Chapter 52

Yuchi bent his lips: "It's very troublesome for a woman to go out. After waiting for her for a while, she just told me that she didn't look good enough."

"How come? My siblings look good even if they don't dress up. I knew that Ah Chi married the beautiful granddaughter of the Chen family in Qingcheng. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to meet her. I never thought that Ah Chi would bring her here today." Lu Chubei smiled. speak.

In two or three sentences, Yuan could judge that the relationship between Lu Chubei and Yuchi was not so good, and she just smiled: "Lu Shao is admirable."

"Come on, I'll take you there, everyone is here." Lu Chubei patted Yuchi on the shoulder and walked in front.

The manor is very large and has many animals. Apart from deer and alpacas, they are not afraid of people at all. A gray vicuna followed Yuanye all the way, intending to bite her clothes. Yuan quickly hid beside Yuchi, With Yuchi's one look, the vicuna was scared away.

A long deck road leads to the center of the lake, where there is a table of people playing mahjong, surrounded by sparkling water, green trees and red flowers, one of the red-haired men saw Yuchi and shouted: "Brother Chi, I'm late, pay first." Give it to us."

Yuchi said indifferently: "It's interesting to win by ability, what's the fun in losing?"

"Are you provoking us? Okay, come on, today I won't let you pay for a small villa and my surname will not be Yang!" After Hongmao yelled, he realized that someone was following him. A woman? That's not interesting."

Isn't this a frat party?They all felt that they didn't have a woman with them, and he was actually the best... But don't say, this woman is indeed pretty enough.

Lu Chubei pressed his hand on his shoulder: "I didn't let you take it, but if you envy me, I will call your woman."

Hongmao snorted, but still had a good face towards the beauty: "What do you call Miss? My name is Yang Jiong. You can call me Xiao Yang just like them."

Yuan is also kind-hearted: "Xiao Yang, you can just call me Yuan."

"Kite too? Your name sounds weird, which Kite? What's your surname?"

"The kite's kite, whose surname is Jiang."

"Oh, Miss Jiang, we will be friends from now on, add a WeChat later~"

Yuchi and Lu Chubei didn't take the initiative to introduce her identity to others, and Yuanye's biggest advantage is her sense of humor, so she didn't say much.

The others also introduced themselves, and Yuan also smiled back. None of them are from Jincheng, but they are all names she has heard before, people who are either rich or expensive. She is not so surprised. After all, with Yuchi's identity, It is true that only such a person can call him brother and brother.

Today should be a gathering of their group of friends who usually live far away, but why did Yuchi bring her here?Kite also smiled on her face, feeling puzzled in her heart.

"Who's here?" There were footsteps on the deck again.

The voice was familiar, and Yuan also turned around to take a look, this time she was really surprised: "Mr. Huo?"

Huo Yan was there? !
Lu Chubei's appearance here is not as surprising as Huo Yan's appearance here.

When did Mr. Huo and Yuchi form the same circle?
Yuan is also a little psychedelic, and feels that the number of times she met Mr. Huo this weekend is too much?
Huo Yan was holding a few bottles of bellini cocktails in his hand, and when he saw Yuan Ye, he raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect her to be there, but soon, his eyes moved to Yu Chi who was beside her.

Lu Chubei raised his eyebrows: "Know?"

"Of course I know her. She is from the Takahashi Commerce Department and works under me." Huo Yan put down the cocktail, and nodded to Yuchi, "Mr. Wei is here too."

Yuchi replied: "Mr. Huo."

Red-haired Xiao Yang touched his thorny head: "I mean, why did I hear a rumor two days ago that Wei Shi and Takahashi cooperated. It seems that Ms. Jiang is the one who bridges the gap?"

Tobi also smiled, without denying it.

Lu Chubei didn't know what to think of. He glanced at Yuchi with a weird expression, and sat down on the chair: "That's just right, so I won't need to introduce you to each other. We are friends anyway, so we can get together more in the future if we have nothing to do."

Yuchi took a step forward: "I originally wanted to meet Mr. Huo again on Monday, but it's a coincidence that we meet now."

"It's okay, I'll be the host later and invite Mr. Wei. Takahashi and Wei's have successfully signed the contract, so they should have a meal together." Huo Yan responded appropriately.

"Even if I don't have this contract, I should treat Mr. Huo to dinner. Yuan has caused Mr. Huo a lot of trouble these years." Yuchi said in a natural tone.

Yuan also sounds wrong, what do you mean by causing trouble?How could she cause Mr. Huo any trouble?Unwillingly, she bumped Yuchi's waist with her elbow, and shot him a look.

Yuchi accepted her glance with a smile, accustomed to her petty temper.

Huo Yan was standing opposite them, and he could naturally see their small movements. Something flashed in his light brown eyes, and he said: "Deputy Jiang is a talent in our company. I am very honored to have such a capable person. How come?" Will it cause trouble?"

Yuan was not too interested in the business courtesy of the two big men. She saw a few bubbles popping up on the river from time to time, and suddenly became playful: "Is it possible to fish here?"

Xiao Yang just finished a round, got up and gave up his position to someone else, moved to Yuanye and said, "Yes, Miss Jiang wants to fish, I'll help you get the tools."

"thank you."

Xiao Yang quickly brought a fishing rod, a box of bait and a plastic bucket, and Yuan also thanked her again, then grabbed the hook and hung up the bait, Yuchi and Huo Yan looked at her movements, a little funny, Everyone has to speak.

But Yuchi moved faster, grabbed Yuan Ye's hand, and helped her put the bait back: "This is not how to put the bait. If you put it like this, a small fish can easily eat the bait and run away."

Huo Yan took it back, opened a bottle of cocktail, and poured it into several glasses.

Yuan also saw the way he put the bait, and suddenly realized: "I said, I used to go fishing with clients, and every time I was the only one who didn't catch the bait, and lost the bait."

Yuchi chuckled: "You haven't caught it so many times, you still don't know how to reflect. It seems that fish are smarter than you."

"Did you talk like that?" Kite also wanted to hit Yuchi's waist again, but this time Yuchi grabbed her elbow, and he took her hand and threw the fishing line out together, adjusting the alignment between her arm and the fishing rod radian.

He was almost half-embracing Tobiya.

Huo Yan took a sip of his cocktail, and when he looked away, he paused on Yuan Ye's feet, then put down his glass, and temporarily left the center of the lake with his mobile phone.

Yuchi pulled a reclining chair to Yuanye's side again: "Sit."

Yuan also sat down happily, and began to steal half a day's leisure.

You have to be patient when fishing, and Yuan is notoriously impatient. After watching for half an hour, she starts to feel sleepy. Holding the fishing rod, she closes her eyelids and falls into a dream soon.

I don't know how long I slept, Yuan also felt that the fishing rod in her arms was being taken away, she suddenly opened her eyes, and saw Huo Yan retracting and letting go, catching a fish that had already bit the hook.

Huo Yan untied the fish from the hook and threw it into the plastic bucket, and laughed at her: "Are you fishing, or is the fish catching you?"

Yuan also touched her nose: "The main reason is that the weather is so good today, and there is rarely such a sun in winter." She fell asleep unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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