The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 197 Make a Peach Blossom Hairpin by Yourself

Chapter 197 Make a Peach Blossom Hairpin by Yourself
"Help me with something."

"Look for some peach hairpins."

Yan Yuan looked at the hairpin in his hand, and couldn't believe his ears: "Master, are you sure you want the hairpin?"

Shen Mingnan hummed lightly, and instructed: "It needs to be wrapped with gold thread."

Yanyuan received the task, and went out to handle the errands with a dazed expression on his face.

Shen Mingnan thought about the letter, today is the eighth day of July, and his rest day is on the tenth day of July, that is to say, there are still two days left.

While still thinking, Yanyuan came, holding several pearl hairpins in his hand, some were jade, some were gold, some were silver.

"Master, I only found these. There are very few peach hairpins in the capital, and most of them are begonias and hibiscus flowers."

Shen Mingnan took it, he frowned, and picked up the broken one for comparison.

No matter how you look at it, it feels incomparable with this one. He waved his hand, and Yanyuan closed the door and refused to go.

The broken ones can't be restored to their original state, Shen Mingnan stared at these pearl hairpins for a moment, and then an idea came to his mind.


He made a peach hairpin with his own hands and gave it to her?
As soon as the thought flashed by, his hands began to disassemble the few pearl hairpins in front of him. He had learned some carving skills from an old carpenter before, so making a hairpin was very simple for him.

The lamp in Shen Mingnan's study room was on for half the night.

Yanyuan narrowed his eyes in sleepiness, beside him was Yu Huai.

"It's really weird. Today, the master asked me to find several peach hairpins for him. After I got them, I locked myself in the study all night."

"What are you doing, you're just nagging me, my master wasn't like this before."

Shen Mingnan, who went to bed at noon and never procrastinated, stayed up half the night for the first time.

If he hadn't been on duty tomorrow, he might have stayed up all night.

Yanyuan sighed and shook his head on one side, he didn't understand.

What could be better than sleeping at night?

And the one who was looking forward to this Mingyue Lake event more than Shen Mingnan was Zhao Huiwei.

In the past two days, she was very sensible and didn't bother him.

After Shen Mingnan came back from his shift the next day, he went to the study again, and he only came out during dinner.

After eating, he went to the room, walked directly to the closet, stretched out his hand to open the clothes in the closet, and revealed them.

All black clothes, except for the different patterns on them, there is really no difference.

Shen Mingnan was silent for two seconds, and began to squat down and look through the clothes at the bottom of the suitcase. There were two sets of blue shirts at the bottom. These were two sets of brighter clothes specially made for him by Mrs. Shen because she thought he wore dark clothes every day.

But he had never worn it, and it was packed at the bottom of the box when it was delivered, so Mrs. Shen just let him go after seeing this.

He remembered that she said she liked blue shirts, so blue shirts should be similar, right?
Shen Mingnan belatedly discovered that the details of the past with Zhao Huiwei became more and more clear in his mind, and he even remembered every word she said.

He raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, stood up and brought his clothes to the bedside. The clothes were put aside by him, and he lay on the bed looking at the bed curtain above his head.

There is no starlight tonight, and the little girl has no sleep.

The next day, Shen Mingnan stepped out of the room after fully dressed.

Yan Yuan, who was guarding the door, didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and he didn't rub his eyes until Shen Mingnan's back was gone.

Damn it... really damned!

Zhao Huiwei just had breakfast, she thought Shen Mingnan should have gone out by now, right?

She ate the pastry absent-mindedly, and found that she couldn't read the script if she liked it, so she threw the script aside.

After a while, Yingluo came in: "Girl, why are you still not well? The prince is waiting for you outside."

Zhao Huiwei sat up, is there anything else about her here?
However, she changed her mind, it was okay to go, in case Shen Mingnan was dull and confused, she could quietly dodge and assist, maybe it would get twice the result with half the effort.

She put down the pastry in her hand: "Here we come."

Zhao Huiwei changed into a pink shirt before going out.

She walked all the way to the entrance of the Shen residence, and there was a young man in a blue shirt waiting beside the carriage. Zhao Huiwei didn't react at first, but when the blue shirt turned around, she froze in place.

Zhao Huiwei has always known that Shen Mingnan is very beautiful, the kind of beauty that takes people's heart and soul, and is so beautiful.

When he was wearing black clothes, he looked like a king in the dark, but when he was wearing a bright blue shirt, he added a touch of softness to the fierceness.

His brows and eyes are flat, and there is a warm color in his black eyes.

Holding a black folding fan in his hand, his black hair is tied high with a jade-colored ribbon.

In heaven and earth, it is hard to find someone like him.

Shen Mingnan was dumbfounded when he saw her. For the first time, he felt that it was not bad to be beautiful. The corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "Get in the car."

Only then did Zhao Huiwei come back to his senses: "Come, come..."

For Yao Nanjia's sake, he was able to take off his favorite black robe and put on a blue shirt.

Zhao Huiwei was speechless for a moment.

After the two got into the car, they didn't speak again.

Shen Mingnan glanced at her lightly from the corner of his eye, seeing that she was a little absent-minded, he coughed lightly.

Hearing the movement, Zhao Huiwei raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes met his, and she seemed to see some expectation in his eyes.


What do you mean?
Want her to praise him?
It seems to be... Could it be that you want people to boast about changing new clothes?

After thinking about it, she smiled brightly: "My lord."

"You look so beautiful today."

"The clothes look good, and so do the people."

When Shen Mingnan heard the answer he wanted, he hummed lightly.

He also wanted to be softer, but he couldn't let it go.

So he was so stiff, and he didn't relax until he got off the car after Mingyue Lake.

A little annoyed in his heart, he might not be able to meet Qi Yang's expectations.

After Zhao Huiwei got out of the car, she looked around and found that Yao Nanjia's meeting place was in Huai Shulin, which was relatively secluded and most suitable for romance.

So now she wanted to lure Shen Mingnan over, and then excused herself to leave, leaving space for the two of them.

"Young master, let's go to the pagoda forest. I walked too fast last time and I didn't see it clearly."

Shen Mingnan responded lightly: "Okay."

The two walked side by side on the bridge, Shen Mingnan looked at the necked mandarin ducks on the lake, and for a moment the scenery of Mingyue Lake was a bit brighter in his eyes.

At least it looks better than last time.

After crossing the bridge, they walked to the left and passed the rose bushes. Not far ahead was the locust tree forest. The closer they got, the more nervous Zhao Huiwei became. She seemed to have heard Yao Nanjia's voice.

She took a deep breath, and just as she was thinking of an excuse to run away, there was another quarrel in front of her.

Gan! ! !
Who is doing bad things here!

"Nanjia, go back with Gu."

"Are you following me? I didn't expect such a high-minded person, His Royal Highness, to do such a thing."

The male voice held back his anger, while the female voice was always fearless, neither humble nor overbearing...


Why is Cheng Yu here!
Zhao Huiwei looked at Shen Mingnan, and saw that he was looking at her in the same way.

She felt guilty for a moment... This is different from the script she thought.

But... I didn't help last time, so I have to lend a helping hand this time.

Zhao Huiwei pretended to be stupid: "What's the matter in front? It seems that there is a lot of quarrel, young master, should we persuade?"

(End of this chapter)

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