Chapter 54

Lu Chubei walked out to round up the field: "Lunch is ready, reserve players of the national tennis team, let's eat first."

Xiao Yang was already hungry: "Okay, okay."

A group of people walked into the house, Yuan Ye and Xiao Yang walked in front, this was chatter, some were talking, Yuan also was distracted by him, and forgot what he wanted to say to Yu Chi.

Lu Chubei and Yuchi walked at the end, sizing up and asking: "Do you have a problem with Huo Yan?"

Yuchi Fengyun didn't move: "No."

"Really?" Lu Chubei smiled, "But I see that you are all a little competitive today."

"You think too much."

"It's better if I think too much." The words are said like this, and it is clear that I don't believe it. Lu Chubei is a good person, how can he not see the tricks in it?

Yuchi is still gentle and elegant: "Take care of yourself, that girl of the Fu family, after so many years of chasing her, she still hasn't caught up, is she ashamed?"

When this matter was mentioned, Lu Chubei felt suffocated for a while: "You." Swearing at others without revealing faults, isn't Mr. Wei the most demeanor?
Mr. Wei stopped looking at him and strode into the house.

The dishes were already served, and Yuan was already seated. I don't know whether it was intentional or not. Huo Yan sat on her left, and Xiao Yang sat on her right. Xiao Yang was still chatting with Yuan Ye.

Yuchi paused, walked behind Yuanya, held down her hand that was going to pick up boiled fish: "And you forgot what the doctor ordered? You can't eat spicy food for ten days after the operation."

Xiao Yang turned his head: "What surgery?" Then he realized that he was taking Yuchi's seat, and hurriedly moved a seat, "I'm sorry Brother Chi, I didn't pay attention to taking your seat."

"It's okay." Yuchi sat on Yuanye's right hand, and answered the words casually, "Appendectomy. Eat this." He put a piece of crispy tofu in Yuanye's bowl.

Yuan also wanted to steal a piece, but hated Mr. Wei for coming too fast, so he could only reluctantly say: "Oh."

This is the fish she caught, and she couldn't even eat a bite!
"By the way, are Brother Chi and Miss Jiang going to stay overnight tonight? There are hot springs in the back rooms, so you can take a dip." Xiao Yang said.

Yuchi didn't care, he just asked Yuanye: "How is it?"

Yuan also felt that there was nothing wrong with it. She would wake up half an hour early tomorrow and not be late for work: "Okay."

"Then stay overnight."

Lu Chubei originally wanted to stay overnight, but when everyone was chatting in the living room after dinner, he answered the phone, and his gentle and elegant face suddenly became very ugly, and he said coldly: "Look at you, I'll come right over .”

Hanging up the phone, picked up his coat, and walked to Yuchi's side: "I have something to leave first."

Yuchi sat by the bar and looked at him: "Do you need help?"

"I need your help with my woman's affairs, wouldn't that give you a chance to laugh at me? No, I can handle it." Lu Chubei patted his shoulder, greeted the others, and left.

Yuan also rubbed against Yuchi with a heart of gossip: "What's wrong, Young Master Lu?"

Yuchi picked up a cherries and brought them to her mouth: "His woman is more troublesome than you, probably ran away again."

"Run away?" Yuan was also surprised, what kind of story is this?
"That girl grew up with him. The two elders are also old friends, but they just don't want to marry him. She always runs away when he is not looking. Recently, she has another boyfriend outside." Yuchi shook his head, thinking about this good brother. have no choice.

Yuan also thinks this girl is interesting: "If there is a chance, I must get to know her and learn from her." How can such a deep relationship be easily let go?
Yuchi leaned against the long bar and looked at her with a smile: "What are you studying? Learn how to run like her?"

Send a proposition!Yuan also immediately changed into a flattering smile: "How dare you, if I dare to run, President Wei will lock me up with iron chains again?"

And then she snaps the chain with the pliers?Yuchi felt that her rhetoric was getting better and better every day.

Yuan also likes cherries, fearing that Yuchi will control her again and not let her eat more, she quietly reaches out and grabs a few.

The pot of cherries was on Yuchi's left, and the kite was also on Yuchi's right. She wanted to go around his back. She tried to steal it again and again without being noticed. She became more courageous and reached out to take it again. This time But unexpectedly met with the other hand.

Yuan also saw that it was Huo Yan. He was behind the bar with a glass of freshly mixed cocktail in front of him. He probably wanted to use cherries for seasoning or decoration, but he bumped into Yuan who was "lurking" and the two of them Still got the same one.

Yuan also let go of her hand, made a gesture of asking you to ask, and then went to get another one. Unexpectedly, Huo Yan also humbly let her go, let go of the original cherries, and the new one was He Yuanye the same one.

Huo Yan lowered his head and laughed, this time he was the one who let go first, and Yuan quickly took it and ran away.

Huo Yan only took one, and then took the whole plate of cherries to Yuanye's side, Yuanye's eyes lit up, she was very grateful.

Although the manor has just been built, there is nothing missing, and there are many entertainment items. Yuan also heard that there is a video game room, and was very interested, so she went to play a few games by herself, and when she got tired of playing, she came back and found that there were more games in the house. This beautiful girl should be found by the men.

Yuchi and Huo Yan were not there, Yuan also asked Xiao Yang, Xiao Yang thought for a while and said: "It seems to be going to shoot arrows."


The white-feathered arrow shot out through the wind, hitting the red heart of the target like lightning.

The archer immediately blew his whistle and waved the flags in both hands to signify ten points.

The archery range is on the vast grassland, with a yellow line drawn on the ground, and archery targets are placed at 5 meters, 10 meters, 20 meters, 30 meters, etc. outside the yellow line. The arrow in this arrow is the farthest 50 meters. archery target.

Yuchi put down his bow, the corner of his mouth slightly curved, Huo Yan who was beside him said: "Mr. Wei is good at archery."

"Boss Huo is also good." Yuchi wasn't flattering, Huo Yan also scored ten points on the 50-meter target just now.

Huo Yan said: "I use a compound bow, which is easier to aim than the recurve bow used by Mr. Wei, but Mr. Wei's archery skills are better."

Modern bows are generally divided into compound bows and recurve bows. Recurve bows are similar in shape to ancient bows, while compound bows are a modern improved version with many mechanical parts added.

Yuchi added a smile: "Composite bows require more strength to draw, and being able to shoot such a long distance shows that Mr. Huo is more capable than me."

Huo Yan took a black-feathered arrow from the quiver and bent the bow to aim: "It's just some brute force and some skills to assist, the recurve bow is the wisdom of the ancestors, and it is more down-to-earth."

The two praised each other, and the atmosphere seemed extremely harmonious.

Yuchi also took a white-feathered arrow, aiming at a bull's-eye as well: "This sentence is not bad, no matter how you behave or do things, it's better to be down-to-earth."

Then he shot the arrow first, this time it was a 30-meter ten.

Huo Yan spoke slowly: "It's not bad, but think about it, the word 'down to earth', from the capitalists in the eyes of us outsiders, is a bit ironic."

After speaking, he let go of his fingers, and the black feather arrow hit the bull's-eye of 50 meters straight. Huo Yan lowered his bow and looked at Yuchi.

"Mr. Wei made a net profit of at least [-] million yuan by shorting Jiang's stock in the secondary market. This amount of money can't be earned by ordinary people in a 'down-to-earth' lifetime."

"I just don't know, does Deputy Jiang know what you're doing?"

Kite also walked to the archery range, just in time to hear this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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