Chapter 44

Yuan also thought about it seriously for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion that even though she had had closer contact before, it was never as... so tender as it was in the morning.

She has never slept a whole night in Yuchi's arms.

It seemed like an unspoken pattern that had developed since their first time.

Yuan also opened the window. Today's weather is very good, the sunlight refracts on the glass and then falls back to the ground, the shining light is like broken diamonds on the ground. She looked at it, but remembered that heavy rainy day.

The rainy day when she came to Wei's mansion to ask him to marry her.

After they negotiated the "deal", Yuchi saw that she was drenched, so he asked her to go upstairs to take a hot bath. The servant did not know what was wrong, and took her to his room wisely.

She was a little numb from the cold, and with complicated emotions, she didn't notice that this was the master bedroom, so she took off her clothes with stiff hands.

The door suddenly opened from the outside.

She raised her head suddenly, and looked at Captain Yuchi with a slightly surprised look.

He also didn't expect that the servant would bring her to his room. He paused as he entered the door, his moist eyes fell on her, and his eyebrows raised.

Yuan also suddenly felt that his frozen body seemed to be returning blood, and it suddenly became hot.

He didn't mean to back out, she was dazed for a few seconds before remembering that she was naked in front of him, standing naked in front of him, trembling all over, crossing her arms and rushing into the bathroom with a bang close the door.

The so-called misfortunes never come singly, after she got into the bathroom, she realized to her death that she ran too hastily, and didn't even bring in the underwear and nightgown that the servant prepared for her.

After dawdling in the bathroom for more than half an hour, she couldn't avoid it, and finally she went out wrapped in a towel.

Before opening the door, she deliberately put her ear on the door and listened for a while, but she didn't hear any sound, and opened the door with the fluke thought that Yuchi might not be in the room.

Then she collided with Yuchi who opened the door and came in.

...As long as she comes out 2 minutes early, everything will be dressed.

At that moment, Kite also really wanted to slap her on the forehead, to knock herself out.

Taking the initiative to come to ask for marriage, taking a bath in his room, coming out only wrapped in a towel, and so on, anyone who looks at it will think that she has that kind of meaning for him.

Ibi has lived for 23 years and has never been so embarrassed.

Yuchi glanced at her and closed the door, the slight "click" made her hands and feet feel cold.

Yuan also blushed: "I, I left my clothes outside, I..."

Yuchi walked straight over, and hugged her horizontally without saying hello, so frightened that Yuan also hugged his neck, her eyes widened in panic: "You!"

Yuchi strode towards the big bed, Yuan's heart was beating like thunder, she came to find him purely in a desperate attempt, she didn't think about the next thing at all, she was really not ready for the sudden progress so fast.

"You put me down! I don't, I..." For the first time in her life, Yuan Ye wanted to escape, but she didn't dare to struggle too hard, because she only had a bath towel on her body, which was as long as her buttocks , Twist a few more times, maybe nothing can be covered.

Yuchi looked like a handsome scholar, but in fact the strength of her arms should not be underestimated, she was put on the tatami without any resistance.


Yuan also froze for a moment, Yuchi glanced at her indifferently, and lifted up the sleeves of his shirt, he wore cuffs on his arms, and rushed forward with a restrained and elegant demeanor.

No, not in bed?

Yuan also remembered that she had heard that some men had special hobbies, and they didn't like to be in bed when they were doing things. Floor-to-ceiling windows, dining tables, sofas, etc. were their "sexual" interests. Could it be that Yuchi was also one of these people?


Yuchi sat down beside her, lifted her left foot, and before Yuan could react, he pointed to her toes and asked, "Did you feel any pain when you took a shower?"

Yuan also blinked, and looked down, only to find that the nails of her second and third toes were overturned, and there was blood oozing out, and because they were soaked in water in the bath, they were now swollen and rotten, which was horrible, and she immediately "hissed" With a sound.

It should be that she was injured on the way to Wei's mansion after running for more than ten kilometers.

If he didn't focus on it before, he would feel nothing. Now that he pointed it out, Yuan's teeth chattered in pain: "I was thinking about other things, but I didn't find it."

Yuchi shook his head, opened the medicine box, and took out a can of alcohol cotton balls, but seeing that her eyes were red, he put the cotton balls back after thinking about it, got up and left the room, taking a bottle of iodine with him within a few minutes Volt back.

Povidone iodine is less irritating than alcohol, and he was afraid that she would not be able to bear the pain of disinfection.

This was the second time she experienced the tenderness of this man - the first time was when she was seven years old, with that handkerchief.

Many people in Jincheng know that the new head of the Wei family with a rich history is a Confucian businessman. Only 26 years old, still too young in the business world, but it does not prevent them from admiring him.

Yuan also didn't have any special feelings for him before, but now she felt his charm vaguely, and even in the next two years of marriage, she couldn't extricate herself from him.

"I said hello to your father, he won't catch you again." Yuchi lowered his head, carefully cut off her nails with small scissors, his voice was calm.

Yuan also pursed her lips: "Yes."

Yuchi picked up a bottle of medicinal powder and sprinkled some on her wound, Yuan felt the pain, subconsciously shrank her legs, Yuchi grabbed her ankle: "Don't move."

"It hurts."

"Be patient."

Yuchi bandaged her two toes with gauze, then raised his head to look at her, and saw that she turned her head to one side unbearably in pain, her eyes were closed tightly, as if she was biting her back teeth, and her jaw was tense.But despite the pain, she didn't cry. This alone is enough to prove the resilience of this woman.

If she was like a frightened rabbit just now, she is now like a suffering kitten who doesn't even notice that the bath towel is loose.

Yuchi didn't mean to look at her, but the tenderness and roundness like curdled condensed milk rushed straight into his eyes.

Well, maybe he was wrong in his judgment just now, and now she is still like a rabbit, a white rabbit.

Yuchi looked away, 'gentleman' did not remind her that the bath towel was loose, he just packed the things back into the medicine box, and suddenly asked: "Why didn't you ask your grandparents for help?"

Yuan also's eyes darkened: "I don't want to make trouble for them."

Yuchi raised his eyebrows, but he understood.

Since the old man passed away more than ten years ago, the Chen family has been caught in endless internal strife. The whole family is divided into two factions, and there are several small groups in the same faction. With the support of the clan elders, he forcibly succeeded him as the head of the family, but there were as many people in the Chen family who refused to accept him as crucian carp crossing the river. As a grandson, Jiang Yuan also, it was really not easy to add chaos at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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