He is delusional

Chapter 41 A birthday present for you

Chapter 41 A birthday present for you

"Mr. Huo." Yuan also remembered something, "By the way, Mr. Huo, I have something to give you."

Huo Yan raised his eyebrows: "Send me?"

Yuan also took out a handbag from her bag, and handed it to him with a smile: "Last time you helped me pay for my shirt, it's a good deal."

She didn't like what she owed others, but she couldn't return the money or buy a shirt directly, so she gave him a tie, which was regarded as repaying the favor he paid for her, and it was settled.

Huo Yan glanced at the pocket and took it: "Okay, I'll take it." Then he opened the car door, but instead of getting in the car and leaving, he took out a small box, "I have something for you too."

ah?Yuan also froze for a moment, not daring to answer.

Huo Yan explained: "I didn't send you off. I went to the headquarters this time and I met him. He asked me about your recent situation and asked me to pass this on to you."

He didn't directly say who "he" was, but they knew it well - it was the star in WeChat.

Yuan also took it over and opened it to see that it was a hair clip studded with diamonds, pinned to her temples, like wearing a bunch of shooting stars.

"Mr. Huo, please find a chance to return it to him. I can't accept such an expensive gift from him." There is no brand name on the box, and most likely he asked someone to customize it. It is conceivable that the cost is expensive, so Kite also closed the box and handed it back to him. Huo Yan.

Huo Yan didn't answer, and said, "He said it was a birthday present for you."

Yuan is also funny: "My birthday is still more than a month away."

"But at that time, there may not be someone who can help him to deliver it. If you don't want to accept it, you can find a chance to return it to him. 'Huo Yan Express' does not accept returns." Huo Yan joked.

Yuan also had no choice but to withdraw her hand: "Then, thank you Mr. Huo."

Huo Yan waved his hand to express that he didn't need it, and asked again: "Dining together?"

"I have an appointment for a dinner with my colleagues in the department, why don't you go with me?" Yuan also invited.

"No, you guys have fun." He will turn this happy dinner into a serious meal, Huo Yan is very self-aware, gets in his car, "Let's go first."

Yuan also nodded: "Boss Huo, be careful on the road."

Seeing Huo Yan's car completely disappear from sight, Yuan also opened the box to look at it, took out her mobile phone and sent a message to "Xing Xing".

"I have received the hair clip, but it is too expensive, so I cannot accept it. I will return it to you later."

After 3 minutes, there was no reply from there, so Yuan edited another one: "You have helped me a lot these years, I don't know how to thank you, how can I accept your things again?"

After sending it, I felt that these words seemed a bit blunt, and I was afraid that he would be unhappy after reading it, so I found another cute emoticon package and sent it to him.

But after sending this time, a red exclamation mark was displayed in front of the message, Kite also blinked, and soon the system prompted a sentence "The other party has turned on friend verification, you are not his (her) friend yet, please send a friend request first."

Tobi also: "..."

Actually deleted her? ?
All right, as expected, I'm still unhappy, this arrogant man.

Sighing, Tobi also got into the car and left the garage.

What she didn't know was that all the contact between her and Huo Yan in the garage was captured by a person hiding behind the car.

It was a paparazzi, who received an anonymous courier this morning, besides the two photos, there was also a note, which said that at the Sirius charity dinner that caused a sensation in the business world two days ago, the guy who attended with Gu Sanshao and photographed The 500 million jade bracelet was signed by the president of the Wei family. The woman in the incident is the vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce of Takahashi.

It also said that this deputy minister not only has a close relationship with Gu Sanshao and President Wei, but also maintains close relationships with many men!
Paparazzi have always been keen to dig out the privacy of celebrities, especially their dirty private lives. If the facts are true as stated in the note, then there is something to do with the article in it.

After all, Takahashi is a Fortune [-] company with a high reputation at home and abroad. If the private life of their executives is chaotic, it may also be chaotic on the business level, such as signing cooperation contracts by sleeping with them. , It will definitely arouse heated discussions among the public who love to watch pornographic news. Isn't their KPI rising steadily?
So he came to squat and watch, unexpectedly, he was allowed to take a picture so smoothly. The paparazzi with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks held the camera, pressed the back button to look at the picture just now, he smiled, he knew this man, he was Takahashi in China The general manager, the boss and the subordinates exchange gifts with each other, no matter how you think it is wrong, right?

His year-end award has come to an end!


Wei's Group, in the president's office, Yuchi opened his eyes from the recliner in front of the French window.

The eyes of the first moment have not completely recovered their clarity, they are hazy, a little less clear and rational than usual.

Qin Zibai detached the electronic equipment from his wrist. Today is Friday, the day when he came to see Yuchi, who has been unshakable for several years, and announced: "Okay, nothing has changed as expected, Mr. The database has not been updated in two years."

Yuchi didn't respond, he looked at a point of nothingness in front of him, his black pupils were like a quiet abyss.

Qin Zibai packed up the equipment, remembered something, and asked with great interest: "The lady who came to the office to look for you last Friday is your wife?"

Only then did Yuchi tilt his head: "Have you seen her?"

"No, I just saw the back of her leaving the office." Qin Zibai teased, "I remember I asked you, what do you think of this wife, and how did you reply to my words?"

It was a certain Friday two years ago, when Yuchi had just married Yuanye, Qin Zibai said that he seemed to be in a better mood recently than before, and after persistently asking, he told him about his marriage, and then he asked him, What do you think of this new wife?

What he said at the time was that it was just a transactional relationship.

Yuchi lowered his eyes, got up, walked back to the desk and sat down.

Qin Zibai chased after him and asked, "Is it still like this now? It's just a transactional relationship?"

Yuchi looked at him indifferently: "Is this the content of treatment, or is it your interest in gossip?"

"Cough," of course his heart of gossip was burning, Qin Zibai touched his nose, "Leaving aside the relationship between doctors and patients, we are also friends." As a friend, it is right to care about his private affairs. .

But Mr. Wei refused to acknowledge this friendship: "It's not."

Qin Zibai: "..."

Li Xue knocked on the door and came in with a serious face.

Qin Zibai joked: "Secretary Li, don't suppress your emotions like this. According to psychology, excessive restraint will backfire. Humans are emotional animals, and they need to vent occasionally."

Li Xue couldn't laugh now, she walked quickly to Yuchi's side, bent down and whispered something in his ear, then handed him the phone to look at, Yuchi looked down, speechless for a while.

Qin Zibai was surprised to find that Yuchi's face became paler and colder, and finally became lifeless, as silent as the dead sea.

He was extremely surprised, as he said just now, his data does not need to be updated for several years, because he has always been calm and indifferent, this is the first time he saw his... angry so clearly?
(End of this chapter)

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