Chapter 34

Seeing that she was coughing badly, Gu Jiu quickly put his hand on her back and patted her gently: "Slow down, you're choking?"

Yuan also felt that she was going to die of pain here, and there was a trace of wetness between her fingers covering her abdomen. She hurriedly leaned against the pillar, adjusted her breathing, and resisted the urge to cough. If it weren't for the blush on her face, her face should be It's pale.

Pain can trigger many extreme things in people, and at that moment, Kite really hated that bastard Yuchi to death.

"What's the matter with you? What's wrong with you? You don't look well." Gu Jiu looked at her.

"It's okay." Yuan also pursed her lower lip, her voice hoarse, "Is there a pharmacy near here?"

She felt that if she didn't take some medicine, she might really die here.

"Turn left outside the door and walk three or four hundred meters." Gu Jiu is not a careful person, and he is more concerned about Yuan, "What's wrong with you? What kind of medicine do you want to buy?"

Yuan also waved her hand: "My stomach hurts a bit, it's okay, you can enter first."

Gu Jiu remembered that she came out of the hospital, went to the bathroom just now, and now said that she had a stomachache, so he naturally thought it was an upset stomach, which was really not a serious illness, so he didn't go out with her.

He turned around inadvertently, and saw a young woman in a star-blue mermaid skirt who was alone, raised her eyebrows, put on a graceful smile, and walked over.

Yuan also came out of the castle, the cold wind blew, her body trembled, her abdomen cramped, the incision hurt even more, she had to lean on the wall to move forward, suddenly, she heard Yuchi's voice.

"Why did she splash you with water?"

The footsteps stopped, and Yuan poked her head out from the corner, and saw Yuchi and Bai Qingqing standing by the side of the road, probably waiting for Li Yi to drive over.

"Ah..." Bai Qingqing's tone was hesitant and puzzled.

Yuchi's face can't be seen from Yuanye's perspective, only his voice is still as usual gentle: "I know her, she won't do this kind of thing, it can make her lose her usual style of behavior, something must have happened Angry, did you quarrel?"

This "she" refers to her?Yuan also didn't know for a moment that he should first wonder when did he splash Bai Qingqing's water?I was still surprised that Yuchi said "I know her", and it seems that... I really know her a little bit.

If it didn't push her to the point where she couldn't bear it, she wouldn't do something that embarrasses a woman in public—even if this person is Bai Qingqing, whom she hates.

Because if you do some things, not only will you be criticized, but you will also lose your education and identity. This is what Chen Qingwan taught her when she was a child. The granddaughter of the Chen family in Qingcheng must respect herself and not make people laugh like a shrew. .

Bai Qingqing lowered her head and said in a low voice: "It's not the first day that Miss Jiang doesn't like me... just now she let me leave you and take Ah Ting away from Jincheng."

Yuchi didn't speak.

Yuan also heard Bai Qingqing say again: "I said that I would leave when Ah Ting was in good health, but she refused, and insisted that I leave immediately. How can Ah Ting's current physical condition withstand the bumps? I refused a few times, and she Just pushed me down, and there happened to be a puddle of water on the ground."

Yuan also raised her brows high, did Bai Qingqing really tell Yuchi that she made the water on her skirt?He really just opened his mouth, no wonder Yuchi looked at her with that kind of eyes just now, he thought she was bullying his true love again, right?
Bai Qingqing pulled the suit jacket on her body, and said softly and weakly: "When I see Miss Jiang in the future, I will carefully avoid it."

Yuchi turned his head to look at her, and finally said: "I have wronged you."

"Don't be wronged, as long as I can stay by your side, I'm willing to do anything." Bai Qingqing smiled at him, her face was gentle and understanding.

Yuan also couldn't see if Yuchi had any reaction.

Bai Qingqing hesitated for a moment, then cautiously stretched out her hand, wanting to hold his hand.

Yuan also didn't blink her eyes, just when Bai Qingqing's fingers were about to touch Yuchi's palm, Yuchi suddenly stepped aside and stood on her other side, probably to help her block the wind, but it was a coincidence Let her hands drop.

Yuan also curled the corners of her mouth, look, even if some people stand together, they are not destined.

Bai Qingqing raised her hand and fiddled with her hair, to cover up her embarrassment, pursed her lower lip, and said suddenly: "Chi, you'd better persuade Miss Jiang, what did she say about the daughter-in-law of Duwei's family, who is always too close to those men?" , it’s not good for the Wei family, and it’s not good for you either.”

those men?Those ones?plural?Many?Eyebrows cooled down sharply, and Yuan also licked the little tiger's teeth. Is this woman addicted to splashing her dirty water?
Hearing this, Yuan finally couldn't help herself, and walked out: "I don't even know which men I'm too close to, but Miss Labor Bai will help me out."

Her voice was soft and smiling, which was very sweet, but hearing Bai Qingqing's ears, her face turned pale. She didn't expect that she was here, and she heard everything. She blinked quickly, feeling a little bit exposed. Panic: "Miss Jiang..."

All of a sudden, Kite stepped forward in three steps, as fast as an arrow, and she was slapped in the face by shaking her hand.

With a crisp sound, Bai Qingqing staggered, covering her face in disbelief, tears streaming down her face.

"Yuan!" Yuchi grabbed her hand and reprimanded her aggressively.

Yuan also only stared at Bai Qingqing, and smiled coldly: "Your mouth is so dirty, didn't your mother teach you how to be a human being when you were young?"

A beauty is also a beauty when she is angry, even a little shockingly dazzling, Yuchi stared at her face closely.

Yuan also raised her chin slightly, and her gracefully curved eyebrows couldn't suppress her fierceness: "Be clear, which men am I too close to?"

How could Bai Qingqing dare to say anything, she covered her face and hid on the side, sobbing and sobbing, she only dared to look at Yuchi with pitiful eyes, wanting him to help her do justice, a few tears hung in the corners of her eyes, if she couldn't fall, it was true It can make men germinate protective desires.

Yuan also retched, hated to look at her more, turned her head and said bluntly to Yuchi: "I didn't do the water on her skirt, I was the one who told her to leave Jincheng."

She admits to what she did, and don't blame her for what she didn't do.

"I don't need anyone to teach me how to communicate with others. I know how close I am."

After she finished speaking, she didn't care whether Yuchi believed it or not, what answer she had to answer, she broke free from his shackles, turned around and left, her slender figure had a spine that was harder than a man's.

Yuchi's eyes followed her and did not move away for a long time.

After walking a few steps, Yuan also saw Li Yi driving by, she didn't look back, she went straight forward, walked 200 meters before stopping, turned around, Yuchi and Bai Qingqing were not in the same place.

Her legs under the long skirt trembled, and she slowly leaned against the wall, her hands covering her belly were spread out, and her fingers were full of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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