He is delusional

Chapter 36 Are You Going To Break Your Promise, Yuchi?

Chapter 36 Are You Going To Break Your Promise, Yuchi?
Yuchi turned around and looked at her through the rows of moving heads, Yuan also shot the paper airplane at him with a bright smile: "Help me sign the order~"

The paper plane just landed on Yuchi's lap, and for a moment, the eyes of all the people in the audience, some focused on Kite, and some focused on Yuchi, they were all unknown, so they faintly smelled some gossip, and couldn't hold back their excitement Feelings.

What is rhythm?First, Gu Sanshao and Mr. Wei confronted each other for bids. The two wealthy young men seemed to be dying, but when Gu Sanshao's female companion opened her mouth, Mr. Wei gave way. Now it's even worse, Gu Sanshao's female companion took pictures of things. Finally, want Mr. Wei to pay? ?

What was even more surprising was that after a pause, Yuchi took the paper airplane apart, reached out to ask the staff for a pen, and then signed it!up!name!Character!
For a moment, there was a uniform inhalation sound in the audience.

Gu Jiu was laughing so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist, he also gave Yuan a thumbs up: "It's too cruel."

Yuan also smiled, and calmly put the bracelet into her bag, and found that Miss Bai was also looking at her, so she generously gave her a wink.

Bai Qingqing finally couldn't stay any longer, got up quickly, and strode away.

But soon, Yuchi chased her out.

The smile on Yuanye's lips is still the same, but it has faded a lot, and the color in his eyes has also lost a lot of color.

You clearly promised to send me back, now you follow Bai Qingqing, are you going to break your promise, Yuchi?


It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that the dinner came to a perfect conclusion.

The last piece of antique crown was auctioned for 7000 million yuan, but the most talked about is the 500 million bracelet, and Yuchi, Gu Jiu, and Gu Jiu's female companions have all become the guests who attended the banquet. Most frequently mentioned name.

I think after tonight, there will be another interesting event in the business district.

Yuan Ye frankly bathed in all kinds of eyes, walked out of the castle with Gu Jiu, snowflakes were flying, the temperature dropped suddenly, he took off his coat and put it on Yuan Ye's shoulders, Yuan also said thank you.

"Aren't you happy that you have captured the item?" Gu Jiu realized that she hadn't said much since the jade bracelet was photographed.

"I've lost everything, what else is there to be happy about?"

"Losing?" Gu Jiu looked at her with some doubts, and it took a while to realize, "Are you here for Yuchi tonight?"

It was for Yuchi, so even if she overwhelmed the audience and got the bracelet without paying a penny, she still lost because Yuchi and Bai Qingqing left.

No matter how beautiful things are in front of her, if he leaves, she will lose.

Yuan also opened her eyes, with snowflakes reflected in her eyes, she seemed a little hazy: "Otherwise? I just had an appendectomy, and the incision hasn't healed yet. What are you doing here?"

Gu Jiu opened his eyes wide: "You just had an appendectomy?"

Ibis also nodded.

Gu Jiu exploded immediately, and pointed at her nose angrily: "Are you sick? You just finished the operation, and you can't lie on the bed well. You wear skirts, you make up and dye your hair, and you ran to the banquet." Dancing, drinking?"

Yuan also said, "I just took a sip."

How dare you quibble!Gu Jiu turned around a few times: "Jiang Yuanye, if you die unexpectedly one day, don't expect me to shed a tear for you, you deserve it!"

Yuan also pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled: "But now I think I can save it..."

The last word was lighter than Luoxue, her body softened, and she fell backwards.

Gu Jiu narrowed his eyes: "Yuan!"

He immediately reached out to pick it up, but it was still a step too late, another pair of strong hands got there first, that person hugged Yuanye, Gu Jiu was stunned, when he looked up, it was actually Yuchi.

"Didn't you go away?"

Yuchi didn't reply to his words, the first thing he saw was that the clothes on her abdomen were darker in color, and he didn't even need to touch it to know that the knife edge was split and bleeding, the corners of his mouth were pursed coldly, he hugged Yuanye horizontally, and strode away.

Gu Jiu didn't chase after him, and suppressed all the silly smiles, and said seriously: "Yuchi, you should be nicer to Yuan, otherwise I won't agree."


In the hospital, Yuan had just re-sutured the wound and was still unconscious. Yuchi stood beside the hospital bed, looking at her indifferently, and what Li Yi said to him before going to the charity dinner came to mind.

"President Wei, the matter of Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun has been found out."

"Song Miaoyun is an orphan. He was adopted by Jiang's family since he was a child. He has always had an affair with Jiang Hongda. Later, Jiang Hongda got to know Mrs. Qingwan and separated from Song Miaoyun. He used some tricks to coax Mrs. Qingwan into marrying him, and he joined the Chen family."

"It is said that they are separated, but it is not. He placed Song Miaoyun in a house. The two often meet. Song Yangjin is their biological daughter."

"After marriage, Jiang Hongda was promoted step by step with the help of the Chen family, but he also felt that Mrs. Qingwan's temperament was too cold, and the Chen family had too much restraint on him, so he held a grudge. After her death, Song Miaoyun's mother and daughter were taken back to Jiang's family as sister and niece."

"Shortly after, Madam Qingwan was diagnosed with pregnancy, and Jiang Hongda took away the housekeeping rights of the Jiang family to Song Miaoyun."

"Mrs. Qingwan was admitted to a private hospital when she was about to give birth. Song Miaoyun told her about herself and Jiang Hongda at this time. Mrs. Qingwan's pregnancy became violent. After that, neither Mrs. Qingwan nor the child survived."

"Young Madam learned about this from the servant who took care of Madam Qingwan four years ago."

It turned out that the Jiang family had such a past.

She just knew that her mother died at the hands of her father, so she ran away from home four years ago and lived in the Chen family in Qingcheng for nearly a year.

No wonder she hated Jiang Hongda and Song Miaoyun so much, she usually greeted people with a smile, but she had thorns all over her body at Jiang's house that day.

Yuchi reached out and touched Yuanye's cheek, his eyes were dark.

When Yuan also woke up, she heard a standard and fluent Oxford accent, low and deep, very magnetic.

She turned her head slightly to look over, and first saw the light coming in from the gap in the blinds, as bright as a handful of fine colored diamonds, and then there was Yuchi in the light and shadow, sitting on the sofa with a laptop in front of him, concentrating on Looking at the screen, it should be a video conference with someone.

She has seen many good-looking men, but she always thinks that Yuchi is the prettiest, at least, his eyes are the most special.

It's dark, cool, shiny, very peaceful and warm, but it just has no emotion.

Sometimes looking into his eyes, there will be an illusion that he is looking at himself tenderly, but in fact, he is just looking back casually.

After watching him for so many years, she couldn't see when it was time for him to really give affection.

He is like the morning star when the sky is about to brighten, the evening star when the sky is about to darken, the brightest star, which has the ultimate attraction to those who look up at the sky, but it is so elusive that they cannot be touched The human delusion that arrived.

It's not without reason that she got stuck in the mud.

After a while, she felt numb and wanted to turn over.

Only then did Yuchi realize that she was awake, hurriedly ended the meeting, strode over and held her body: "Don't move."

Immediately afterwards, a surge of pain came from which part of the body could not be discerned, and Yuan couldn't help moaning: "Did you hit me while I was unconscious? What a ruthless man."

Yuchi rang the calling bell, asked the doctor to come over, and replied: "I really thought about it, but unfortunately I'm not used to doing things to women, so I finally endured it."

The doctor came quickly, seeing that the pain was unbearable for Yuan, so he prescribed half a tablet of painkiller for her, and after taking the medicine, Yuan also had the strength to speak: "Where's Gu Jiu?"

"How do I know?" Mr. Wei's tone was not gentle.

Ok?Yuan Ye's eyes suddenly lit up: "You sent me to the hospital?"


Then Yuan also laughed, if she wasn't afraid of getting hurt, she would have laughed out loud.

Yuchi really couldn't keep up with her rhythm. Sometimes he was so painful that he shed tears, and sometimes he entertained himself: "What are you laughing at?"

Yuan also said proudly: "In the end, I won, and you followed me."

The next time I see Bai Qingqing, she will laugh at her a little bit, why run away?Yuchi didn't come back to look for her in the end.

Yuchi suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed her incision, and Yuan immediately bowed like a cooked prawn: "Hiss...it hurts!"

"So you still know the pain." Yuchi's black eyes were filled with cold light, "Just to fight against Qingqing, you will lose your life?"

Yuan also didn't realize that there was something wrong with her, and if she was given another chance to choose, she would still go to the charity night. She snorted and said, "How can I lose to Xiaosan?"

Seeing Yuchi's face turning cold again, he thought he didn't like her calling Bai Qingqing that way, so he snorted angrily: "Okay, okay, I know, she's not Xiaosan." She was slandering in her heart, who is she not?
Yuchi looked at her for a while before saying, "I'm angry because you don't care about your body."

(End of this chapter)

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