Chapter 75

Yuan also's heart sank, as if being weighed down by a heavy weight, she turned her head to look at him, but Yuchi's expression was obscure.

After a few seconds, she broke away from his embrace and left the flat room.

Yuchi was still sitting on the sofa without moving, and soon, Li Xue brought in clean clothes: "Mr. Wei."

Putting it on in an orderly manner, Yuchi looked so handsome again, he said lightly: "Farewell to Mr. Black, and come with me to visit, the doctor who performed appendectomy for Yuan back then."

Four years ago, Yuan also had an appendectomy in Qingcheng, but after the operation, a scar was left, but the appendix was still there.

So, what did he do to Tobiya's body back then?Yuchi must know.

Li Xue replied in a low voice: "Yes."


Yuan didn't go into the crowd anymore, and went back to the hotel to pack her luggage. When it was time to go to the airport, Huo Yan called her, and the two met in the hotel lobby, and went to the airport together.

Huo Yan is a gentleman, he didn't mention everything about the racecourse in the afternoon, he only said that Mr. Qi of Puying Holdings has signed the contract, and so far, all the investment for the Longevity Mountain project has been in place.

It only took half a month to accomplish what the former minister hadn't been able to accomplish until he was transferred to the headquarters. Yuan also admired herself a little... oh, no, it was the captain.

Thinking of Yuchi, and thinking of the crazy three times in the flat house in the afternoon and his explanation.

The explanation was an explanation, but he didn't answer a word of her questioning... Kite also closed her eyes, not thinking anymore, not thinking anymore.

She turned her head to look out of the window, and saw a pitch black area, like a huge abyss.

She stared fixedly, unblinking as if she was attracted by something, she sank more and more, became more and more unable to extricate herself, and even her soul was about to fall into it, until her legs suddenly kicked out of nerve reflex, like It was as if she had stepped on the air in the middle of her sleep, and she suddenly came back to her senses, and immediately closed the shade.

Although she did this, she still couldn't restrain her physical discomfort, and she let out a mouthful of foul air from her lungs. She asked the stewardess for a glass of warm water.

"What's the matter?" Sitting beside her, Huo Yan could see that her expression was a little bad.

"It's okay." Yuan also forced a smile, drank water, took out the shade mask and put it on, and prepared to sleep all the way back to Jincheng.

It's just that she was already preoccupied and frightened, even when she fell asleep, her dream was full of uneasiness.

She dreamed about that incident again. It was also on the plane. The cramped space cut off the sound. No matter how she shouted, only she could hear her. into total darkness.

The darkness that has been walking, the endless darkness that does not know where it will be derived.

At that time, she was thinking that it would be great if there were stars.

"Deputy Jiang." Huo Yan shook her shoulders, Yuan also opened his eyes, and he looked at her, "Did you have a nightmare? You kept shouting 'let me out'."

It was indeed a nightmare, a nightmare ten years ago, if it hadn't been for meeting Mr. Su, it would probably have turned into a lifetime nightmare.

Yuan also rubbed her eyebrows, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Huo laughed."

Huo Yan unscrewed the mineral water: "It's nothing, everyone has had nightmares."

"Thank you." Yuan also held the water. The soft lighting in the airport can trigger people's sense of vulnerability, especially for those who just had nightmares. She was silent for a while, and couldn't help saying, "I rarely take evening flights. Avoid business trips as much as possible.”

Huo Yan asked naturally: "Why?"

Yuan also moved her lower lip, wanted to say something, but felt it was inappropriate, and finally smiled casually: "I just feel that the flight at night is not as safe as the flight during the day."

Huo Yan raised his eyebrows, it was obvious that she wasn't telling the truth, but since she didn't want to tell the truth, he didn't ask, and just said: "The probability of a plane crash is one in 300 million, even if you take a plane once a day, even It takes 8000 years to encounter an accident.”

Yuan was also dumbfounded: "How can such a metaphor be used for things like probability?"

Huo Yan thought seriously: "Huh? I thought the point of my words was to say that the plane is very safe and you don't have to be afraid of accidents. Didn't you find out? It seems that my consolation was very unsuccessful."

ah?Yuan couldn't hold back either, and laughed out loud.

Huo Yan curled his lips again: "It seems to be a success."

Being teased by him like this, Yuan also felt less depressed. When the plane was descending, the broadcast reminded to open the sun visor, Yuan also paused, and slowly lifted the sun visor.

It was still pitch black outside the window, she couldn't take it anymore, she turned her head away, and unexpectedly saw Yuchi and Li Xue sitting in the right front row of seats, they were also on this flight back to Jincheng.

When the plane arrived in Jincheng, it was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night. For safety reasons, Huo Yan personally sent Yuan back to the hotel.

"Mr. Wei, madam is going up." In the black car that almost blended into the night, Li Xue turned to Yuchi from the front seat.

"Go back to the mansion." Yuchi said calmly.

Li Xue nodded and told the driver to turn.

Yuchi suddenly saw a little girl on the side of the road, holding a bamboo basket full of beautifully packaged apples, he thought for a while, and then remembered that tonight was Christmas Eve.

"Wait a moment."

The driver stopped the car immediately, Yuchi pushed open the door and got out of the car.

Li Xue saw her president walking towards the little girl selling apples, said a few words, and then bought an apple and a rose, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily.

Mr. Wei still has this childlike innocence?
Yuchi walked into the hotel, handed the apples and roses to the front desk, please send them to Room 1525.

The front desk readily agreed, and immediately sent the things upstairs. At that moment, Yuan was also about to take a shower, when she heard the doorbell ring, she opened the door with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Miss Jiang, a gentleman entrusted me to deliver this to you."

Yuan also held an apple in one hand and a rose in the other, very puzzled: "Which sir?"

The front desk said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I forgot to ask for my name."

Yuan also pondered: "Is that gentleman quite handsome?"

The front desk smiled and nodded: "Yes."

"Then I know who it is." It must be Mr. Huo.

He had just sent her back to the hotel. He probably saw someone selling apples on the side of the road, so he bought one as a gift for her. After all, it was Christmas Eve, and eating apples had a good meaning. Yuan also had to sigh again, Mr. Huo is such a gentleman.

"Thank you and happy Christmas Eve."

"You're welcome. Happy Christmas Eve."


When Yuchi returned to Wei's mansion, he went straight upstairs, but the housekeeper stopped him, gave him a brown paper bag, and said, "Master, yesterday afternoon, Old Professor Zhang sent someone to send this item, saying that you didn't understand anything after reading it. Call her."

Old Professor Zhang is Yang Tong's grandmother, the expert in hematology, who is in charge of treating A Ting's leukemia. Yuchi glanced at the paper bag and took it with his hand: "Okay."

He returned to the bedroom, put the paper bag on the table, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, and then went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

Glancing at Tobiya's facial cleanser and body lotion on the counter, which hadn't been touched for a long time, he pursed his lower lip, pulled out a tissue and walked out while drying his hands.

Knowing that the paper bag contained A Ting's test results, he leaned against the counter and pulled out the report.

Looking at it, his brows furrowed, and he looked at the time, it was already 10:30, he didn't call to disturb the old man's rest.

The next morning, Yuchi called Old Professor Zhang in the office. After a brief greeting, he got straight to the point: "I read the inspection report. What do you mean, is Ting's condition still bad?"

Professor Zhang said: "Yes, according to the test results, his organs are failing."

Yuchi thought heavily: "Is the bone marrow transplanted two years ago useless?"

"It is useful, but the human body is like an instrument that is more delicate and delicate than a clock. Many times it looks like it has been repaired, but if you are not careful, it may overturn the whole thing."

Yuchi frowned: "What else can I do?"

Old Professor Zhang pondered: "Then there is only one way to try."

(End of this chapter)

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