He is delusional

Chapter 63 Do You Want To Come To Me?

Chapter 63 Do You Want To Come To Me?

Never seen her like this.

The red eyes were burning with resentment, this roar seemed to burn all the patience she had endured in the past few months, Yuchi looked at her, his black eyes were full of complex emotions, he never grabbed her hand She felt that her body was still trembling.

Seeing them sticking to each other, Bai Qingqing thought about it, and pinched A Ting fiercely, and A Ting burst into tears: "Wow!"

Bai Qingqing hurriedly coaxed: "Ah Ting is good, Ah Ting is not crying, mother and father are here."

Yes, his parents.

She is an outsider.

Yuan also rolled her throat, trying to shake off Yuchi's hand, but failed.

She gritted her teeth and said to him: "You said they would only live at No. 14 Chunyang Road and would not hinder me, but now you take them home without my permission. What place? What are they? A mistress and an illegitimate child deserve to come in, don't dirty my place!"

"I didn't think carefully." Yuchi held her hand tightly and refused to let go, "Li Yi."

Li Yi immediately took a step forward: "Mr. Wei."

"Send them to live in West Garden."

"No need." Yuan also twisted her wrist fiercely, and finally threw him away, she took a few steps back, "They stay, I'll go."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and rushed out the door.

Li Yi was stunned: "Mr. Wei, what should we do now?"

At this time, someone came out of the toilet, it was Xiao Yang with red hair: "Who came just now? I seem to have heard who told who to get out? Brother Chi, I brought you someone, I'm leaving first."

Yuchi stood motionless at the door, his silent eyes fell into bottomless darkness following Yuanye's departure.

Yuan also drove directly out of Wei's mansion.

The rain was much lighter. She drove the car all the way from the suburbs to the city, lowered the car windows, and let the rain and wind rush in, wet her hair and cheeks. The wind was cold, but it could make people sober.

She didn't know where she drove the car until the gas gauge turned red, reminding her that she was running out of gas, and Yuan also stopped the car—she didn't want to be towed a second time tonight.

She sat on the seat, staring at the front numbly, after a while, she found out her mobile phone and made a call, and the connection was quickly answered: "Hello?"

"Gu Jiu, where are you?"

"Zou Cheng."


"Well, what happened?"

Sighing, Yuan also said: "It's nothing, hang up."

She has quite a few friends, but at this time, the only person she wants to contact is Gu Jiu. She originally wanted to have a drink with Gu Jiu, but she hates that her water is retrograde today, even the most cynical Gu Jiu has gone on a business trip.

Putting down her phone, she suddenly found that the diamond brooch pinned to her chest was gone!
Yuan was also taken aback for a moment, and immediately searched the whole body, got out of the car and searched the inside and outside of the car seat, but there was nothing, nowhere.


She stood by the car, dumbfounded.

As if it was the last straw that broke the camel's back, tears rushed out of my eyes without warning.

Finding a vent to vent her emotions, she couldn't stop crying. Yuan also wiped her tears a few times, but she couldn't stop the surging tears.

The light rain was slight, and in the middle of the night, there was no one on the road, so Yuan simply squatted under the street lamp, buried her head in her arms, and cried heartily.

She has grown up so much, and has never been wronged so much like today.

As long as there is one less thing encountered today, she would not have reached this level. Normally, if Bai Qingqing's mother and son dared to step into the Wei's mansion, she would have thrown them out with her own hands, and locked the door together with Yuchi. She left by herself... yes, why did she leave?That was her home, why should they move the place?
The decisions made out of anger were indeed irrational decisions, and Kite also regretted it, making her even more sad.

The mobile phone in her pocket vibrated suddenly, she ignored it, and vibrated twice again, she took out the mobile phone impatiently, saw that it was "star", she sniffed, thinking, friend passed?

The avatar of the star is very simple, it is a starry sky, and there is a red +2 in the avatar frame.

two pieces of information?Yuan also felt inexplicably flattered, he seldom took the initiative to send her messages, and rarely sent two messages in a row.

Wiping her tears, she clicked on the dialog box, and he sent two pictures, which were the pickled chicken feet and spicy chicken she sent to him by courier, which had been put into a white porcelain plate and placed on a log-colored table superior.

He should have just slapped it casually, but under the lighting, he looked very pretty and delicious.

No wonder Ken passed the verification of her friend, and it turned out that he had received her courier.

Is this considered coaxed by her?
Yuan also pursed her lower lip, preparing to reply with an emoji, but before she could find a suitable one, another message came, which was a 3-second voice.

Yuan also blinked, is Mr. Su in such a good mood?

He actually sent her three messages in a row.

She tapped the voice.

"The spicy chicken has gone bad and can't be eaten, so it has been thrown away."

In the familiar low-pitched male voice, Yuan also smiled through tears, and pressed the button to speak without much thought: "Maybe the delivery time is too long, and I will have a chance to make it for you in the future. Pickled peppers and chicken feet should be fine, right?"

There was no reply for 2 minutes, and Yuan thought he didn't want to talk anymore, so she stood up, exhaled, thinking about finding a place to stay first.

Unexpectedly, the screen of the mobile phone lit up again. When I saw it, I was very surprised. He actually called her directly? ?

"Hello?" Yuan Ye just made a sound, and he asked, "Crying?"

Yuan also paused, and said in a relaxed tone: "No."

"The voice is hoarse and dull." He pierced it mercilessly.

Yuan also bit the root of her tongue, she shouldn't have replied to his voice just now, how could she forget that this person has always been insightful?


"What happened?"

Yuan didn't want to tell him either, and turned her head to find an excuse to fool her, so he said in a deep voice, "Tell the truth."

Yuan also lowered her head and looked at her own toes: "It's nothing, just, I was molested by a client, almost got caught by a few gangsters, the car broke down on the road, and it was stuck in traffic after it was repaired. I just found out that the diamond brooch I just bought was lost. I wanted to find someone to drink, but my friend was on a business trip."

He listened and remained silent for a while, probably because he didn't expect her to encounter so many bad things.

"Any more?"

Yuan also resolutely said: "Not anymore."

It was possible to get away with it, but by coincidence, a truck drove past Yuanya, and the rumbling sound was directly transmitted into the microphone, and he heard it all at once: "It should be late at night in Jincheng, are you still outside? Why don't you go home? Got into a fight with him?"

Tobi also: "..."

"He" refers to Yuchi.

Alas, I was right again.

Sometimes she really doubts that Mr. Su is not a PPE master's student at Oxford University, but a talent in criminal investigation.

His voice was cold, as if he had no temperature: "Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

Yuan also said truthfully: "Not yet."

"Send me the location," he ordered.

Yuan also laughed: "What are you going to do? Come and find me?"

(End of this chapter)

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