Chapter 83 Let's give birth to one

Yuan also had lingering fears: "It's okay."

She subconsciously grabbed the shirt on Yuchi's chest just now, and slowly let go of her hand after she finished speaking, and said in a low voice, "Fortunately, you react quickly."

"Be careful where you step." Yuchi told her, at the same time, he moved his hand down to hold her palm, and led her upstairs.

The private room is not too big or too small, and the decoration is quite textured. There is the scent of gardenia in the air, which is light and pleasant to smell. There is a picture of Monet's "Sunrise Impression" on the white wall, and Yuan also asked Yuchi to order , I admire the painting with my hands behind my back.

"It's a copy." Yuchi said.

"Of course, the original is in the National Gallery of Australia." Yuan also went to sit opposite him, "but this one is very similar."

The waiter first brought up a pot of tea and poured it into white porcelain cups for them, and Yuan also thanked them.

"Do you know how to paint?" There was a gleam of warmth in Yuchi's slightly closed eyes.

Yuan also said that his eyes are very charming, and every time he looked at each other unexpectedly, she couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat. This time it was the same. She lowered her head quickly and took a sip of tea in a concealed manner: "I don't understand."

"Then you still say that they are very similar."

She raised her lips: "Don't you think adding this sentence shows that I have a high level of artistic attainment?"

Just like she used fizzy Coke and Sprite to pretend to be wine, it's all her "wrong intentions" trick, Yuchi shook his head.

In fact, being able to blurt out which museum the original work is in, proves that she is not completely ignorant of art, but this woman always likes to talk about herself very seriously, as if this can cover up her true nature.

Thinking of this, Yuchi paused, he could indeed cover up, two years of husband and wife, he thought he knew her well enough, until that day when she blurted out "You don't love me", and then let him get a glimpse of her true face under the disguise.

After the waiter served the dishes, Yuan also got straight to the point: "How are Bai Qingqing's mother and son?"

"It has been sent back to the West Garden." Yuchi said.

"So what does she mean today?"

"It's just nonsense."

That kind of harmful trick is really like a nonsense. The question is why Miss Bai did it suddenly, it can't be a whim, can it?Yuan also stared at Yuchi's face, and suddenly asked: "You don't intend to let me raise her son, do you?"

Yuchi's expression remained unchanged, he put a tiger-skin green pepper in her bowl, and said calmly, "Let's give birth to one ourselves."

Yuan also had his hands folded on the table, but when he heard such a sentence, his hands slipped suddenly, his whole body was tilted, and he said in astonishment, "Are you kidding me?"

Yuchi really gave her a smile: "We are in good health, our husband and wife live in harmony, and it will be a matter of time before we have children."

Yuan also smiled angrily: "With our current relationship, you propose to have a child with me?"

Is he crazy, or is she hearing something wrong?

"Our relationship has not changed, we are still husband and wife." Yuchi said softly, "If you care about Qingqing, I will send her away in the next year and go to New York, and she will never appear in front of you again."

send them away?

So, he finally chose her between her and Bai Qingqing's mother and son?

Fingers curled up slightly under the table, Yuan also didn't smile: "Are you willing?"

He greeted her trial without evasion. The light from the wall lamp was soft, which stained his face a little: "I was going to let her go, and she will stay during this time, just because Ah Ting wants to heal her." sick."

Knowing what Yuchi said, he would definitely do it, but Yuanye was still in a complicated mood, pursing her lower lip, and said, "There is a famous saying that there are only zero and countless cheating times."

"Qingqing and I were before we married you. Ah Ting was four years old, and I had it before you, and since she gave birth to Ah Ting Qi, I have never touched her again. Before that, they had been living in Rongcheng , if Ah Ting hadn't been ill and had to come to Jincheng for treatment, she would never have appeared in her life."

This was the first time he explained his relationship with Bai Qingqing to her, it was very clear and clean, there was no cheating, and Yuan also shouldn't reply for a while, and couldn't give him an answer right away, so she chose to remain silent.

After eating without taste, Yuan also wanted to drive back to the hotel, Yuchi followed her and said, "Go back to Wei's mansion, I have already checked out of the hotel."

Yuan was also taken aback for a moment, a little angry: "You quit my room?"

Yuchi said: "Mrs. Wei, the vacation is over, it's time to go home."


Taking advantage of the situation and holding her finger pointing at him, Yuchi smiled slightly: "Xiao Yang said that he met you in Liyuan, and explained to you, you said that incident has passed, since it has passed, shouldn't it be right to go back to Wei's mansion? "

Still so domineering!A wolf in sheep's clothing, with a negotiating tone, but when was she given a choice?Yuan was also very angry, and wanted to say more, but suddenly saw a little blood on the white shirt on his chest, and suddenly remembered that she almost fell down the stairs just now, and grabbed his clothes in a hurry, and if she didn't pay attention, it seemed to tear His... rash.

"..." Tobiya's fire was extinguished like a fire extinguisher, and she withdrew her hand angrily, and drove away.

The direction is to go to Wei Mansion.

Yuchi raised the corners of his mouth, and also got into the car to go home.

Yuan also went to Wei's mansion one step ahead of him, and went straight upstairs to the guest bedroom, planning to sleep in a separate room with him, but after thinking about it, even if they slept in a separate room, he would sleep in the guest bedroom. Why should she sleep in the guest bedroom? It's not her!
So the housekeeper and the servants watched her angrily come out of the guest bedroom, into the master bedroom, and slam the door behind her.

As soon as it was closed, Yuan remembered that Yuchi had keys to every room in the entire mansion, even if she locked the door, he could still come in.

Thinking about it further, not only Wei's mansion, but the entire Jincheng, as long as he wants, no matter where she goes, he has a way to get close to her, and her resistance is meaningless at all.

So, she covered her face with her hands, rubbed it mercilessly, and went into the bathroom with an irritable expression.

When Yuchi came back, he heard what the housekeeper said about Yuan Ye's performance, he couldn't help but lower his head and laugh, but he didn't go to her immediately to feel unhappy, but went to the study first.

After washing up, Yuan also came out. Seeing that Yuchi was not there, she felt a little more comfortable. She lay down on the bed, picked up her phone, and found that Gu Jiu had sent her a photo 10 minutes ago. .

Although the makeup on her face has not faded, but judging from her facial features, she is indeed a beauty.

After thinking about it for a long time, Yuan also returned a smiling expression, very indifferent.

She didn't want to talk to him anymore, but thinking of what Yuchi said to her in the vegetable restaurant, she was upset and decided to share it with him.

Although Gu Jiu looks like a dandy, he is still reliable when it comes to serious matters.

After a while, he replied to her - the law also stipulates that after a couple divorces, the man has to pay child support. Although the child is an illegitimate child, it is only natural for Yuchi to take care of him.

Yuan Ye's fingers rested on the keyboard, and before he could figure out how to answer him, Gu Jiu said again——I haven't been to Miss Bai in four years, and it's still clean after rounding it up, wash it and continue to use it~
"..." Yuan also decided to take back the words she said 3 minutes ago, Gu Jiu is a bastard, he is not reliable at all!
(End of this chapter)

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