Chapter 89

"When I arrived, she was already gone." Yuchi said.

"You mean, she ran away?"


"..." Yuan really didn't expect that a woman with a child could still run.

One or two sentences couldn't be explained clearly, so Yuchi just said, "Wait for you to come back."

After finishing the call, Tobiya lightly tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, thought for a while, and then turned at the next intersection and returned to Wei's mansion.

Yuchi casually put the phone on the table, got up and walked to the window, at the same time there was a knock on the door, it was Li Xue who came: "Mr. Wei."

Looking out of the window of the study is the gate of the mansion, because the mistress has not returned, the door is still open, and a street lamp stands alone, Yuchi watched indifferently: "Find out where she has gone?"

Li Xue nodded: "Yes, before we found out that Ms. Bai went to Qingcheng by plane, and now we traced that she got off the plane in Qingcheng, then took the high-speed train to Hong Kong, and finally disappeared in Tsim Sha Tsui."

Hong Kong is densely populated, coupled with various reasons, if people go to Hong Kong, if they deliberately hide their whereabouts, it is really difficult to find out their whereabouts. Bai Qingqing's move is considered smart.

Yuchi narrowed his eyes slightly: "She doesn't have much cash on her, and she has no relatives or friends in Hong Kong. Sooner or later she has to swipe her card to withdraw money, just keep an eye on the bank."

Li Xue answered yes, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Wei, why didn't you just ask the young lady what happened to those three photos?"

Bai Qingqing ran away, it was nothing worth their time to track down her whereabouts, but the three photos of Yuan also locked in a glass cabinet, only she knew the cause and effect, so they had to find her.

But in fact, if you want to know what's going on, you can also ask Yuanye. As the person involved, she must know the best. Isn't it easier?
"She won't be willing to say it." Yu Chi lightly raised the corners of his lips, "She didn't even tell me that her mother was killed by someone, so how could she let me know what happened to her ten years ago?"

One didn't want to say it, and the other insisted on knowing, this couple is really... Li Xue has no expression on her face, and obeys her duties.

Half an hour later, Yuan also arrived at Wei's mansion. As soon as she entered the main house, she could smell the smell of stewed meat. She was not that hungry at first, but her stomach growled when she smelled it, and she couldn't help poking her probe in the direction of the kitchen.

Yuchi who came down from the second floor saw her little movements, shook his head and smiled, and told the housekeeper: "Look what's done, bring some to the Young Madam as a cushion."

The housekeeper responded: "Good young master."

Li Xue followed Yuchi and greeted respectfully: "Young Madam."

Yuan also saw that the direction of her footsteps was towards the door, as if she didn't intend to sit still, she blinked: "Isn't Secretary Li staying to have dinner together? The meal is ready."

"Thank you, Young Madam, but I've already made an appointment with a friend, so I can't stay any longer, you and Mr. Wei take it easy." After Li Xue finished speaking, she nodded slightly to Yuchi, turned and left after getting permission.

After Yuan also watched her go out, she turned her head and shook her head at the capitalist: "How can there be a boss like you? What time is it and the employees are detained to work for you, and they don't care about the food."

"There's overtime pay, and as an employee with a boyfriend, she's probably even more unwilling to have dinner with us than she appears on the surface." Yuchi said as he walked to the sofa and sat down.

Yuan also hooked his mouth, threw the bag aside, took off his shoes and lay down on the sofa, put his head on his lap, and stretched comfortably. Although he was not busy with any work today, he was quite tired .

The housekeeper handed Yuchi a small bowl and a pair of chopsticks. It was the stew she had just heard. Yuchi took a piece of fat and thin meat and brought it to her mouth. Yuan also opened her mouth to eat it.

"How's your allergy? Did you take your medicine today?"

"Well, much better."

Yuan also saw that the rash on his face had completely disappeared, and the rash on his exposed neck and wrists had almost faded away, and it should be healed in two days.

Sure enough, the gods are partial to Yuchi, even for allergies, he is not willing to suffer for too long, others need a week or two to recover, he only needs a few days to recover.

After being fed two or three pieces of meat, Yuan was not that hungry anymore, so she grabbed Yuchi's tie and began to question: "Why did you send Bai Qingqing away? She broke the news about hacking me on the Internet today, and I haven't found it yet." She settles the bill."

"It's true that she exposed the information, but I didn't send the person away, she ran away by herself. That incident will have such a high popularity on the Internet, and it was deliberately pushed up." Yuchi put down the bowl and chopsticks, and then Draw a document to her, "These companies have contributed."

Yuan also took it to look at it, and couldn't help but smile: "They are all Takahashi's opponents. This Dingtai maliciously breached the contract some time ago, and Takahashi is going to sue him, so it will really make things worse."

Speaking of this, she became more active: "Does this count as a work-related injury?"

After all, these people came here to deal with Takahashi, so they pushed her to the second most searched position, can it be counted?
Yuchi laughed: "Ask your boss."

"Speaking of my boss," Yuan also took out her mobile phone and clicked on the gallery, "I just found out that Song Yangjin sent you these photos, and it is from these photos that you began to suspect that Mr. Huo and I are having an affair, right?" ?”

Turning over the screen of the phone, it was facing Yuchi, and Yuchi glanced down, it was the one she was helping Huo Yan put on the cufflinks.

"Boss Huo and I just met by chance. I went to buy shirts, and he went to buy cufflinks. He couldn't put them on by himself. I couldn't just stand by and watch, so I helped him." Who knew that Song Yangjin would take a picture of him, This woman is worthy of being a surgeon, and she found the angle really well.

However, Yuchi understood another thing: "It turns out that you judged from these photos that it was Qingqing who broke the news about you on the Internet."

"Yeah, Song Yangjin said that she only sent you the photos, and you couldn't send them, so the only explanation is that someone around you stole the photos from you." As she said that, Yuan also gave him a heart-to-heart Smiling, "I just found out that Miss Bai actually knows your lock screen password."

The relationship is really close.

She doesn't even know his password.

Yuchi covered her fangs and claws with a palm, and smiled lightly: "The password is my birthday, she guessed it, or saw it secretly, in short, I didn't say it."

Yuan also took his hand away: "Then what do you mean she ran away?"

Yuchi flicked her long hair lightly: "When I arrived in the West Garden, she was gone, the room was in a mess, and a lot of things were lost."

"That is to say, she knew that you would go to her to settle accounts and abscond with the money in advance?" It's hard to see that Miss Bai is so stupid and vigilant.

Yuchi picked up a strand of her hair and curled it with his fingertips: "I watched the surveillance, she left the West Garden at about ten o'clock, I just made an announcement at that time, she should have realized something was wrong before leaving .”

Yuan also frowned: "She shouldn't be able to run far with the child, right?"

Yuchi said softly: "She left A Ting behind."

(End of this chapter)

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