The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 183 What's wrong with you, praise me?

Chapter 183 What's wrong with you praising me?
Zhao Huiwei woke up from the dream, it was raining patter outside, her pajamas were wet with sweat, sticky to her body.

It was still dark in the room, and the sky was not completely bright yet, so she leaned on the bedpost a little tiredly.

Yingluo heard the movement and opened the beaded curtain in the back room: "Miss?"

"Yeah." Zhao Huiwei's voice was hoarse after waking up: "Yingluo, what time is it?"

"Mao time." Yingluo replied, "It's still early, why did the girl wake up at this time?"

Zhao Huiwei rubbed the center of her brows, the oppressive atmosphere in her dream was lingering: "Yingluo, I want to take a bath."

Yingluo paused: "Yes."

Let go of the bead curtain and back out.

Soon, hot water came. Zhao Huiwei took off her pajamas and soaked her body in the hot water to get rid of the coldness in her body.

After she was dressed, she pushed open the door. Because of the rain, the whole sky was still gloomy.

The raindrops fell on the tile eaves, forming a rain curtain in front of Zhao Huiwei's eyes, and the distant scenery through the rain curtain was hazy.

Yingluo walked to Zhao Huiwei's side and put a thin windbreaker on her.

"Girl, it's cold outside, you might as well go back and sit inside."

Zhao Huiwei shook her head, stretched out her hand to tighten the windbreaker, and looked sideways at Yingluo: "When did it rain?"

Yingluo heard this, and thought about it carefully: "It seems that it started after you fell asleep, and it hasn't stopped until now."

Yingluo was still muttering beside her: "It's been sunny for ten days, but it's raining."

The rain didn't stop until Chen Shi.

After Zhao Huiwei had breakfast, he spread a piece of paper on the table, wrote a few words on it, sealed it in an envelope and handed it to Wuyin: "Help me deliver this letter to Xu Ziheng."

Wuyin took it respectfully and went to deliver the letter.

Zhao Huiwei slowly looked back, the letter was for Xu Ziheng to help her find, whether there is a pawn shop called Shenxing in the capital.

She wants to buy jade back.

As usual, she wrote in the study for a while in the afternoon and then went to Fumantang to greet Mrs. Shen.

After chatting with the old lady for a while, she left when she was tired.

On the way, she met Shen Shu again.

She mocked her to please the old lady with bad intentions.

Zhao Huiwei ignored her and passed her by as if she hadn't seen her.

Shen Shu was so angry that she jumped on the spot, this little peasant girl, don't think that if she pleases her grandmother, she can fly on a branch and become a phoenix!

She thought for a while, then went to the main room.

Qi Shi was drinking tea when the mother in her room lifted the curtain and entered respectfully.

Seeing Nanny coming in, she put down the teacup: "Brother Jin is back?"

Mammy looked distressed: "Second Young Master fought with Second Young Master Yao in Man Ting Fang for a singer."

Upon hearing this, Qi's face turned black, you bastard!If you don't do business all day long, you know how to be jealous.

Not yet his brother is promising!

Then thinking about it, Shen Xiuyu only took a small post in Jingzhao Mansion, and his anger was not going well again. Compared with Shen Mingnan's Deputy Envoy of the Imperial City Department, a small post is like heaven and earth.

Every time I think of her chest tightness, I panic.

She seemed to have been oppressed by that woman all her life!

When she was unmarried, she was the most beautiful girl in the capital, and attracted all the nobles in the capital to fall for her!
It wasn't until the woman married Shen Guogong that she managed to pull back the trick.

Those days should be her most beautiful time.

Until she died, she thought she had survived.

Who would have thought that her son would appear out of nowhere!

Mrs. Shen immediately invited the crown prince without saying a word, which caught her by surprise.

Seeing that her son's position as the eldest son is gone, how can she not hate it?
Even Mrs. Shen became resentful.

She is really unfair, she is obviously her daughter-in-law, but she just misses that premature death, she sleeps every morning and night, and has served her for many years without seeing her say a single word to herself.

Qi closed her eyes slightly: "No matter what method you use, go and tie that bastard back to me!"

The nanny agreed, took a few strong guards from the mansion and went out.

The eldest maid of the Qi family, Ju Sheng, sent a message: "Ma'am, Miss Fourth is here."

Qi lowered her head and took a sip of tea to ease her mood just now: "Let her in."


Before anyone arrived, Shen Shu's bluffing voice came in.

Disgust flashed across Qi's eyes, and when she came in, there was a kind smile on her face.

"How come Shu'er is free to come to my place today." Qi said with a smile.

Shen Shu pouted and sat beside Qi's: "Mother, when will that little peasant girl leave our Shen residence?"

Qi looked at her and said, "Why do you want her to leave? But did she offend you?"

Shen Shu was very angry: "Because that little peasant girl shamelessly seduced Third Brother!"

Qi thought it was something, but she wished that Shen Mingnan would take a fancy to such a lonely peasant girl with little power.

See how he will fight her Yu'er in the future when he has no power or influence.

Qi sipped tea lightly: "Shu'er be careful, Miss Zhao is a distinguished guest of the Shen family that your grandmother said, don't tell her to leave in the future, lest your grandmother listen to it, and you will have good fruit."

Shen Shu was a little dissatisfied, and Qi didn't want her to do bad things, so she warned softly: "If you have nothing to do, stop contacting there, and practice embroidery skills in the house. You are sixteen this year, and I will show you Find a good marriage."

When she heard about the marriage, Shen Shu felt a little bit resistant, and the figure of peerless beauty could not help appearing in her mind.

Only such a person, such a powerful person, is worthy of her, Shen Shu.

The other rich and powerful sons couldn't even compare to him with a single finger.

Shen Shu didn't really want to hear Qi's talk about her marriage, so she left the main room lightly.

It wasn't until she was out of sight that Qi sneered coldly. Aunt Han didn't have any skills in her life, and the daughter she gave birth to was also very ambitious.

How could she not know what she was thinking?
It's all just a dream in my heart.

In the study of Jiangyun Pavilion.

In the past few days, Zhao Huiwei practiced calligraphy very seriously, completely imitating Shen Mingnan's strokes, and now it looks like a five-pointer.

When Shen Ming came back from his duty in the south, he saw someone who was extraordinarily diligent.

In the past few days, she was so diligent that he was a little uncomfortable.

In the past, he was the one who caught her to practice, but now he consciously practiced for a whole day.

Zhao Huiwei also saw him, she picked up the rice paper, and showed it to him like a treasure: "Young master, come and see if my words look like yours."

Shen Mingnan took a look: "That's it."

"Hmph." Zhao Huiwei snorted softly, "What's wrong with you praising me? You haven't even praised me."

Shen Mingnan had a half smile but not a smile: "Zhao Yanyan, your handwriting is completely different, where do you want me to start boasting?"

"Cut, don't boast if you don't boast." Zhao Huiwei muttered in a low voice, then remembered something, opened his big round eyes and asked curiously: "Master, why did you start calling me Yan Yan?"

Called once yesterday, and is still calling today.

Shen Mingnan was so questioned by her that he didn't know how to answer, so he said fiercely: "You don't care about me, I can call you whatever I like."

 Shen Mingnan: Yan Yan, Yan Yan~
(End of this chapter)

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