowls of wontons, while eating, Nanyin asked, "Where are you staying tonight? A hotel?"

Yuan also chewed and swallowed slowly, before saying, "I'm going home."

"Which home?" Nanyin remembers that she didn't buy a house in Jincheng. Before marrying Yuchi, she rented a house. After marrying Yuchi, she lived in Wei's mansion. Back then, she could only live in a hotel when she ran away from home. What kind of home could she have?
The wontons in this restaurant are not as good as those in the old store, but the Chinese and Western meals in the Biwei mansion are very appetizing. Yuan also finished eating, took out a tissue to wipe the corners of her mouth, and smiled slightly, but the dark waves were turbulent underneath.

"The Jiang family."

(End of this chapter)

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