The villain took me crooked after wearing the book

Chapter 201 Visiting the Xu Mansion

Chapter 201 Visiting the Xu Mansion
Only then did Yingluo go out, and closed the door behind her.

Shen Mingnan, who was still indifferent at first, saw that there was no one else, so he took out the hairpin in his hand, and made another one according to the style she liked in memory.

This hairpin took him several days, and every day when he came back from duty, he went into the study to fiddle with it.

When he heard that she embroidered a purse for him, the boredom of the past few days was swept away, and there was still a faint joy in his heart.

"Knock knock."

Shen Mingnan put down the peach hairpin again: "Come in."

Yan Yuan held a post in his hand: "Second Master Xu sent you a post."

After putting it on the table, Yanyuan went out.

Shen Mingnan didn't even read the post, instead he found a crimson box in the study, and gently put the hairpin in his hand into it.

He stroked it lightly for a moment before placing it on the table, then picked up the post and glanced at ten lines.

He raised his eyebrows lightly, and the post invited him and Yan Yan to go to Xu Mansion to taste wine tomorrow.

Needless to say, it must be the two of them making up again, it happens that he will take a bath tomorrow, and it has been four days since he and Zhao Huiwei last saw each other.

With this reason, he went aboveboard.

Zhao Huiwei was still fiddling with the purse, stuffing it into the sleeves when Shen Mingnan came in a hurry.

Shen Mingnan saw this scene as soon as he came in: "What are you hiding?"

Zhao Huiwei quickly put down her sleeves and shook her head: "It's nothing."

Shen Mingnan glanced at a corner of the black cloth with sharp eyes, and shook the post in his hand in a good mood: "Xu Ziheng invited us to visit Xu's residence tomorrow."

Zhao Huiwei took it with her hand and smiled happily: "The wine is ready, I am looking forward to the taste of it."

"You came up with the prescription again this time?" Shen Mingnan asked suddenly.

Zhao Huiwei nodded without thinking, "Of course, this recipe is unique."

It is unique in this dynasty. Fresh and unique things are always attractive. Zhao Huiwei is full of thoughts about how to make money after the wine is launched.

He didn't notice the deep meaning in Shen Mingnan's eyes.

The next day, July [-]th.

Yingluo chose a beautiful dress for Zhao Huiwei, and Wuyin pulled her hair back.

The figure in the bronze mirror was blurred, and Yingluo said, "Girl, do you want to put on makeup?"

Zhao Huiwei shook her head, she thought it was troublesome, Yingluo held a box of lip balm in her hand: "Put this on, it will show your complexion."

Smear some on her lips, adding a thin layer of red to the lips, making them look more hydrated.

Yingluo smiled with satisfaction, "It's really beautiful."

"The prince wants you to go ahead and have breakfast with him first." Wu Yin whispered beside her.

Zhao Huiwei stood up and went out. Rhubarb circled around her twice, then sat at the door and watched her go away, and then ran to the east wall with all four limbs.

In Jiangyun Pavilion, there was a boy cleaning the courtyard, seeing Zhao Huiwei coming, he stopped his movements and lowered his head respectfully.

Zhao Huiwei took a look at him, he was very thin and not tall, and she disappeared in a blink of an eye, and she walked into the house.

Wang Li outside glanced at Zhao Huiwei's back, then lowered his head and continued to clean the courtyard.

Inside the room, there were two pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table, and Shen Mingnan sat in front of the table and waited for her to take a seat.

His eyes flashed across her face, and then he drank the porridge gracefully, and the two of them spent their breakfast in silence.

Outside the mansion, Feng Ming was waiting. Since he became a coachman, he was now free. He walked around the streets all day long. Compared with Qi Yuan, the capital city is much more fun.

After the two got into the car, he drove the carriage and left here.

Herring Lane is not too far from Changchun Road.

Only one street away, Zhao Huiwei opened the curtain curiously and looked at the scenery of this street.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure from behind.

It was only after the carriage passed that the man's face could be seen clearly.


Shen Mingnan looked at her: "What's wrong?"

"That person just now, it seems that someone has gone." Zhao Huiwei frowned and thought hard, but couldn't remember who it was.

Shen Mingnan glanced at her, and silently uttered two words: "Li Niang."

"That's right, that's her, the cook's daughter in Shuiyunjian." Zhao Huiwei looked at him curiously: "My lord, did you see her just now?"

Shen Mingnan responded lightly: "En."

He was looking at her and saw Li Niang by the way. Seeing her ignorant and ignorant look, he couldn't help but start to wonder, is it true that a woman likes a man like her?
Zhao Huiwei turned her head and continued to look outside the carriage: "Strange, why is she here? It seems that there is something wrong with her state."

"I don't know." Shen Mingnan replied.

Zhao Huiwei didn't expect him to give her an answer, but the Li Niang who just passed by was completely different from what she saw a few days ago.

The car soon stopped at the gate of Xu's mansion, and Feng Ming went to find a place to park after the two got out of the car.

Shen Mingnan was in front, and there was a young man guarding the door. When he saw someone coming, he hurriedly opened the front door: "My lord, my second son is waiting for you two at the Yaoyue Pavilion."

He nodded, and took Zhao Huiwei to the main hall to meet Xu Shangshu.

With a young servant leading the way, he walked through the many arches to the main hall of Xu Mansion.

Xu Shangshu and his wife Han Shi have been waiting in the hall for a long time.

When Shen Mingnan entered the door, when he saw Xu Shangshu, he cupped his hands and bowed: "Xu Shangshu."

Xu Shangshu raised his hand: "My son, don't be too polite."

"Sister Huiwei, you are finally here."

A cheerful and crisp child's voice sounded, and Xu Ziqian happily came to Zhao Huiwei.

Holding her hand, he came to Han Shi: "Mother, this is sister Huiwei who saved me."

Han has a beautiful face, a slender figure, not very tall, and looks very small and exquisite.

She hurriedly held Zhao Huiwei's hand, with a grateful expression on her face: "My master and I have long wanted to visit you, thank you for saving my brother Qian's life, girl, what do you want, as long as our Xu family can do it Yes, I will definitely find it for you."

Zhao Huiwei patted Han's hand lightly: "Madam is too polite, I don't think if I were replaced by someone else, Ziqian would not be saved."

"Besides, Mr. Xu has already given me the jade token of the Xu family, and he has promised that I can exchange the jade token for anything."

Han sighed: "That's good, as long as you can use the Xu family, you can just ask."

Zhao Huiwei smiled: "Huiwei will definitely not be polite at that time."

Han's sense of Zhao Huiwei improved a bit. Even though she heard that she was a peasant girl from the countryside, she didn't shrink back, on the contrary, she was quite airy.

His personality is also upright and straightforward, and he won't refuse on the surface like others but actually want more.

Xu Ziqian looked around, stood between them and said, "Mother, I took Sister Huiwei to find my second brother, he has been waiting for a long time."

Han nodded with a smile: "Go."

Fatty Xu Ziqian led the way with a smile, and Shen Mingnan came to Zhao Huiwei's side: "Yan Yan, let's go."

Zhao Huiwei bowed to Mrs. Han, and then followed Shen Mingnan.

"Master, did Brother Heng say that he is doing business with Miss Zhao?"

Xu Shangshu nodded: "It is true, this woman is extraordinary."

Mrs. Han had an idea in her mind: "You said that brother Heng is going to be eighteen. I haven't seen anyone in the middle of the capital see him. It's rare that there is a girl who fits his eyes. Tell me about this." it worthy?"

(End of this chapter)

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