He is delusional

Chapter 294 You Know What To Say

Chapter 294 You Know What To Say

When Zhuang Shu was half-supported and half-forced out of Wei's mansion by Li Xue, he was still calling out to Yuchi: "Mr. Wei! Mr. Wei!"

Li Xue just reminded her lightly: "It's late at night, Miss Zhuang, please stop making noise, Mr. Wei doesn't like this."

This sentence is more useful than any scolding. Zhuang Shu held her injured hand and whimpered. Because of the excessive blood loss, her lips became pale. Even with makeup on her face, she couldn't hide her weakness. It looked pitiful: "Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei, I really don't want to become disabled..."

It was a hoarse cry just now, but now it is a soft and moving cry.

It's a pity that Li Xue is a woman, so she doesn't like this, and opened the back seat door: "Mr. Wei has already said that what Ms. Zhuang owed back then, you can pay back now. Crying is useless, and you can't change Mr. Wei's decision. Be obedient."

What is owed, what is owed.

With tears in his eyes, Zhuang Shu looked back at Wei's mansion, his eyes were full of unwillingness, but he knew clearly that no one could change what Yuchi had decided.

She looked at her right hand and murmured: "...then how can I teach Ah Ting to draw in the future?"

Li Xue frowned, she smiled nervously, finally stopped making trouble, and bent down to get in the car.

Arriving at Zhuang Shu's apartment, Li Xue obeyed Yuchi's order and went to her home in person: "It's getting late, Miss Zhuang, go to bed early, and I'll send you to the hospital for bandaging tomorrow afternoon."

By tomorrow, her hand will be useless long ago, and she can't even feel the sensation of that hand now... Zhuang Shu smiled bleakly: "Mr. Wei, how could you treat me like this... Return what you owe her, what about me……"

Li Xue was just ordered to monitor her, she didn't intend to chat with her, and was about to sit on the sofa all night when Zhuang Shu's cell phone rang.

It's late at night, who will call her at this time?

Li Xue squinted her eyes keenly, stepped forward quickly and snatched her mobile phone, and saw that the incoming call note was, Mrs. Landau.

Zhuang Shu's eyes flashed, and the two of them were quiet for a while, but the phone kept ringing, as if they had to wait for someone to answer it.

Li Xue looked at her and said word by word: "Miss Zhuang, do you know what to say?"

Zhuang Shu pursed his lips slowly and nodded.

Li Xue didn't ask her to pick it up right away, but took out a few tissues and handed them to her, asking her to wipe away her tears and calm down.

The first call was automatically hung up, and soon the second call came. Li Xue answered it, turned on the speakerphone at the same time, and handed it to Zhuang Shu.

Zhuang Shu took a breath and said in a normal tone, "Hello?"


Jiang's house is in the suburbs, and it was almost 12 o'clock when Yuan also arrived.

The doorman of the Jiang family noticed their car, opened the window of the duty room and shouted to them: "Who are you?"

Tobi also yawned lazily.

The guard yelled a few more times, but they didn't respond, and they didn't leave. The guard had no choice but to walk out of the duty room, open the door, and come out to inquire.

Yuan also slowly pulled on the seat belt, waved his hand, and Bieber, who was driving, understood, stepped on the accelerator, and rushed up with a whoosh!

The guard let out an "Ah—" and immediately avoided it in fright. The half-open iron gate was directly smashed open by the car, and rushed straight into the manor without stopping for a moment.

The guard had never seen such arrogance before, he was stunned for a while before remembering to ring the alarm, someone trespassed on the house——!
The siren that resounded for five miles around directly lifted Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun from the bed, and they ran downstairs before they even had time to put on their coats, asking in a hurry: "What's the matter? What's the matter? What happened?!"

The housekeeper and servants didn't know, so Jiang Hongda picked up the baseball bat and hurried out to have a look.

The black car was parked in the yard, like a dormant beast. Several bodyguards of the Jiang family surrounded the car. Jiang Hongda stood under the eaves, watching in a daze.

After a while, Bieber got out of the car first. The 1.9-meter French man, with a burly figure, frightened the bodyguards back a step as soon as he showed up. Bieber opened the back seat door without looking at them.

Iris also walked down.

Jiang Hongda's eyes widened at once: "Yuan, Yuanya!"

Song Miaoyun even screamed: "Jiang Yuan?!"

Yuan also smiled slightly, and greeted him so naturally: "Dad, Aunt Yun, I haven't seen you for many years."

"..." Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun never expected that it was her who came!

Yuan also walked over naturally: "I just returned to Jincheng, and I have no place to stay. After thinking about it, it is more convenient to go back to my own home."

When Yuchi announced that Yuan was also dead, Jiang's family knew she was not dead, because she called them from Basel and asked about Yuan's family, but because they were afraid of Yuchi, they didn't dare to say a word, and they didn't even dare to go. Ask, for the next three years, they even thought that Yuan was also imprisoned in the Wei mansion.

It wasn't until the HMVL female patriarch who had been rumored these two days that they came back to their senses. It turned out that Yuan was no longer in Wei's house, but ran to Yuan's house and became the patriarch!
They also saw the news of her getting off the plane in the morning, and knew that she had come to Jincheng, but they didn't expect her to come back, and it was still so late.

Go back to your own home?
She hasn't lived at home for many years, besides, it doesn't look like she just came back to stay for one night after making such a big commotion...

But Yuan also said now: "Dad, is my room still available? Can I sleep now?"

"Yes, I'm still here. I'll let the servant clean it up right away." Jiang Hongda forced a smile, "You want to go home, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Yuan also walked up the steps and approached them, both Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun subconsciously moved out of the way.

She went straight into the main house: "It's okay, just make the bed out, and we'll talk about it tonight after sleeping in."

Jiang Hongda quickly ordered his servants to clean up, and Ansha also followed to help.

Yuan also went to the living room and looked around. Compared with the original Wei mansion, the Jiang family has changed a lot in the past three years, and the decorations are more upscale.

She knew that the Wei family had developed rapidly in recent years, and even the acquired Jiang family had a share of the pie. It was no longer the Jiang family that almost went bankrupt back then.

Relying on Yuchi's Jiang Hongda, he has done well in recent years.

Kite also casually sat down on the sofa, resting her elbows on the back of the sofa, resting her head on her palms, and closing her eyes.

She was really sleepy.

On the contrary, Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun were completely sleepless, and they were crowded together on the single-seater sofa, uneasy.

They didn't know why Tobi came here, the more she didn't say anything, the more confused they were, and they didn't dare to ask - they all felt that her face was still the same as before, but everything else had changed completely, kind of, Feeling unattainable.

Ten minutes later, Ansha went downstairs: "Miss Yuan Ye, you can rest now."

Kite also opened her eyes, with clear eyes, and stood up.

Together with her, Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun also subconsciously stood up, she smiled and said: "Then I'll go to bed first, good night, Dad, Aunt Yun."


No matter what they thought, Yuan also went straight upstairs, Ansha followed her into the room, helped her take off her coat, and whispered: "There are no sundries in the room, and there is no trace of people living in it. It should have been vacant for the past few years. on."

"For this sake, let them sleep well for another night." Yuan also smiled faintly, lifted the quilt to lie down, and fell asleep.

She had overestimated Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun. Not to mention sleeping this night, they were restless and kept their eyes open until dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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